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Diovani Bressan

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Everything posted by Diovani Bressan

  1. With the new remixes now live, we have an updated scheudle for these heroes and... it looks interesting. Thanks to Mina, btw. Tiki and Julia alone in those months, and 5 colorless heroes in May... Something is happening and a lot of people (myself, included) has a theory for that. Our guess is that Legendary/Mythic Heroes are coming to Hall of Forms. The even even has a banner now, so that would be their reruns. Some of these heroes even match the theme of that month's HoF: In April we have Shadow Dragon / (New) Mystery of the Emblem for Hall of Forms. Tiki is scheduled to rerun that month. May is Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, and both Alm and Duma are candidates for that. June is Genealogy of the Holy War, and Julia is alone in that month for the reruns. Just to remember the themes for the remaining of the year: March: Heroes / April: Shadow Dragon / May: Echoes / June: Genealogy / July: Thracia / August: Binding Blade / September: Blazing Blade / October: Sacred Stones / November: Path of Radiance / December: Radiant Dawn.
  2. I already put the Daylight Savings in consideration when I did the list of events.
  3. Another month, another FEH's event schedule calendar. In March 13th begins March's Limited Hero Battles. Some of them are in the current data already. Here are the battles for this month: In April 10th begins April's Limited Hero Battles. Of course they are not in the data yet, but we can speculate what will be the maps and their respective limitations based on the previous Limited Battles: My guess for April's Version Update will be in April 5th.
  4. A new Twitter Poll is now available, to decide the next Hall of Forms Revival, scheduled to return in May. At the moment: Echoes is in first place in the English poll, taking ~37% of the votes. Sacred Stones coming in second place, with ~32%. Binding Blade is third place, with almost 16% Blazing Blade at last place in the moment, with near 15% of votes. I am not sure if Sacred Stones will be able to beat Echoes, and take first place. Meanwhile, I expect a duel between Binding and Blazing to see which one will not get removed from the poll. My opinion about this poll is: whatever who wins, I am not getting any of them. The better ones are Echoes and Sacred Stones. I would prefer Echoes winning, because it has more units that I like that I also think have more utility overall. Sacred Stones, I only care about Myrrh. The others 3 are very meh to me.
  5. To me, I separate the fairy types. I don't put Ljósálfr and dökkálfr on the same group. I have to agree with you that Palla has one of the better execution of the fairy theme... or, to be more especific, the light fairy theme. For the dark fairy theme, there are some heroes I really like with the resplendent, like Elincia, Corrin, and Deirdre (my favorite one of the dökkálfr). Sadly, we may never get Fairy Narcian since looks like we will never get Grail Units in Resplendent Attires... I would love to have Emblian Xander, Múspell Arvis or Hel/Dökkálfr Lyon, but oh well...
  6. It was found an issue with Thrasir's Killing Intent+. The remixed B skill is producing a new effect that is not present in the description. If the condition for the skill is met (foe's HP is below 100% or if any Penalty is active on foe), then the extra effect is happening: Grants guaranteed follow-up to unit and, if there is a foe that has a stat penalty within 2 spaces of the target Thrasir is in combat with then Thrasir nullifies Guard effects. So pretty much she is also getting Guaranteed Follow-ups and Null Guard, as long there is a stat debuffed foe near the target. I have no idea how that happened. I wonder if this is an effect for a future hero and it was already included in the game's data for this last version update, but the effect was accidentally programmed into Killing Intent+. It's not that uncommon for IS to make effects not working as used to, like how we got Céline's issue last time. But this time it was different... It's not a case of Thrasir's effects not working as intended, but instead she getting 2 new effects from nowhere.
  7. I am fine with the results. My Fomortiis will be +3 now. I hope I can get more merges in the banner.
  8. Mila's big drive going from +2 to +4 is very welcomed, and the extra visible Def+4 will help with Mila's Turnwheel. The Dull Atk effect is nice, I guess. Byleth got what I expect: stats+8, some Damage Reduction, and Null damage reduction when special triggers. I didnt expect them to increase Forsyth's healing. The Deep Wounds reduction was expected though. Astram is just a ball of stats. At least he grants bonuses to all allies now. Selkie is a ball stats, but with Null Follow-up. Celica's Refinement is alright, but combined with her remix it is actually quite good. Decent batch overall. But I think I will only refine Mila, since she is the only one I use with more frequency.
  9. And don't forget that her Prf dance also inflict stats-3 and Guard on foes. She is full of effects.
  10. I totally agree on this. I really hope people don't meme next year and put her again in the Top 8. I accept Summer Edelgard in Top 8 next year again, because I believe she will still be considered a good unit. We will probably have a new Edelgard alt this year though, which will guarantee to take a slot. The matches would be totally different if we removed Fallen Edelgard and moved everyone else below her 1 up: Summer Edelgard Vs Embla; Fomortiis Vs Veronica; (which would make me sad since I would want both in the banner) Chrom Vs. Robin; (which would be funny, honestly) Camilla Vs. Ophelia.
