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Smashy B

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Everything posted by Smashy B

  1. Out of the blue my friend pulls out the game from nowhere and we started playing it. Since I couldn't beat the final chapter on story mode, we did the regular racing and unlocked everyone. I grew a liking to using Little Wyvern or James McCloud's machine.
  2. That works... Now it feels empty.... fuck
  3. If you're talking hard mode, forget her. And use Oujay instead of Dieck.
  4. How about no images? I really don't like looking at them. No offense.
  5. Smashy B


    I'm with Faiya, I find Nino to be a great unit and relativity easy for me to train (As stated before). So what if she's not around for the whole game? She makes an excellent endgame character.
  6. I trained both and arena abused Sophia. If you want an easy way, use Ray and don't bother with Sophia. However, if your like me and are patient enough to train Sophia (Arena), then you'll find that she turns out better in the end. She pretty much had the same stats as Ray, if not better, except in skill. That's the only thing Ray beats her on. I used just about every magic user in FE6 on my first play through, so I know who's good. And Sophia outclasses Niime.
  7. Niime was probably a babe when she was 80 years younger.
  8. What is the purpose of Con? Eidt: aside from rescuing and shoving
  9. I'm not to good with histery, but I'm pretty good with history. Bad joke aside, I don't care. Edit: God damn that was terrible.
  10. I dunno, I'd like to agree with you, but I've listened to some Hollywood Undead before, and they define emo.
  11. Well, well, happy birthday.

  12. He's just jealous he can't eat whatever he want's and gain muscle.
  13. Thanks a lot. =D

  14. Rock, Alternative, Punk, Metal, and Emo. (Three Days Grace is considered emo).
  15. I'd rather have him president than a Socialist. And you link fails on me.
  16. It means McCain thinks like a Democrat even though he represents the Republican party. I saw a bumper sticker with it and was tempted to buy it.
  17. Is that a problem? He probably burns it all before lunch.
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