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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Btw, Horace, around what time do you expect Ewan to promote?
  2. This game sure loves to throw enemies with critrate at you though. I can't count how many times Ive died in the Prologue to bullshit crits in Lunatic. Gamble and Focus in earlygame is such a bad design choice :/. Also, Randa, technically, crits have always used 1 rn lol
  3. Well, the problem is, Cormag won't get enough exp to promote this early anyway. By the time Horace will want to promote him, he can get the Whip from C14 Secret Shop or the C15 Master Seal to promote him (just in time for desert too).
  4. Havent you heard sb? 6 + 4 = 4. Basic math, you fool!
  5. Yeah, I doubt that whip is gonna come in handy ever. I mean, Cormag looks decent, but screw it, you got Syrene!
  6. Oh, right. You should get back to that :P Thanks! And sure, I'd like to see HNM NOTdraft LTC without Lyn Mode. I'll probably do LHM+EHM or maybe EHM only. I feel like Eliwood mode is really unexplored because everyone and their mom plays hector mode. #hipster Thanks bro :D I will play FE5 after Im done with FE4 for sure. But Im afraid it'll be awhile before I ever attempt to LTC FE5. Thanks :D Also, you spelled shenanigans wrong lol Thanks :) Yeah, that's what Growth Drop and feeding kills to Marth intensely does! And yeah, I kinda forgot that there's a droppable Spirit Dust in Chapter 19 when you kill the boss. That's why Etzel had more mag than neccesary lol. Like, I think base Etzel with all 5 dusts and Pot can OHKO Gharnef with the Starlight crit.
  7. I like how Fir has 66 hit on that Merc with an Iron Sword.
  8. He's 2nd best character in brawl for a reason. Lagless long range grab, super OP usmash, can throw HITBOXES that attach to the characters and he can spam it like there's no tomorrow, has a "parry" that can be used in mid-air to save his ass. His only weaknesses are that he needs his pikmen (plucks them too fast to matter and yes I intentionally say pikmen not pikmin), his recovery (lol like he can be gimped reliably with the fucking awful amount of directional influence you have in brawl) and that he can be outprioritized by swordsmen. His weaknesses should be more pronounced in the next game or it's going to seriously suck.
  9. I don't want a focus on story. They've shown they're not very good at that. I want them to concentrate on balancing the gameplay. After all, what keeps me going back to FE is the gameplay. After the first playthrough, I forget a story even existed.
  10. "Poor". I love Samus now. Burn the pikmen! Stupid Olimar >_> I hope he's better designed this time around.
  11. Yeah, there are some pretty bad ones lol.
  12. Day 11: Celica I tallied all the previous scores and updated the OP. Sorry for slacking off on that.
  13. This is the end, friend! http://www.youtube.com/watch?edit=vd&v=uSRG44vD-MQ It's been so fun planning the strats for this run and then making them work. I really enjoyed this playthrough. Hopefully, you did too! My final turncount is 107 turns. Managed to cut the turn from my expected 108 turns. This is as low as it gets barring a 1 turn of Prologue 6 Draug, which probably has about 0.000 something chance of happening...and I'm not kidding. Had a lot of fun and I've decided I want to LTC a GBA game next. Leaning towards FE7 LHM+EHM over FE6 HM. Marth: what better way to end the run than with a Shin level?
  14. I liked Chapter 21 and watched the long version because I like seeing every single move you do. I like how the team you have now is so varied. Also, pegs 4 life. I think most of the things you did this chapter were going to be a lot more frustrating without dem fliers.
  15. @ DragonBoner- I quite like the "support convos" in this game. Some of them are legit really heartwarming. Heck, the "support convos" for Etzel made me like the character quite a lot recently when playing through my LTC run.
  16. Thanks, yeah, I hate it too now lol. So annoying. Also, I forgot to say Marth received the 3 Talismans and that was crucial to the strat as it makes Eremiah target Palla over him so he can survive.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?edit=vd&v=hLAbey3jPA4 This chapter was hell. Took me quite a lot of time to figure this one out. I had to buy a bunch of boosters for this strat to work. So I sold all my useless stuff to get almost 50000G so I could buy 2 speedwings, 3 energy drops, 3 spirit dusts, 3 talisman, 3 robes and 3 dracoshields. The boosters were distributed like this: Marth- Dracoshieldx2 (allows him to survive that onslaught at the end by the Generals and make the longbow snipers attack someone else) Arms Scroll (A swords) Ryan- Robe, Dracoshield, Arms Scrollx2 on Swords. This allowed him to use the Master Sword and ORKO without a crit (useful when recording because Catria already has to crit the General in Turn 2) He also needed more durability to survive at the end and make it to Eremiya. Caeda- Energy Drop allowed her to KO the berserker after Marth used Levin Sword on him in Turn 1. If she missed, I had Etzel for backup in EP though I wanted to avoid that because etzel is prone to a crit. Catria- Energy Drop allowed her to OHKO the General if her crit went off. I obviously did this so she would avoid the counter. Feena- 2 Robes and a Speedwing so she could survive the Longbow Sniper that would inevitably attack her in this strat. Etzel- 5 dusts for recovering Ryan more hp if he got hit during Turn 1 and because he needs them for Gharnef anyway. I also gave him an Arms Scroll for A tomes. Remaining boosters: 2 Energy Drop 1 Speedwing
  18. I'm almost done too. If not for the demotivation, I wouldve finished long long ago. As it is, I dont think anyone else other than those 3 and me will finish.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj1u_Wu5FZ0
  20. It depends on the character for me. If I can afford to without spending more time than I like to, then sure. Whenever I can, I use Swords with Stahl to get his rank up for example.
  21. I am really not in the mood to tally the score...sigh. Day 10: Ephraim
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