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Everything posted by PKL

  1. I shall! Chapter 3 Since I didn't really say anything about meatshielding because I forgot, I allowed myself to do so this chapter. Basically, Miriel@Fred lured the soldier and archer and countered them after Chrom recruited Kellam and they got out of the way. Then, unequipped Chrom Miriel and unequipped Kellam blocked Lissa and Sumia from getting owned. Miriel got rid of enemies as they targetted Chrom or Lissa (the archers) and when there was only 1 archer left, Miriel started attacking it in EP while Chrom got hit every turn instead and spammed vulnerary. Speaking of vulneraries, I have only 1 use left lol. After all that ruckus, Miriel made her way to the west door and opened it, killing the Armor Knight on the way and then getting healed by Lissa so she could lure the Merc and the Archer. Miriel can now ORKO archers, so that's one less problem. The Merc got finished off in Player Phase and Miriel chokepointed the opening so Lissa couldn't get attacked by the Fighter. Miriel ORKO'd that fighter and got healed by Lissa. She then proceeded to lure out the Archer next to the boss and ORKO'd him then the Hammer Fighter and Merc aggro'd. So Miriel ORKO'd the Fighter in PP and got healed by Lissa so she could tank the merc in EP and then kill it in the other PP. Miriel then proceeded to 2RKO the boss with Fire. TURNS 20 HEROES Frederick and Miriel Miriel 8.55 HP 23 Str 1 Mag 9+2 Skl 8 Spd 14 Lck 8 Def 5 Res 7 Tome C Frederick C Lissa 4.80 HP 19 Str 2 Mag 7 Skl 5 Spd 5 Lck 10 Def 3 Res 4 Staff D I bought 10 Defense Tonics because I definetely NEED THEM. Bought a Wind tome and a Thunder tome too. I applied a Def Tonic to Miriel and I use the Wireless feature to obtain up to the Bullion (L) from Renown Awards. I sell that Bullion (L) and have a dilemma. Should I reclass Miriel to Dark Mage right away when she hits Level 10 soon or should I go Sage first? I'm leaning towards Dark Mage now for the durability.
  2. Chapter 2 I start off by making Virion trade the Elixir to Vaike and Vaike pairs with Claire. She uses Bronze Sword turn 1 because Thunder isn't enough. She then gets to the fort Turn 2 and Miriel arrives. Claire switches to Thunder to weaken the enemies and Miriel@Fred goes and kills off a Barbarian. She finishes a soldier off Turn 3 EP and takes a hit from him. The other didn't die but he missed an 80 something (not neccesary). She gets hp mag spd as her first level. A soldier was following Sully and Stahl around but they outran him and he now heads towards Claire instead. Miriel finishes off the soldier and instead of sitting on the fort, she sits on the other soldier's range because she dodged a hit last turn. I have Vaike trade Miriel the Elixir and Lissa gets out of the soldier's range. The soldier now takes 11 out of 23 hp with Miriel's Fire in EP. Claire trades her a Thunder tome with 8 uses and Miriel goes down and gets healed by Lissa, who also trades her a vulnerary. The soldier dies in EP to thunder. I now have Lissa heal both Miriel and Claire for a few turns and think about how will I lure these enemies without dying. I personally hate this chapter because it's so devoid of thought. The enemies are pretty randomly placed and all aggro at the same time. It's so mindless. /rant Anyway, I have Claire get back the Thunder tome and she lures a Mercenary and pulls the entire group...oh boy. Here we go. Pick a God and pray. I have Claire go back to the fort and Miriel and Lissa gtfo out of there too. Claire weakens some enemies and is perfectly because fort <3. Miriel lures a Merc towards her so she can get exp and gets: Hp str spd lck res She's apparently a staunch believer in amellioration, whatever that is! A few enemies come down towards Claire to attack her and her thunder breaks so she start countering with Bronze Sword. A soldier is lured towards Miriel after she's healed by Lissa. A merc dies to Claire, she gets another terrible level like all my avatars, hurray. She can apparently ORKO barbs now, so she does that to one that attacks her. Oh, she also ORKOs the soldier. Dammit, that was exp for Miriel! I'm almost ouf of this hell-ish chapter. Just one boss to go! I checked how Miriel would do vs the boss...and knowing my luck, I'm not gonna risk this chapter's clear on a 7% crit. So I have Claire weaken him and then Miriel finishes him off. I have Claire sit next to the boss with a Bronze Sword, boss misses and gets countered for 12 damage. In PP, she strikes him for 12 damage again and Miriel finishes him off with Fire and attained Weapon Level D. TURNS 16 HEROES Claire and Vaike Claire is now benched Miriel 3.92 HP 20 Str 1 Mag 7+2 Skl 5 Spd 9 Lck 7 Def 3 Res 5 Tome D Lissa 3.60 HP 19 Str 2 Mag 6 Skl 4 Spd 5 Lck 10 Def 3 Res 4 Staff E WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO? FrederickxMiriel C happened in the world map.
