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Everything posted by PKL

  1. We could also determine whether a hit will land or not with an RNG person.
  2. Supports are allowed? OP OP OP Also, I'm thinking it could be like chess but done in the thread. We could have a map with a set number of tiles, X and Y coordinates, tiles where you can deploy your units, terrain and stuff. Each move would be called out on the thread. It could be really cool but could take really long. Someone make the maps
  3. Idk, but all the playthroughs ever go all the way around. Idk if it's a consequence of recruiting everyone or if it was really unknown that you can go through the bridge. Either way, I'm the first bold one to 6 turn it and skip Julian, so that's something.
  4. Yeah, she's terrible on both fronts. I like how in the flashblack of the triangle attack Marth has in FE12, her quote is really selfish. "It's just you and me now!... Oh, and my sisters too!" She comes off as really selfish and the Abel thing was unforgivable, unless she was captured...again.
  5. Voted Gregor for worst because he's terribly mediocre. And best I voted for Malice because I like her design even though she's NOT a mercenary. Well...technically she is but she's not.
  6. Because I meant it for the wimpy ones. Not the ones that start out wtf hax. Otherwise Louise etc would be there. Shinon is terrible enough in FE9 that he could qualify potentially for worst in my opinion, so I put him there. FE10 Rolf starts out with almost Tier 1 stats despite being "pre-promoted".
  7. Bolded: FE9 Rolf is a decent pick in drafts, doesn't make him a good unit though. The same applies to Leo. His chip may come in handy, but look at the things he has to be given in drafts: BEXP, forge, kills and a bit of blessing. He's terrible and unsalvageable in HM. At least his chip is a bit useful. I was just surprised he hasn't gotten votes, considering he's so bad. Though I don't consider him the worst. Rebecca is just awful. Look at her chip in the beginning of the game. She has trouble ORKO'ing HNM soldiers for god's sake. And she's pretty bad against the enemy type she's supposed to be good at killing (and bad against everything else). EDIT: Dammit, just realized bold didn't appear for some reason!
  8. So, kinda like me considering Ryan godlike instead of good/decent? :P
  9. I did say Archers. I only included FE10 Rolf because he joins with Archer stats despite being a Sniper lol. He's not great. He's just really clutch in Lunatic and good in LTC since for once, an archer contributes to TCs rather heavily. It helps that there's menacing Dracoknight groups in his game. May I ask why you consider Wil and Neimi good? lol
  10. Ilyana 31 11 26 27 21 21 10 28 Just noticed Ilyana's averages. Holy shit. People compare this to Soren/Tormod/Calill? That looks like shit-tier to me. EDIT: What I mean is that, if her spd average is 21 at THAT level, imagine what her spd will look like in practice.
  11. I'm honestly surprised at the lack of Rebecca and Leonardo votes. Also, I'm adding a best archer poll. I'm expecting Jamke, Ryan and Noire to do well in this one. EDIT: Just delete your previous vote and revote.
  12. I am officially a blasphemer. How did I forget the lovely Caeda ;_;
  13. No one commented on Chapter 3. I was really proud of that clear, you know! Since (I think) a 6 turn has never been accomplished in Lunatic before. A very relaxing chapter to LTC. Due to a small positioning mistake, I didn't get rid of the last Armor near the throne but other than routing for the sake of routing and like 8 exp on Palla, it isn't consequential. The level ups were pretty good. Catria made up for her hp skl lck level last chapter with a ridiculously nice 4 statter. Avatar gets his last Pirate level and Linde gets a decent level, though I was hoping she'd get some mag. The only Rainbow Potion use this chapter was on Marth, this, combined with Taurus allows him to kill one of the armor knights in one round, netting him some more exp. Chapter 3x is done in 6 turns
  14. His game just isn't kind to Archers. @ Levant- don't forget the x2 effectiveness in the game. THAT's the final nail in the coffin for Rolf.
  15. He joins at a point where other really good units that want BEXP join too. Also, Virion's problem is more that the enemy density, the low demand for actual chip (chipping that one Merc in Ch2 Lunatic doesn't exactly mean he's nice), his inability to score kills without a really nice partner stepping in and dual attacking, his low exp gain, the Wyverns he fights not being promoted and there being better options to take em down, etc all contribute to make me think he's the worst. The guy will probably have like 10 spd by Level 10 Archer after a really bothersome training regime and he loses spd once he reclasses to his best class, wyvern. A 9 spd wyvern taking a valued resource like a Second Seal is a joke. If he stays as a promoted Archer, he has to deal with stuff like Chapter 18, where the Griffons he could be useful for are in really weird spots, the enemy density is wayyyy too high and there are better ways to tackle the chapter. He's an awful unit through and through and not worth it ever. EDIT: Even in Lunatic+, he's an afterthought because there are wayyyy better ways to have multiple bow users. Gregor, the Avatar, Chrom, Lucina, etc.
  16. I guess because she has actual speed. Although idk, they're both equally bad...
  17. Training him isn't a good idea though :/. And his chip never comes in handy because his game doesn't demand it. Add to that the bow x2 effective and you're staring down awful. Although, he's definetely better than lol Virion. Virion even loses speed when reclassing to wyvern, i mean come on. I can't with your logic. @_@
  18. Also, damn, I forgot Tomas existed when saying Virion is the worst. Espinosa, Virion can become a Wyvern like in Ch17, that's how bad Player Phase chipping is in that game lol. Actually, Tomas is "usable" in FE11 and in FE12 he can chip a wyvern and brings 2 nice bows. That's gotta be better than Virion. Umm...he kinda is?
  19. Added Noire, I forgot her sorry. And what @ the ryan, ronan and wolt votes. Did I forget any archers, btw? I didn't add the prepromotes and Castor is there just because. (I can't add Warren now because 20 choice limit and I had forgotten him)
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