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Everything posted by PKL

  1. I doubt that. 2 skl, 4 spd, dies in one hit, joins in ch14, almost at the end of the game.
  2. Also, validar cant cause Seth any injuries, since hes not from his game.
  3. Really? That's lame. Didn't know and lol this is the original FE6 not a mod.
  4. [spoiler=Part 2] He finally gets rid of the Archer near the villages. Bleh. The Knight didn't die so he start running away. Some Knight he is... Rage, Zealot missed. But then again, so did the mage. Zealot still hasn't gotten hurt all chapter...wtf? And he just keeps dodging stuff o_o Well, I hope he moves from there because I kinda want to check out the armory... Rutger's promotion item! Though I'm not sure if i wanna promote him yet. Nevermind, I can't even promote him, he's not Level 10. I have Ferrot retreat from the throne room. These guys arrive. I wonder why they don't come in EP like HM enemies usually do... Roy :o. Deke gets an unneeded crit and Broah missed that soldier once. Sue finishes off the soldier that Broah missed and Wreck wrecks a soldier Lugh weakened just now. Amazing. Super nice. More staff spam. Ouchie. Roy needs all the help he can get. Strength though? HP maybe? This will probably come in handy...a lot later. Awesome. Lugh is once again the only one not facing crit and he can hit very accurately thanks to Fire and double this guy. He dodged too! A few rounds later... Great. Another kill before I seize. Sure.
  5. [spoiler=Chapter 7: The Ostian Revolt] The Chosen. Dorothy is being deployed because wyverns. i like the new names of these two. It's a shame his name doesn't sound like Geylance anymore though :( Those guys have way too much defense >_> Oh yeah, they're talking about Marcus 2.0 Aka Zealot. Roy receives the Robe. Should help him out some... Lol 1-2 range. Couldn't make him use Rapier or he would die. Marcus reaches S Lances. This should help his hit a bit. These guys are annoying. Zealot save me! Had to do this so Roy could advance. Zealot get...wait what? His name... Yep ;_; A merc gets tag teamed. Treck get. Also, improv time because Roy is kinda low on health and I forgot to have Clarine heal him. Something to spam for staff rank. 13 def why NO WHY Clarine being in range was all part of pran. A wild Broah has appeared! BRO Don't.you.dare.miss. Broah get. The hitrates kinda worry me, but I can't really do anything about em. One miss and it could all be over though because there are wayyy too many enemies in this map rushing you at the start. Ugh Positioning. I'm very safe from everything thanks to rescue+dropping. Jerrot is just dodging everything ever since I recruited him <3 I think that every single enemy missed in this enemy phase. Shouldn't be using Javelins. Rutger reaches B Swords. I don't think it does anything because there's like, no Silver Swords. Treck wrecks. I had to think this through a lot. But yeah, this was the right move. Lugh can't double this one because he used a Javelin to attack Shanna, so he isn't weighed down much, if at all. Sue can clean up though and gets a very Sue-ish level. Dorothy is weighed down enough by the Steel to get ORKO'd by a cavalier that will inevitably survive up north so I trade Sue's Iron Bow to her so she can survive. Fairly safe again. Rescue drop <3 This guy retreats and uses a vulnerary. Less pressure for me next turn I guess. Merlinus didn't die D: Tanking with her face is about all she does in this chapter. Roy reaches C Swords. He can use KE now, might be useful, maybe. I'm surprised I haven't missed yet. Just as I say that, Deke misses the first hit of this. Doesn't matter because noah hits both of these. Rutger didn't crit. Meh Sue gets another kill! Nice! The last cavalier standing is now not standing and Lugh reaches B Anima. Very productive fight. Aaand...Merlinus kicks the bucket. Very nice. What's up with that def? There's a Wyvern up there but he can't reach Marcus here. This is sure to come in handy. I think Saul is able to use it right away too, which is neat. Is this Archer exclusive in this game? If not, I can see Sue using this quite well. Lance goes up against this Archer and an Armor to get the villages. Lugh and Lance are just tearing stuff apart. So is Marcus. More money :D Wow, this wyvern is a lot lamer than I thought. Marcus can't double him though. I fail, so I didn't screencap LANCE GETTING TO SILVER. This is great! Another? That's nice. Didn't know there was another so soon. Probably would've spammed Rutger's a bit more. Marcus weakens the lame wyvern further and Sue steals the kill with Steel Bow. I wish she would get some other stats too. Being fast on a horse is good though. I buy 2 Thunder tomes for Lugh and 3 Chest Key sets. I thought I was prepared... But zealot only does 14x2 damage to the boss only with Armorslayer. Which isn't enough to one round so I can't really go in . She actually crit in the second hit. This is why I can't just go in. I can have zealot there though. Aside from a thunder crit, he's safe. To be continued...
