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Everything posted by PKL

  1. The Second Seal doesn't cost a turn, get better. Also, Wyvern Panne is the only one in HM LTC that allows a 2 turn of C23 with Helswath. Of course, the thing is that no paralogues makes everyone completely unviable except the Avatar.
  2. I dont understand these polls. I expected katarina to destroy wolf pretty fast. Anyway, i still expect the wolf to get hunted in the end but it might be close. Also, Wryyyys
  3. PKL

    So, SF...

    http://gyazo.com/fa40780704cc244c2560c3828d64387e I had to. lol.
  4. PKL

    So, SF...

    Those days when people played games for the gameplay are long gone, I guess. :(
  5. Brb, rallying. CR isnt present to tie this so I must resort to summoning Palla voters that haven't seen the thread :P
  6. Oh I see. I was thinking you spent like 3 hours in the chapter. >_> I'm looking forward to Ch23 the most. I recall me having to reset quite a lot in that map due to the plethora of enemies and most of them deciding they like to have counter...ugh. Unfun times with no bow users. I seriously hate that map so much. That one and chapter 2 are the stuff of my nightmares.
  7. PKL

    So, SF...

    Shadow Dragon doesn't suck :(. I agree about FE12 :P Agreed. I used to hate that about FE11 way back then but once I got past that and realized that theres dynamic growths anyway, I got over it. Hmm, is it because the prologue is like a puzzle? I find the Prologue one of the most enjoyable parts of the game. I agree so much. Then don't play on higher modes and patch it >:@ *highfives* Not required. *highfives on FE12* What is it that bores you about FE11, if i may ask? Also, gaidens arent required. It doesn't force you to sacrifice people...you don't have to kill off your units if you don't want to. Visiting gaidens isn't required. Well, I'm legitimately curious because I don't understand the logic behind the hate. I think the gaiden thing is silly to use as an excuse to hate on SD because that isn't even forced. You don't have to kill off characters if you don't want to. Heck, if it weren't for SF, a lot of people wouldn't know about gaidens. I sure didn't know about them back when I played SD for the first time. @ Othin- the game was made with the Prologue in mind. Would you rather start the game with everyone as a scrub in Ch1 in Lunatic?
  8. BROTHER, so, when are you gonna play DS Tag Team? Did shin even give you the save? Xd

    1. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      i should get to it soon. sorry for taking so long brother. just been depressed for a while

  9. 85 turns...I would never have the patience for that lol. Roughly how much gametime did that take? :o
  10. ...why do so many people hate the DS games? Is it a bandwagon? Is it because they blame Shadow Dragon for almost making the series die? Is it because of the sales? is it because they're remakes? I honestly don't understand the hate. I personally enjoy both DS games so much. Mostly because their gameplay and difficulty are top-notch. The interface of it all is so sleek and awesome, with the top screen showing your character's stats and can be switched to a mini-map on the press of a button. The OST of both games is amazing. The multiple difficulties make them pretty challenging and replayable. Is lack of supports really that big of a deal when the rest of the game is so good, gameplay-wise?
  11. Lunatic Mode will not be defeated by LTC.
  12. I'd rather boring than completely absurd and weird. As if Cynthia was any less gimmicky. You know what her Hero talk reminds me of? Let me find a pic.
  13. Sorcerers are the lamest class, they're slow, evil and use lame magic which is pretty lame, did I say it's lame? Pegasus are beautiful, are broken, speedy, majestic, RESistant, fly and are actually useful. Sorcerers: 0 Pegasus: 10
  14. So, I still dont understand: why do people like Cynthia? I find her voice extremely annoying and her supports makes her seem...weird...anyway, voted Gaius because I know Henry is gonna win anyway and Say'ri because she needs it and I literally like no one in that poll
  15. *Starts a Rally Pallectrum* Base+Promo Palla in FE12: 28 HP 28 Atk 16 AS 14 Def 3 Res (Silver Lance) Base Etzel in FE12: 30 HP 19 Atk 12 AS 10 Def 12 Res (Blizzard) GG no re
  16. The ideal would be to make it so that there's a reason to use both mounts and foot units. If you nerf mounts to be terrible, then the game just becomes foot emblem. It would be practically the same as Mount emblem but the name changes to Foot Emblem. And there's a lot less canto and rescue chains...eww.
  17. PKL

    Uh, of course. But I dont remember, was that a draft?

    1. Chiki


      Yeah. Lame.

  18. You'd be better off TAS'ing this.
  19. I come back and find Palla is still around wtf I thought she would lose vs Navarre. Then i start reading more and find out Hardin LOST to catria wtffffff? He's a much better character than her but whatever. Also, voted for Palla because: * much better unit than etzel :3 * took care of her sisters after they were left without parents. That nets her +1000000 points. * green hair * hottest Fire Emblem character ever * Silver Lance * badass Peg * beautiful While I like Etzel, all he really has going for him is the monocle fetish some SF'ers seem to have and his departed wife sadfais story. Palla>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Etzel Also, while I love Athena, you just don't mess with the Jagen.
  20. Lol, I love how everyone from the skype group has voted against my favorites.
  21. Hmm...that'll cause problems for my hack. Considering I use the Torch staff for something. I'll try to find a solution. I'm out though see ya on monday everyone
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