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Status Updates posted by Alabaster

  1. Happy birthday!! ^w^

  2. Yay, you're turning 18 too!


    (And I came back from England two days ago! XD Just in time!)

  3. So... Italy is ENTIRELY covered by snow! I'm loving this. No school, YAY!

    1. Zanarkin


      GIVE IT BACK!!! Actually its snowing here where i am in ontario, but unfortunately not snowing here on the week, and the time it has snowed there is no school cancellation. :(

    2. Alabaster


      Haha XD Well, all this snow caused a lot of diseases, and right now it's melting, so it looks like we're swimming in a big pool XD

  4. Woah, Happy Birthday! XD

  5. Ahah, Thanks a lot Kitty and Astelaine! XD

  6. Finally, it's snowing! I'm so happy <3

    1. Light Lord

      Light Lord

      Congrats and enjoy it!

      I can only dream of snow where I live XD

    2. Darros


      Snow is great. Except when you have to shovel it. ;/

  7. Figlio di una spiaggia!!! XD

  8. Tsk. I'm Agan the Green... and Red. ù_ù

  9. Currently playing Fire Emblem Super Trachia 776, oh my... xD

    1. Light Lord

      Light Lord

      Good luck beating it, I had troubles doing so XD

      But it's worth playing it.

    2. Alabaster


      Yeah, this is just awesome... THOSE ARDANS. xD

    3. Maji


      Did you get to the children with big red axes and 255 Str part? =o

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