  3. To make it more challenging. Maybe. Chapter 1 I like how I messed up and called Prologue Chapter 1 in the previous post, derp. Anyways, Frederick trades his Silver Lance to Chrom and pairs up with Claire, who uses Bronze Sword instead of Thunder because it lacks uses already. She ORKO'd pretty much everything and faced no chance of death all chapter. She used thunder for the archer and the boss. The chapter was pretty much throwing her at things and making them die. TURNS 4 HEROES Claire and Frederick Claire 9.20 HP 27 Str 9 Mag 7 Skl 7 Spd 13 Lck 6 Def 8 Res 9 Sword E Tome D Lissa same as previous chapter
  4. Chapter 1 I begin by making Chrom give his weapons to Claire and pairing him with her. Lissa and Frederick hide. Claire goes left and up. Turn 2, I have Claire heal up with a Vulnerary and I have Fred pair with Lissa and they keep hiding. She finishes off a barbarian in the EP and keeps damaging the myrm and hits another Barbarian. The mage comes closer. Turn 3 I have her kill a barbarian and the mage goes for Lissa. The myrm kills itself on Claire. I have Lissa heal Claire Claire hits the myrm twice and then Lissa once again tanks the mage. Claire now finished off the mage and Lissa healed her. She then gets in range of the next enemy group. She lures them and kills the mage in the next turn's PP. In the EP, she can now double one of the myrms so she owns him, the other survives. Lissa heals her and Claire finishes off the myrm. Lissa heals her again in the next turn and Claire stands in range of the boss. In EP, the boss freaking crits for 21 damage out of 23 hp with 4% crit. Good thing I healed her (also it's all sorts of stupid that IS made these enemies in the PROLOGUE have so much crit /rant) Anyway, she survives and hits him twice for 16 damage. Lissa heals her again and I am cautious and make her chug a vulnerary so she can have above 21 hp. GUESS WHAT? The boss crits her again but he then falls to her attacks. TURNS 10 HEROES Claire and Chrom Claire 6.25 HP 24 Str 7 Mag 6 Skl 6 Spd 12 Lck 6 Def 6 Res 6 Sword E Tome D Lissa 2.00 HP 18 Str 2 Mag 5 Skl 4 Spd 5 Lck 9 Def 3 Res 4 Staff E
  5. I don't like them They don't start with tomes and the run is considerably easier with both of them spamming staves around. The point of this challenge is to have bad durability units with only items as their resource for healing (and their staves if they go Sage later on) I've decided to allow Renown up to the Speedwing because that thing might come in handy, considering Im gonna be using Ricken and Henry. Time to start! Female Build> 01 Face> 04 Hair> 05 Hair Color> 07 Voice> Female 1 Name> Claire Asset> Speed Flaw> Skill Premonition Why does this chapter exist? It's so annoying to play in each playthrough, I wish it was optional! Anyway, I turn off Story Voices because they annoy me and I have Chrom pair into Claire unequipped. In Turn 2, she uses Thoron on Validar and gets a 5% crit in the first hit, finishing Validar off just like that. Rofl. TURNS 2 HEROES None
  6. http://www.twitch.tv/ogm_live/b/437294313 6:30:06
  7. I liked FE10 biorythm. I feel it actually impacted the game a lot. FE9's was shit because it was random and didn't do much. Although, I would like it to play out more like FE5 fatigue if its implemented at all in another FE. By that I don't mean that the units cant be deployed, it's just that they could get tired enough that they could be severely hampered after a few chapters.
