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Everything posted by PKL

  1. PKL

    FEE3 2013

    I'm technically done with what I can show with the time I had. Everything I want to do would take way too long to be able to show. But I've decided not to submit, I need more playtesting/feedback before I show it off like that. And part of the attraction of my hack, which was completely new chapters for FE8 would take too long to be able to finish in time. I could release a beta, but I'm not sure if it'll be welcome with open hands by anyone. I'd rather not take my chances.
  2. Favorite: Cordelia Honorable mentions: Cherche <3, Tiki, Lucina, Sumia Least favorite: Nowai Dishonorable mentions: Miriel, Sully, Lissa.
  3. I had one of my allies cast Silence.
  4. Pass is shit and didn't exist in FE12.
  5. *My ally pegs surrounded you and you can't escape my assault* *I have more move so I win*
  6. Silly Resbee and Shadykid. You forget: A good pegasus Knight is never without the trusty Iote Shield.
  7. *Sees Severa winning* *Is very disappointed in SF yet again* Like, how can a whiny ass b@tch be better than Cordelia? Some people...
  8. Weird, when I played Bazba didnt doubloe anyone. @Ninja- oh, growths. Yeah, KoT, you might want to make a custom class for the bosses and give them 0 growths so their stats are always the same.
  9. @ ZM- on the topic of FE12 RR. That actually looks more balanced than the real game xD. With the later joiners having actual stats loool. Also, the game would be bordering on impossible with that marth and no falchion.
  10. I'm one of those that actually enjoys the XIII games. Haters gonna hate :P
  11. First time I cried to a videogame was looong ago when I played FF7. I was rather fond of Aerith, you see :P Then I cried at FFX's ending. Then I cried at both FFXIII's endings. I also cried when Majora's Mask ended. But that was tears of awesomeness at the game I just experienced being over ;_; I cried at Xenosaga III's ending. I cried at FE12's Chapter 16x because Katarina. I cried at FF8 for being a terrible game. I cried at Birth by Sleep's ending because Aqua ;_; So yeah, I'm a crybaby.
  12. Sakurai said he wanted a middle ground between Melee and Brawl when it comes to that.
  13. Or give Sothe some forges, shove him once and watch him own the boss in Turn 2 (3 if he doesn't crit/adept)
  14. Wii U will be a lot more convenient for tournaments I'm guessing though. And most people will be on the Wii U.
  15. Ah, I see. Yeah, it does require stats. I wish I had a better Avatar in that playthrough I did so long ago.
  16. BOTH. Though Ill focus on whichever one gets used competitively.
  17. I like Stahl the most. He's simply amazing, awesome and hilariously good as a unit. He's also Cordy's best husbando during the maingame. I absolutely hate Donnel's guts. He's a terrible unit and I hate his personality and everything about him. Sorry Donnel fans.
  18. So, those Mire Sorcerer reinforcements can't be touched at all in Chapter 21 right? Aside from my own Mire but eh. That would probably leave me with no Mire for Chapter 23 If I decided to kill them. So I will rout everything that is accesible before the boss instead.
  19. Lol Walhart. Chapter 20 Ricken got rescued by Miriel and went up, obliterating everything in his path and using Lifetaker to remain healthy during Player Phase. He got the thief on the right side and then Miriel and him took down the enemies close to Walhart. Cervantes fell to Miriel during EP 1, along with all those chumps next to him. Severa took the left side and went for the General in the northeast near the chest room. Tharja took the east and later a longbow Sniper. Laurent rescued Chrom to safety during turn 1. Walhart fell to Mjolnir Ricken, who crit him first attack but he survive due to Aegis (52 damage) then the next hit he got owned. Mjolnir's animation is pretty cool, shoudlve been more like Rexbolt though imo. Tharja got a perfect level during the chapter, finally. TURNS 5 HEROES Ricken and Cherche Valkyrie Miriel 5.29 HP 66 Str 7 Mag 35+2 Skl 32 Spd 38 Lck 33 Def 16 Res 24 Tome A Staff E Dark Knight Ricken 16.39 HP 69 Str 16 Mag 32+7 Skl 31 Spd 35 Lck 38 Def 33 Res 20 Tome A Sorcerer Tharja 17.88 HP 56 Str 13 Mag 35 Skl 20 Spd 24 Lck 18 Def 22 Res 17 Tome A Dark Knight Henry 15.60 HP 57 Str 21 Mag 33 Skl 35 Spd 24 Lck 18 Def 25 Res 11 Tome A Sage Laurent 13.03 HP 48 Str 11 Mag 24+2 Skl 25 Spd 26 Lck 21 Def 12 Res 18 Tome C Staff B Dark Knight Severa 5.78 HP 55 Str 17 Mag 19+7 Skl 24 Spd 24+2 Lck 17 Def 22 Res 20 Tome C
  20. Ricken, which is so awful xD. But it made for a rather good mag Severa, so it's all ok. Chapter 19 I decided to skip Tiki's Paralogue for now, as it's just way too much exp. I had to rout, so I sent Ricken up without being in Walhart's range. Miriel took the east with Tharja's help. Chrom was rescued to the left to a safe spot by Laurent. Severa and Henry took the left side. Everyone owned whatever enemy attacked and the hitrates were pretty bad too. What I did to deal with those Generals and Paladins that won't move near Walhart, was have Ricken kill one of the Generals to the right of Walhart and get rescued by Miriel. A paladin then died in EP and the other 2 were dispatched in the following player phase. Unluckily, the reinforcements came so I couldn't end the chapter in EP. Thank god Miriel didn't crit Walhart, or it wouldve been over before the reinforcements moved. That would've sucked. I tried feeding the kill to severa but she missed. Ricken ended up being the only one left to kill him and got 9 exp off of it >_>. I had Book of Naga, Forseti and Mjolnir lying around but I don't need them yet. TURNS 5 HEROES Frederick and Miriel Valkyrie Miriel 3.93 HP 64 Str 7 Mag 34+2 Skl 30 Spd 37 Lck 32 Def 16 Res 23 Tome A Staff E Dark Knight Ricken 14.70 HP 67 Str 14 Mag 31+7 Skl 30 Spd 34 Lck 36 Def 32 Res 18 Tome A Sorcerer Tharja 16.99 HP 55 Str 12 Mag 34 Skl 19 Spd 23 Lck 17 Def 21 Res 16 Tome A Dark Knight Henry 15.30 HP 57 Str 21 Mag 33 Skl 35 Spd 24 Lck 18 Def 25 Res 11 Tome A Sage Laurent 12.00 HP 47 Str 11 Mag 24+2 Skl 25 Spd 25 Lck 21 Def 12 Res 18 Tome C Staff B Dark Knight Severa 3.35 HP 53 Str 15 Mag 18+7 Skl 23 Spd 23+2 Lck 16 Def 21 Res 18 Tome C Staff D Both Miriel and Ricken got disastrous levels this chapter. Tharja's spd still won't budge. Henry still keeps getting those hp str mag skl levels.
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