  6. Ah I see. A Sacae gaiden? I dont recall an Ilia exclusive gaidne, unless you speak of the Juno map... Yeah, but still. Rutger shouldve proc'd it once by now at least! Also, I'm gonna add a poll. Who should get the Robe?
  7. [spoiler=Time to open more chests] More kills for Sue. Due to previous experience and FEwod, I know there are enemies in these rooms! I hate these displayed crits. Should be Fire IMO. Lugh is one damage away from ORKO'ing that thwomp, so Rutger finishes him off. I don't even care about the soldier because... Yeah, they're bad. She's just...wandering aimlessly. Wtf is she doing? Dorothy doubling...what? Oh...so that's what she was up to... I guess I could find a use for it, maybe. My face when I saw she opened the door was priceless I bet. But yeah, the enemies didn't move because she moves last or something. I wiped the floor with that room, so you get a Kill compilation or something like that. I can live with this...but your strength dude... Well I guess 2 great levels in a row would be asking for too much :/ Sue NOT YOU TOO! Marcus saves the day from having too many bad levels in a row! Now THAT is a lame miss that can cost me! Shanna rescues Marcus out of the way and Rutger cleans up though. Nice items...I'm so selling that Icon. Now that's just mean, Saul. This is not a good way to end the chapter :/ Almost double what I could've gotten If I had seized when Roy first could lol. "Yeah, you've heard of him? He's a bottom tier unit!" I imagine Djute are the guys you fight if you go Sacae? I haven't gone there so idk. More like Mother Lyn and Father Rath. To Ostia we go!
  8. That's even worse! [spoiler=Chapter 6: It's a Trap!] These are the units I chose to deploy. That Robe is just sitting on Roy's inventory. I haven't decided what to do with it...though it should indeed probably go to Roy... You should, like, totally not run away whenever Roy talks to you. It would work with better enemies. Oh, I totally didn't know! Lilina sole survivor of Hector famiry. RIP Sounds like a plan. Jerk boss must die. I love how Marcus can just walk to this guy and hit him right away with a Javelin. Ah Marcus, I love you so! Oh right, Jedi's pick. I had almost forgotten her! Rutger finishes the mercenary Marcus weakened earlier. Lance is almost ORKO'ing these guys Marcus though... Yeah, he wipes the floor with Soldiers too. He's like +5 spd I bet. Holy shit. Lck and Def haven't proc'd in a while. Rutger can ORKO with Steel Blade. Dondon is ALWAYS right! Rutger....your strength... Pro positioning skills or something like that. Armorslayer is so accurate. I love it <3 Steel Blade looking mad good. Yeah, I have Chad open this. The soldier is a scrub so he cant kill him anyway. He's now 3HKO'ing at least. I have clarine use a door key so that I can recruit Sue asap. Oh yeah, Merlinus sacrificed himself for the team. Useful/10 The displayed crit had me a little worried tbh. He even missed :/ Scrubdier dies to Lugh Whoa. This is nice! This is the same one Dorothy chipped in EP Ooooh yeaaah. The third unit of the run, jedi's pick. I wonder how she'll do. I have Clarine Shanna and Marcus ferry Roy over here. Marcus is barely out of range as you can see. Both the Mage and Lance missed each other. Lance just finishes him off in player phase with an iron sword. Sue is able to attack in EP because I parked her in the edge of the soldier's range. I need Lugh up here to take care of mages. His high luck means he faces no crit chance from Thunder Mages. Sue gets her first kill! Cass arrives. I have Marcus drop Roy there so he can talk to Cass. What's with all these high hit dodges? Oh yeah, the first mage in the boss room gets lured by Deke since it doesnt have Thunder. You know...She would speed this chapter up in Casual if she stayed >_>. Another unit to loot chests with would be great. Sue will take on the fire mage while Lugh will lure a Thunder mage. About time he got speed... These guys hurt. Nice, he dodged. Rescue chaining Chad over to these chests. Shanna weakens the mage for Sue and she surprises me with an amazing level! Lugh blocks this jerk from reaching my units. That mage up there is stationary. Another dodge. That's pretty nice. Lugh weakens the stationary mage further so Rutger can KO it without risking the counter. Marcus leaves Chad over here and rushes up. Roy is carried by Lance. Risky, but I decide to risk it. These jerks costed me my first run. I left Marcus there just for this. Nice. You know you're bad when you can't even double loldiers. I'm liking Sue already... Deke weakens this other loldier for Lugh. Awesome level! NO Rutger D: ... ...What was that? Clearly you didn't take into account that Rutger exists! BRO. But that strength... MORE CASH These thwomps are so bad, that they dont even have a Javelin equipped first. I rescue Rutger out of there though, can't risk him getting hit. And Roy arrives to the throne room thanks to Lance. This Lugh is so tanky :o How do some people even play without Marcus? I mean, look at that, he just took 2 Iron Lances to the face, a bow and a mage and he ORKO'd some of them and almost ORKO'd the soldier...with a Javelin. <3 Sue :o Lame misses. Shanna had to get the kill. Lugh is still having fun with the stationary thwomps. I COULD seize right now...but I want the treasure.