  11. An interesting change for Mila would be: Giving her, as extra skill, Fortress Def/Res 3. Update Mila's Turnwheel to inflict Isolation on foes in cardinal directions with Def or Res < unit's Def or Res through their next actions. So she would use both stats to inflict penalties on foes, so all those Eldigans that I hate so much would not be able to avoid her. lol
  12. Don't for get that they will introduce a new type of unit this year, and we will get an Edelgard of that as well.
  13. And the tradition continues, of Edelgard losing on Round 1 of Voting Gauntlet. And this time, she lost it twice! We are getting pretty much my perfect banner possible. Well... Time to save all my orbs for this.
  14. I was really hoping Mila would be the hero bringing False Start to the Light Season in her remix... Sadly, that's not the case. Right now, I am a little disappointed with her remix. It's not bad... but not something I actually needed.
  15. I was expecting Bramimond instead of Naga, but oh well. One thing that bothers me is Byleth taking two slots in the New Power Banners which means we have one less refinement than normal this month (2 Legendaries, 1 grail, 1 Seasonal and 2 normal heroes, instead of 2/1/1/3) For next month, I expect Edelgard, Bantu, Silque and NY Alfonse, with Conrad as the grail unit.
  16. I will focus on the Awakening Path. I want Savvy Fighter for my Winter Marth.
  17. The fact that they made Legendary Robin 200 BST instead of 195 BST bothers me. They are really trying to sell Legendary Heroes at this point, with all this stuff of Bonus Legendaries and now this BST increase. We were already expecting it, since February they usually do the BST increase... but they went from 190 to 200, skipping 195. Legendary Heroes score the same as Duo Heroes now.
  18. The best banner for me would be Veronica, Camilla, Fomortiis and Ophelia. I will probably join Veronica on Round 1.
  19. Considering the Arcane Bow will have NFU (or at least the offensive part) and she runs Windsweep on the B slot, right? Because outside the real owners of the Arcane Weapons, heroes that inherit them cannot run their Prf skills. Which means Brave Lyn cannot run Sacae's Blessing alongside an Arcane Bow. Without Sacae's Blessing in consideration, I would just say use Leonie instead... unless the player really like Lyn more or already has her at +10 and well invested.
  20. The A Hero Rises Voting Gauntlet is coming! Remember: The four winners of Round 1 will appear in a summoning event scheduled for the second half of March, which you can get a free copy by doing 40 summons, up to 4 times! And the winner of this Voting Gauntlet will be gifted to all players... for a limited time! Also... for this Voting Gauntlet, you will not get a 1.1x voting boost if your leader is the same character as the Hero whose army you joined. If you are on Team Veronica, for example, you will not get a higher score by using Veronica during the event. So... Which army will you support? Predictors by @DarkAlf: PREDICTOR A PREDICTOR B
  21. Next batch of Special Heroes will be Spring Heroes. Child/Young Heroes are in April. Oh wow. I actually didn't know about that. I don't use Chrom's Duo Skill that ofter... Or at all. Robin just became more annoying then.
  22. I think he may be a very annoying foe to deal with. Sure, we can nullify our own penalties... But there is no way to nullify foe's penalties. With his weapon and A skill alone against a foe that has Null Penalties, Robin is getting +8 to all stats on himself during combat, and inflicting Atk/Spd/Res-13 on foe. Then his B skill can add up to extra Atk-11. All this is in-combat stats, not visible. And they cannot be nullified. I think the main problem with Robin is that he cannot be danced. He will penalize himself at start of turn, but once he moves he losses all the penalties. Once he gets dancer, all those penalties on himself are gone. He works better as a player phase unit, because it's the phase you are guaranteed to have penalties. In enemy phase, it will depend on the foes if they can debuff Robin or not. I think he is a very good Legendary Hero, but not really needed. He is probably increasing the Legendary Duel effect though, becoming the highest scoring Earth Legendary I believe.
  23. Even though I am still not a fan of Resplendents Brave Heroes, she looks fine. However, I wished she was not Múspell, considering we just got Brave Roy that is also Múspell... so we got two Brave heroes with the same theme.
  24. Young Marth's refinement should be at the end of this year, or beginning of next one. March and April should be the remaining of the New Year heroes: Selkie and Alfonse. May and June will be Valentines: Rudolf and Alm. 2020 Spring Heroes has 3 prf weapon, so it will take July, August and October: Fir, Est and Idunn. Wait... did I skip September? Well, I did. Because even though it too soon for them, I expect CYL 5 refinements in September and they don't do seasonals alongside CYL. So for Young Heroes, it should begin in November of this year. Going by banner's order, Marth should be the first one... but we never know.
  25. Pretty easy map. @GuiltyLoveWow! Catria hitting the big numbers is fun to watch! Seeing Spring Est there reminded me that her refinement is coming this year. Considering we still have 2 New Years and 2 Valentines refinements to do, 2020 Spring Heroes should begin getting refinements in July. @BoaFerox Nice clear! I liked how Tana doesn't care about WTA, and went all in with her lance against Ludveck. @Yggi Nice team you have here. Good idea in bringing an AoE special to deal with these foes, and saving Ludveck for Altena in the end, I hope Altena gets a good refinement in the next months... better than what her father got.
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