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Everything posted by Espinosa

  1. Their BS page is in Spanish (right?) apparently, but I think there was an explanation of the menus on GameFAQs.
  2. I unzipped my archive, the game seems to be running fine on the emulator. I'll try to make as much sense out of the game as I can alone first, as soon as I get the academic burdens off. Thanks for offering help, Othin, from the videos of it I saw on YouTube, the menus are pretty sizeable and there's a lot of text, so I doubt I'll be able to figure everything out on my own (though trial and error might help).
  3. Why would we not grab the early Physic from the dragon's cave? It's not terribly difficult on Hard 1 Mode if you send a durable Cavalier to face it. I do agree you have plenty of time to build Wrys's staff rank, even on an LTC run.
  4. What's the learning curve of this game if you don't recognise any Japanese? I hear it's pretty different from both FE and TRS, always wanted to play it though.
  5. Why does he suicide into my units at 1-range when he could attack with a Javelin instead? Hate this guy.
  6. No, what I mean is that low hit rates will be even more dangerously low with Biorhythm taken into account.
  7. Is BS's lord a mounted bow user? That's pretty cool.
  8. Would faith have any value if it were forced upon humankind?
  9. "Doubling Generals" is hardly an insult in this game, though, seeing that the generals in the game aren't much slower than the rest of the enemy classes. Edward and Nolan struggle to double armoured knights for a while. Even your armoured knights - Meg and Gatrie - are reasonably speedy (and Gatrie starts doubling stuff with just a Speedwing and some BEXP).
  10. How would that work? Train her as a mage and then reclass to Swordmaster upon promotion for instant Levin Sword access?
  11. Shiida is one of a kind for her Wing Spear though. Somebody with an existing strength growth and a good base would make a much better sniper, Linde's hardly the worthiest of the candidates.
  12. He also played a big role in defeating a far greater evil with consequences that would have stretched far beyond what Stalin's absurd regime had lead to, if it hadn't been prevented.
  13. Sasha's bases: 18 HP 2 strength 3 skill (this one's kind of a problem with her being swordlocked for a while) 6 speed 2 defence 2 magic 6 luck 4 wplv Narron's bases: 22 HP 5 strength 2 skill 4 speed 3 defence 0 magic 6 luck 5 wplv Sasha is more likely to double with swords, giving her extra chances to get that kill you're trying to feed her, but her low skill is not fixed until she promotes to Peg and is able to wield lances. Sasha's growths: 40% HP 20% strength 30% skill 50% speed 15% defence 20% magic 40% luck 30% wplv Narron's growths: 60% HP 35% strength 25% skill 20% speed 22% defence 15% magic 25% luck 30% wplv Narron ends up with better strength, but his speed won't be very high unless he's lucky with his levels-up. Admittedly, even his base speed after promotion is enough to double most enemies in the game for a while. He has +1 extra movement (Raffin is the only flier in the game with 8 mov) and can engage archers and hunters without any fear. Narron is more durable with Big Shield, and Continue + Blazing Wind gives him better chances of ORKOing stuff he normally fails to (which he shouldn't, really). Narron's auto-Elite makes him very easy to train right off the bat assuming you don't prefer Lee or somebody else over him (then you'll train him in one of the zombie encounters on Holmes' route), while Sasha has to wait till lv. 10 to get Elite, after which she can get her wings already. Sasha doesn't really get any good skills for killing stuff, though Gale helps her finish off weakened enemies on EP, and Continue makes her very likely to perform extra attacks thanks to her great speed (lv. 10 Draco Sasha has 13.5 speed on average). She is good at supporting others, starting with Charisma, and giving her the mirror will make the Charisma boost 10% not counting supports. And when we do get to supports, Sasha's are clearly superior: 10% with Loffaru, 4% with Mahtel and 6% with Raffin, the latter two are also fliers with similar movement likely to find themselves in the same corner of the map together. Narron only supports Runan, and only in the event you chose him on the first opportunity, otherwise he gets nothing. Training Sasha does take a lot of effort and she will never end up as good as Narron (that is, able to single-handedly destroy the opposition without any outside help), but she has a unique niche of a very fast flier who grows fast thanks to Elite and supports some of the game's best characters. Her start as a foot unit is pretty rough and 4 wplv doesn't give her access to anything better than a Steel Sword / Scimitar until she procs some of the stat, but I'd argue she's still preferred to units like Kreiss and Arkis because those two never get wings while she does, and levelling them up is a chore as they level up slowly and don't have the defensive capabilities to counter several enemies on EP.
  14. 1/10 I'm watching Toothache's draft progress and he's about to promote her, though it's normal mode and he's scripting (I think). She definitely looks more manageable than Wendy. Worse than Lilina though, due to having less availability and worse hit rates.
  15. 30 Evade given by Starlight is not nearly as big as it looks though. If we compare Maruju wielding his Wundergust tome to Meriah's Starlight, Meriah will lose 7 AS and with it 14 evasion, making her avoid boost technically just 16 - not nearly enough for a fragile character who's 2HKO'd by everything and OHKO'd by long-ranged ballisticians. Maruju comes earlier, doubles more often and can wield Sylpheed unpromoted, which Meriah can't (and there's none on Runan's route until the second reunion iirc). If you want to make any use of Sasha, give her favouritism and baby her beginning with chapter 1, and promote her to Draco the moment you get the flute before you switch to Holmes for the first time. Her growths are unimpressive, but everybody's growths are kinda meh in this game (especially if you compare them to games like New Mystery, Sacred Stones or PoR). What matters most is that she grows really fast once she gets Elite, and her promotion bonuses into Pegasus Knight and then shortly Draco give her +7 defence, +6 strength, +3 agility, +5 defence, +3 move. This is about as good as Narron's promotion bonuses (though she has to promote twice, and the first dragon flute is very expensive). I would argue that 10K is worth another competent flier unit, and if you intend to train Sasha, you should definitely give her immediate attention.
  16. Well, nobody's ever gone to jail for liking well-drawn character portraits from a video game. Shiida can be one if reclassed. Louise and Igrene are still better-looking, and the competition's not too stiff with girls like Dorothy and Rebecca.
  17. Yeah actually, I don't like her FE10 portrait at all. Everybody else was rendered really well in RD on the other hand, namely Titania, Jill or even Nephenee.
  18. That's Sylvia? Eh. You must've watched too much anime if she turns you on, because she's got nothing on FE9 Mist, Shiida or Echidna.
  19. I guess FE Awakening will be inspirational to all adolescents seeking advice on how to raise their A support with their loved one to the S level.
  20. I guess she's like Merlinus with inaccurate tomes then.
  21. Not mounted, but then again, there's no Canto or rescuing in the DS games, so that's not so terribly useful. Barst isn't statistically impressive in any way, but you use him and it really works somehow. 8/10
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