  9. My Panne with 14 Speed as a 10/15 Wyvern Rider when Cherche joined in Lunatic immediately came to my mind. Shoutouts to Miriel having 27 hp and 7 def as a Sage in one of my first files all the way in Chapter 21.
  10. Brawl isn't a bad game. The thing is, it had very big changes that made a lot of people hate it. It's understandable, because: Melee was really fast-paced and Brawl was like the polar opposite. It's no surprise a lot of people didn't feel at home in Brawl. Shielding in Melee had more shieldstun, so going aggro (as long as you space well and L Cancel) doesn't get punished quite as frequently as in Brawl. In brawl, the shield is way too powerful, to the point that approaching even with spacing, can get you punished. Subspace Emmisary was a one time thing that took way too much space out of Brawl's disc and a lot of people think that got priority over the excellent multiplayer. Tripping was a slap in the face. Metaknight. Ganondorf. The defensive playstyle of Brawl leads to horribly unbalanced stuff and super campy play. See: Olimar, Ice Climbers, running the clock with Metaknight. Lack of movement options other than running for everyone, means that approaching is even more difficult. The dodging system is completely nuts. Way too many invincibility frames vs the amount of lag in some of the character's dodges. See: Falco spotdodging, metaknight forward roll (ugh), airdodges in general. That's not to mention that some spotdodges go into the "Z-Axis" during the frames they're supposed to be vulnerable, so some attacks will also miss, because the character (Dedede) will be in the background. The chain grabs can't be DI'd (directional influence) at all because of the DI mechanics of the game. Hitstun can be cancelled with an attack or an airdodge due to oversights. They didn't allow the B moves to cancel your hitstun, but probably forgot to code no attack/airdodge during hitstun. Too busy with Subspace to bother, obviously. That's all I remember that is negative about Brawl. Quite a long list. Now, don't think i'm a hater. I just acknowledge it's faults. Despite the long list of flaws, I do love brawl and play it competitively like I do melee. I love both melee and brawl.
  11. These days I'm more into my own playthroughs (video and screenshot) than drafts. i'l see if i ever wanna finish one of these again...
  12. It's ok :P. Let's blame enemy phase reinforcements for not going in blind :P
  13. I lost 2 turns runs already . The first was because Saul and Lugh were in the boss room in Turn 8. Lugh dodged and survived, but then Saul got owned by the 2 archers. The second one was because now enemies appeared in the back near the starting position in Turn 6 (it didnt happen in the first, so I was raging a lot) and they killed Shanna and Clarine because I wasnt looking. Wasn't expecting it at all so I left them there. Welp, I looked at FEwod now thanks to you...so much for going in blind. EDIT: I like how I said turns and not runs. Me and my turns...
  14. Wtf, how do the Ch6 reinforcements even work?
  15. I'm a super competitive player that enjoys wacky stages casually like Norfair. I think that, ideally, both casuals and competitive players should feel at home in the next smash. Not just one of them.
