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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Oh and I forgot Malicia's probably because it was THAT bad. HP Skl Lck Def Res. ;_;
  2. I can't bring myself to play this game without raging almost right away. I've been trying to give it another go for awhile now but I get really tired of it almost right away, like I don't want to play it. I can put up a bunch of things that I hate about it (and I've done it before) but in reality, those things really shouldn't keep me from replaying it like this. Why can't I bring myself to play it anymore? Do I hate it THAT much?
  3. The 1 stat of difference over GKs they have is way too small in Awakening though. 1 stat point CAN make the difference a lot of times in earlier games though. Like Snipers vs Horseman in the Endgame of FE12. 30 AS doubles some enemies that 29 AS doesn't.
  4. Yet you have a sig of me from awhile back and called me a drama queen?
  5. Agh, Chapter 2 gave me a massive headache. All that AI manipulation nonsense I had to do...all while in lag. I must've restarted the map like 30 times to get the best result possible. @_@ This map has always been inexplicable a lot laggier than every other map for me, it must be the forest or how huge the map is. Anyway, i 6 turned, but it was painful, i didnt get good levels and the resulting vid is very laggy. I'll see if i can re-record it tomorrow with less lag/better levels. EDIT: The levels were: HP+2 Lck Marth (THANKS GROWTH DROP), Catria HP Skl Lck (whyyy), Ryan HP Str Def (eh, not so bad), Avatar HP only (rage).
  6. Hmm, that explains why he likes old, bad games like FE2! (jk Jedi)
  7. It's never been done in an H3/H4 playthrough. In every other difficulty, yes, that's the norm.
  8. The minimum, 6 turns. And sad to say I already forged 4 MT on the bow :/
  9. That was very demanding. While you're proving non-mounts can compete in turns in FE8, the strats are a lot less flexible.
  10. I guess they're lesser known. But I've noticed Myrmidon Gregor does a lot better than Mercenary to me. Myrmidon Gregor has actual speed. Vaike as a Barbarian is really nice and on par with his Hero promotion IMO. After Say'ri gets Astra I had sucess with her as a Pegasus, although I delayed a child paralogue to train her in and gave her an Arms Scroll. She probably would be unviable if she doesnt get an Arms Scroll and some training. As for Gaius, I really liked the time I made him a Fighter. I find him wayyyy too frail in his original classet, but Fighter takes that away. And an Axe flinger with +1 move is pretty rad.
  11. "90% of the cast are better in their original class" Panne, Lon'qu, Sully, Virion, Miriel, Gregor, Lucina, Chrom, Avatar, Donnel, Vaike, Gaius, Say'ri all perform better in a reclassed class than in their main class during the main game. Unless you meant postgame, then I have no idea because I don't play that. But yeah, that didn't sound like 10% of the cast to me. As for my issues with the reclassing in this game, is that I lost the freedom and some of the replayability when reclassing. In the DS games I could just do whatever with my units in subsequent replays to have a lot of fun with different classes. But in this one I have to wait an eternity to make them change classes and when they do reclass I have to baby them during the main game ( dont bring up grinding i dont like it) because of their poor starting weapon rank. I feel like FEDS also did weapon ranks better. Oh, sure a reclassed unit has E bows as a sniper. That was one of their niches in the DS games. But whatever. The biggest culprit to me is that levels reset with each reclass. I hated that so much because it is part of the issue why the game is so broken and can be oneman-handled.
  12. "Pic of the day. Is it just me or do I smell something beastly...?" -Masahiro Sakurai Jedi is gone, so I'm going to be the one posting pics now. Man, I love the lines on the 3DS version now.
  13. English isn't my main language. Stuff like that is bound to happen
  14. Do note that I'm skipping Julian (and thus the Ch6 Bullion). So, I will be a bit tighter on funds than the usual H3 Playthrough. Yeah, I'm more worried about Jake in C11. Although I haven't checked the map to see if I don't need the Bow forge for that with a different strat. I reckon I can improvise something with a +4 Bow forge Jake.
  15. Yeah. And I normally use the Drill Grounds for topping the final levels right before promo and to ensure my horseman is in top shape. Linde might need it too.
  16. 26 mag? that's actually competent, wtf? Recruit them for warp
  17. He probably means to say that he's pissed that FE13 has no wifi battles.
  18. If you think Juno/Yodel are bad, wait til you see Wallace :p But yeah man, continue.
  19. I preferred FEDS style reclassing. It was funner (IMO)
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?edit=vd&v=XX4_0LUxorg Chapter 1 has decent difficulty. The barbarians hit pretty hard, but the presence of reclassed Arran makes the chapter a lot easier. Bosskilling Lorenz is a bit iffy on hitrates always, there's nothing that can be done about it except give the Bond Drop to one of the units that is contributing to the bosskill. I decided to give that to Ryan, as giving it to the Avatar means selfish supports later on. Since no one that supports him is really in range in Turn 5 EP anyway, it wouldn't help the reliability of the map that much to sacrifice his support bonuses later in the game (on pretty much everyone in the cast). Giving the Bond Drop to Ryan also gives me a Def Bond that I can use to compensante for Luke being base level and that saves me a Rainbow Potion use. The Growth Drop went to Marth, so that he can meet his benchmarks for Medeus easier. Rainbow Potiong was used on 4 characters this chapter: Marth: lets him double that hunter and OHKO the weakened Barbarian earlier as well as takes some pressure off of him since he will have more def than Ryan, making the Turn 1 EP hunter target Ryan instead of him. Ryan: To meet the benchmark for killing Lorenz with the 3 bosskillers. It also lets him double Hunters. Arran: Makes crit from Barbarians non-existent, makes Lorenz not double him and also makes him go from 3HKO status to 4HKO'd by Barbarians. Avatar: To meet the benchmark for killing Lorenz like with Ryan. It also makes him escape 2HKO status. The crit and the miss on Avatar weren't consequential but they did allow him to get some more exp. If he had gotten hit like planned, he would've healed in Turn 2 and blocked the barbarian from accessing Malicia. I decided not to buy anything from the Armory, though a Javelin was very tempting I gotta admit. I'm gonna be fine without it though. Chapter 1 is done in 6 turns Resources: Ryan- Lunatic Statbooster Speedwing (2500G), Rainbow Potion, Bond Drop Marth- Growth Drop, Rainbow Potion Avatar- Rainbow Potion Arran- Rainbow Potion Luke- Def Bond Rainbow Potion uses left: 73 Money: 7500G (+5000 from the Bullion) Next Chapter I need a Steel Bow forge. Ryan only needs 4 MT to be forged to it to OHKO the boss with it, but I wonder if it's a good idea to make it +4 instead of +5. Later on, a +5 MT bow forge helps with the Ch11 clear (helps Jake OHKO a wyvern) and other miscellanous uses that might arise. What do you all think?
  21. I don't think it was "laughable bad"...It could be improved, yes, but it was a bit fun.
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