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Diovani Bressan

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Everything posted by Diovani Bressan

  1. We should get Peony and Triandra Thrasir remixes next month, with the speculation of each Mythic getting their own banner now considering the amount of units scheduled for February. I am looking forward for these refinements, since I use Peony in every Light season and Triandra needs some help. I remember when she was a threat back when she released in 2019. For Peony, I would like for her to grant "nullifies unit's penalties during combat" status effect when refreshing allies in her refinement or remix, so she can work as a Yune counter. Next month's seasonal refinement should be New Year Alfonse & Sharena, so I don't think we will see Dimitri or Forsyth next month. I can see the New Power banner taking one of these two forms: NY Alfonse, Edelgard, Norne and Catria NY Alfonse, Byleth, Nagi and Silque Sigurn will be the Grail refinement.
  2. I remember I had some hard time doing Fae's map back in 2021. But now? It was quite easy. @GuiltyLove Awakening is an easy limitation for you, since you have some pretty strong dragons for that. Farina is not someone I am used to see that often... sometimes I even forget she is in the game. Summer Lyn got an incredible refinement, which makes her a very good unit.
  3. I only did the first circle, and then picked Flame Lyn as my freebie.
  4. From the Fire Emblem Engage game, a new Grand Hero, Lumera: Dragon Monarch, is waiting in Special Maps. Defeat this dragon monarch filled with compassion to make her your ally! This map was quite easy.
  5. Now much to say about this map, other that little Watermelon Dragon had fun. @GuiltyLove Marth is my favorite Macedon unit. Maria showing that she is still very capable. Eirika was like "what is WTD?" to Surtr was quite nice. Took me until the half of the video to realize that Amelia had a fish. lol
  6. So Protection Bow+ is pretty much a non-seasonal versions of Reindeer Bow+, however they updated it by increasing the allies within X spaces's range, from 2 spaces to 3 spaces. Lumera is quite a facinating unit. She is probably the best F2P Sword Infantry unit we have, and a very well recommended unit. She is better than Holst in my opinion, but for people who already +10ed Holst and gave him good fodder I don't see a need to +10 her to put her in Holst's place in the Arena team.
  7. I didn't plan to spark on this banner, but after seeing we got 5 extra tickets (9 in total), I got baited. I ended with 2 Alears (one already died to Holst), 1 Valentina Catria, 1 Fiora (wrong 5* exclusive with Pegasus Flight), 1 Rennac, 1 Hugh, and a sparked Alfred. Honestly, not bad! I am happy that I got some nice results.
  8. I also want her to get an alt. The only alt she got was the Spring one in 2018. She was also Alfonse's backpack for one of the New Year banner, but that doesn't count since that's an Alfonse Alt and not a Sharena Alt. Veronica winning CYL was a result of people wanting a playable Veronica, plus people seeing her in 4th-5th place in the interim results and then rallying her for the last days. I am pretty sure if we knew what position Sharena was in the interim of this year that could help her.
  9. The next Hall of Forms that will become on the 23rd will be themed on Fire Emblem Fates, and it will have as Forma options:
  10. Sharena in the top 2 would be amazing! I would love that.
  11. They better not make Etie a colorless archer. Make her a Green Bow Infantry instead, or any color outside colorless really. If not, then she will be our 5th colorless demote in a row.
  12. Alfred's Prf skill in Engage has the same name as his Prf skill in FEH: Self-Improver. In Engage, it is: It unit uses Wait without attacking or using items, grants Str+2 for 1 turn. How did it went from Str+2 when doing nothing to a bunch of stats and Guard?!
  13. GHB (Lumera) and free hero (Etie) from log-in/quests.
  14. A single dude that will not even be added to the main pool once the banner ends.
  15. Here: https://fire-emblem-heroes.com/en/order-of-heroes/
  16. From what I got checking the previews, Lumera looks to be a tutorial boss in Engage?
  17. We will get free copies of Etie as well. In Engage, her starting class is Archer. I didn't expect the first banner to be Alear + Firene units. I was expecting Alear + Alear's retainers.
  18. Now you made me scared or a possible Rearmed Marth being announced in less than 4 hours and I am not ready for that. lol
  19. If we get Engage, I feel like the banner will have no Ascended or Rearmed Hero. The only exception would be if that hero was an OC from Heroes, like Rearmed Thrasir for example... But I am not expecting that. For Engage's first banner, I am expecting a 4 Normal Heroes banner.
  20. I would like a FE4 Young Heroes... like Julius before Loptous maybe?
  21. I think the idea of Provoke would be a passive skill or status effect that has as effect "If two or more units are in attacking range of an enemy unit, that foe can only initiate combat against this unit. Provoke does not trigger if multiple units are able to use Provoke during the same combat.". It would kinda be the same idea as Savior, with the difference of a unit does not move to an ally space and both units need to be in enemy's range. Another effect that Provoke could have, in addition to the effect I described above, is "Enemy units not controlled by another player will follow the unit with Provoke.". So like... if you have an Askr in the left side of the map taht has Provoke, and an Eir in the right side of the map, and none of them is in enemy range, the bow cav foe will move though the left side of the map and follow Askr, instead of following Eir who they can easily kill because of Effective Damage and Eir having low Def.
  22. Everytime we get close to February's Special Heroes, I think: "Okay, who is the next dead dad we will make the banner about?" 2018: Hector 2019: Greil 2020: Rudolf 2021: Gustav 2022: Chrom (he is dead in Lucina's world) Maybe it's Sigurd's time? It could be Jeralt or even Lambert (I would actually like this last one). A Duo Lambert & Dimitri would actually be great.
  23. We got a new calendar, with all the events for Januany 2023 and early February 2023. I hope I didn't forget anything, or made any typo.
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