  16. Your Lilina must be like +6 spd by now lol
  17. [spoiler=Part 2] Deke and Lance tag team the Hand Axe bandit. Tank Lugh? No one is in range of that mage. Lance gets a crit. This is the first time I capture the crit right. Why? Stuff died to Deke and Lance and Lugh finishes off the last enemy in the map. Now I have to deal with this guy... Probably because it's a Killer Axe. Of course, I won't risk the crit after all that, so I had Deke stand in 2 range of him first. He actually hit, which is lame. Hit and Hit+Crit. That sure hurt him! I decided to risk it, I doubt this will go badly. Well...shit. Lance missed one of the hits. Can't risk him getting crit happy on Lance. Lugh don't fail me! Whew... Wow, he's starting to look fast! It's only 17 turns worse than LTC! Oh yeah, before seizing I decided to visit the shop and look at what it had. Decided to buy 5 door keys I think. Might be more, maybe less because i just mashed A for a bit. Saul get. Bye bye Elen!
  18. [spoiler=Chapter 5: Fire Emblem] They sure mopped me up in that first run... Random NPC Villager asks Roy for help, Merlinus doesn't want to help, but Roy gives no fucks about what Merlinus thinks. I rescued Lance over to the fort. WIth a sword, he's unhiittable. I then had Clarina and Alan rescue Wade out of there so he doesn't get Hand Axed. Loool Saul. C@kblocked Is it bad that i don't find Dorothy that ugly? I like how they just run and don't join Roy at all. Rutger and Lance can handle anything that comes their way. Lance got to D swords. Not sure if it's gonna come in handy, but he can now use Armorslayer. These mercenaries are the worst. Beyblade again! I seem to hit that animation's frame a lot. I had Wolt chip the merc for like 5 damage or so and finished him off, this leaves him vulnerable to doubling hand axes though...and that's not good. So I rescued him out of there. Rutger so good. These guys can't hit. Deke <3 He reached B swords. I failed at capturing the weapon rank up message in time. They're almost as bad as our Fighters! Can't touch this! Ouch, he got ORKO'd. Steel Bow was weighing it down enough. Beyblade again? Rutger NO! BROCUS Silver is great against these guys. Rage. Had Lugh finish the guy marcus weakened. MORE RAGE Lance is stealing all the good levels I have these 2 tag team the last bandit. Oh yeah, these guys are coming. Almost forgot about them. Well...that didn't go like I wanted it to. The Mercenary didn't move at all and Lance got hit. The guy is dead now. I hope the Mercenary doesn't move, but I'm prepared in case he does. Might be useful? Well, shit, the mercenaries decided to move all at once all of a sudden. With their 14 or so speed, they're actually kinda threatening. I had Lance kill the remaining Fighter and then retreated. Next turn, I have only Marcus in range of them with silver equipped. I also rescued Lugh and Deke over here for assistance after Merlinus dies. Marcus <3 Expected/10. Can't even dodge hand axes parked in a fort. Not like I needed him to. I have Deke and Lugh tag team one of them. Both Mercenaries that Marcus weakened fell to Lance. Cool. All 3 Mercenaries missed him. Oh, turns out he doubles this one because he's using Steel Sword. Lugh countered the hand axe dude in EP without getting hit, then Deke weakened him and Lugh finished him off for this level. Quite a strong level. The last mercenary falls. I was a bit paranoid because of that 2% crit so I had Marcus Iron Sword first and then Lance finish him off instead of just having Lance double him. The mercenary shows signs of life all of a sudden and actually attacks Marcus. Didn't move though. He falls to the Top Tiers I have a weird plan to maximize exp. I remember something about more enemies appearing if you open the gate. Clarine is carrying Dieck. Lugh got carried here by Allen and dropped by rutger. Lame That's what you get for dodging my super inaccurate javelin! How dare you! Eh Reinforcements are starting to pop out of this fort to the left and a fort next to the boss. They're axe enemies, so naturally they still can't hit. Not too worried. Rutger is so good. Can't have him wasting Killing Edges on random mooks that often though, so I have Marcus swap his Iron Sword and KE after he killed that dude. i think that was the last enemy in the vicinity. I lost my first run of the map because of reinforcements that pop out from here, but I don't make the same mistake twice! Bors and Wolt got owned in that run. I have roy open the door and gtfo of there. This would've been a ORKO if he hadn't missed... These nomad reinforcements are actually pretty weak. This is what happens to all the boss fort reinforcements from now on. Marcus is blocking the north one. Lugh finishes the remaining nomad, but is now in range of 3 powerful mercs... So I have these guys rescue Lugh and Dieck away from there. Rutger please... I have Marcus leave the fort and help out with the Mercs. Naturally, i have someone in range who can block it again. The 3 Mercs are finished off by these guys. Since Lance will now be in range of a Hand Axe Fighter near the boss area, I have Lugh swap his weapon to a sword. Lugh reaches C anima, but i failed to screencap it. Clarine blocks the fort. How will I fare against the boss? Find out below!