  8. Yeah, Anna Libra and Tiki are a no then. Im sure the Archer skills are bad enough that I dont need to do that xD
  9. Those would completely outclass the others in usefulness, so no. (isn't mage Anna like amazing or something?)
  10. That would allow Celica's Gale and might make things a bit too easy, maybe. Also, I'm banning Spotpass too except for any A rank tomes that thing may have because I want to use that Mjolnir thing for once.
  11. I always forget all the rules when it comes to FE13. So much stuff to ban/not ban :P I guess I can allow it up to...uh, idk.
  12. I don't see why I should ban Rescue. It's not LTC :p
  13. Oh, thanks for reminding me of Nosferatu. Yeah, that could be a problem and I'm going to ban it. Although Im leaning towards banning the buyable ones and not the one tharja brings.
  14. Good point. I'll add Noire to the units I can use.
  15. Hi. I wanted to do a special playthrough for this game and came up with this idea. Basically: Rules -Only Miriel Ricken Tharja Henry Noire and Laurent can see any combat in chapters after they're obtained. -Only Avatar can do combat for Prologue and Chapter 1 and then he/she doesn't count as a magic user. -Other units can be used for pair up, but they can never ever lead. This means I can't use the advantages of flight or + move but I can still use them for pairing up and marriage. Whether or not they can be equipped is up for voting. -Lissa may see use if she wins in the poll for healing until I obtain more than just Miriel. -I will visit all the Paralogues I can visit except children paralogues, which is up to my discretion. I am very likely to recruit Laurent and Noire. -Avatar can not pass down Veteran to any children. -The units mentioned above can only use tomes if they're in a class that can use other weapons like Dark Knight. -Nosferatu is banned from being bought. -Anna Merchant Shops are banned. -Skirmishes/Grinding are banned. -Boss abuse is banned. -Hard Mode, Classic. -Spotpass is banned. After Chapter 18, A rank tomes can be obtained from Spotpass. -Renown is allowed up to....NOT SURE YET. Well, there you go. Vote and I will start tomorrow.
  16. Yeah, the culprit is the class Gordin/Ryan are in and not their actual bases. Gordin's problem is that he competes with Athena for Prologue deployment and that's obviously bad, really bad. But I find Myrmidon fixes both Gordin/Ryan in the higher difficulties and they're great as Pirates in H1 and down.
  17. On gameplay it's probably Sigurd as he's OP throughout. FE10 Ike is actually pretty ridiculous once he gets Ragnell, but he lacks the mount and roflstimping throughout Sigurd has. On what each lord character accomplished I have to say it's between Alm, Ike and Marth.