  19. Oh, right, the effective damage multiplier. Still, Wolt is not that much better than Rolf, even if the game likes bows more. Look at that chip. 2 damage out of like 28 hp cavaliers is a 14HKO. And he got a str level up before. Which means he would've been 28HKO'ing. At least Rolf can 5HKO or some shit.
  20. Quoting these posts so that they aren't in the last page anymore. People might miss the update. Part 2: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=45104&p=2836314 I see. You mean in LTC when you say they're not worth it, right? Because I find lance is so WORTH IT atm. @ Levant- I don't get the lucky effective damage thing.
  21. [spoiler=Part 2] These reinforcements suck. He just keeps getting better and better! No biggie I was super distracted so I missed the levelup screen. He got HP Skl Spd I think. Rage. Lugh is made of paper. Elen heals Lugh so he can get a second round if needed. Marcus doesn't need healing. I bet this thing is useless. Thank you, Marcus. Goodbye, Erik. He should know better after FE7 >_> Nice level. Mag is good. Not as slow as the previous chapters! Guinivere knows the plot. Oh, next chapter is the one with the jerk boss. Oh no...
  22. [spoiler=Chapter 4: Crumbling League] This guy... I'm not sure which of the 2 is creepier, probably Narcian Irysa wanted positioning screens I'm surprised Roy can actually 2HKO a cavalier for once Lugh kills one of the cavs that Marcus weakened It's a miracle! This will come in handy next chapter or Chapter 7 I forget which one. Wolt's chip is laughable I have Marcus weaken this guy with Silver because screw these guys and their 10+ spd Lance kills the nomad, surprised hes only getting 10 exp now from kills Deke barely misses the KO, so Shanna will finish it off Oh God what? I called it. Oh well Lott will have to get the kill K Meanwhile, Rutger saves Clarine. OTP Another nomad gets the Silver D I think I had Chad trade the Halberd here. Yeah, let's go with that. After I did this, I noticed how reckless it was. But it was WORTH IT. Nice level from Lugh. His first mag proc. Thanks a lot, Lot. No pun unintended. SO FAST. I take everything I've said about these 2 guys back. This guy though... The final of the cavalier group falls. That was a close call. Probably should've retreated instead of hoping all those hits landed. I guess it's karma for all those 80+ misses. Clarine so tsundere I'm actually liking Rutger's lines. Also, Clarine would a second Elen if not for Rutger too. You're not the only one. They killed Hector :/. That's instahate for me. How many more of these Clarine lines can I take? I have Merlinus buy 2 Fire tomes for Lugh. They have pretty low amount of uses in this game. Reincrapments. The next cavalier group attacks these 2 guys. Marcus <3 A group of like 15 guys is little? Holy shit, I love Clarine now all of a sudden just for this. Anyone that does this to Merlinus is ok in my books! Merlinus sucks. And this is why I hate merlinus so much in this game. He's a freaking jerkface! Now go and do something useful. Like that. Good unit. Not completely terrible unit, he only gets doubled back! Deke missing those KOs now. Stupid lanceland. ...I...sigh... Lugh finishes the guy Deke couldn't kill. Lugh is actually not that bad with his chipping. Lance and Lott put in some work. Clear Oh, also I had Shanna and Allen rescue Lugh out of range of an archer+cavalier near Erik. I thought i was dead when I saw this. There's still 1 turn left til Rutger though. False alarm. Nah, he isn't deaf, he's just emo. Which is next turn, THANKS RUTGER Welp Ouch I have Lugh chip, but since Rutger is coming soon... I decide to pull back. Here he comes! *prays it's a 10 str rutger* One of the pirates barely reaches Lugh when I dropped him in the forest. It was intentional. Drugs, she's definetely on some powerful stuff. Yep, come join me already! What NO. Not 10 str rage. Someone got the Deke Gee, I wonder who will win this fight? Roy ACTUALLY BEING USEFUL DO THE MACH TORNADO. So this is why he's considered Top tier, huh? He was Metaknight all along! Jesus...these guys have way too much def. Eh. I guess it's not that bad. Lott killing something that isn't using a lance :o How will Marcus fare against Erik? Find out in the post below!
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