  18. Mine are almost always: Gold Cordelia/Panne Silver Stahl Bronze Ricken/Cherche/Lucina
  19. I'm from the future so I got a 4DS instead obviously. Also, add to endgame that 11 move Cordelia was actually pretty neccesary since just a dance for Lucina+Chrom isnt enough. She had just enough move with Panne to KO a General so Lucina+Chrom could attack Chumpma. Cordelia <3
  20. Well, I was away all weekend and had my 4DS with me so I finished this draft. I used Sumia for pair up, so that's what its going to be. There is way too many enemies with 1-2 range here! 4/44 Stahl @ Levin Sword and Cordelia go up and destroy shit with Levin Sword/Beastkiller. Chrom promotes to Bow Knight so he can handle the enemies with Killer wepons. Ricken and Panne helped. Is this even a chapter? 1/45 Chrom owned boss. Cordelia is now a Dark Mage. Owned by Time menos de 15 turnos Cordelia trained a lot as a Dark Mage and is actually having great offense in it due to Ricken pair up and Spirit Dusts. Lucina is now an Archer. The Boats 2/47 Had to get the Second Seal since it's forced. I also got the Bullion. Dark Mage Cordelia nostank'd the entire boss boat and then killed boss man. She's now ready to promote. Whoa, magic Cordelia is actually pretty boss! 4/51 Cordelia owned things as a Dark Knight with Sumia in her pocket. Dicken is now an Archer. Say'ri was a pain with no Rescue. This tree is pretty 3/54 Batman Cordelia goes up and owns everything. Yarne menos de 15 turnos Trained Dicken to Bow Knight. Got all the villages. Boots get 4/58 Cordelia gets the boots and Lucina Bow Knight kills boss. Camus Fail 3/61 This was actually pretty cool because I got it first try with improvisation. There's this chump warrior that blocks Yen'fay from access without a flier in Turn 3 and I got rid of him with dance and + move shenanigans. Cordelia ORKO'd yenfay thanks to Swordmaster Stahl speed. Wake up Tiki! less than 15 Got exp. Lobsters with axes 1/62 Cordelia ORKO'd Walhart. It was actually tough to make Olivia survive but I managed by blocking her from all sides after the dance with Ricken, Chrom, Panne and Lucina. This draft has more teamwork than normal FE13 lol. Lobster with axes Part 2 2/64 Owned Walhart a second time thanks to 10 move DK Cordelia. Olivia was protected by the Bow Knight Brigade. Mire, Mire Everywhere! 3/67 Cordelia makes her way to the boss after an Olivia dance. Required a lot of teamwork and even hp tonic on Olivia so she could tank a Mire. Dis Chapter is bad and you should feel bad IS 2/69 Can't reach Aversa without fliers so I got the Valflame Yewfelle and Balmung. Worst chapter in FE 3/72 Cordelia Dark Knight goes right and ORKOs literally everything without threat of dying. She ORKO'd Validar thanks to Stahl @ Killing Edge with Swordfaire's dual strike crit. They're amazing together even when reclassed. Bow Knight Brigade and Trickster Panne actually helped a lot at the start and if they were any worse, I wouldnt be able to 3 turn. Another silly Rout 3/75 Can't actually 2 turn because no fliers, so I got a 3 turn instead! Panne got Acrobat just in time too! FLIGHT ISNT JUST FOR FLIERS YOU KNOW 2/77 Trickster Panne mountain walks to Aversa after a dance. The Bow Knight Brigade and Cordy helped protect Olivia from harm and Donnel was sacrificed to the Berserker with 1-2 range so that Olivia could live instead. Donnel saving all the turns amirite? This is probably the worst final boss ever 1/78 Lucina+Chrom ORKO'd chumpma with their Falchions. Gold Cordelia Silver Stahl Bronze Chrom
  21. I am all for it when it comes to LTC'ing. Some strats in some games can require pretty strict str/spd/def benchmarks to get the lowest turns possible (or a good TC if its not the best possible). It can also save time and frustration since sometimes characters can get so screwed that you have to figure out a strat that works with your screwed characters and it takes a lot longer than just resetting for levels early on. Also, I love resetting the first level in a chapter to optimize it whenever my characters start chapters close to a level up. It's pretty awesome in RD LTC/drafts for Micaiah as there's BEXP to raise their level to .99.
  22. Path of Radiance was my first FE and even though it's in my Top 5 and I absolutely love it, it's not my favorite. Radiant Dawn took that spot shortly after and then FE12 took that one's spot.
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