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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Unit Class Lv HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Sully Cavalier 20 34 17 2 18 20 14 17 4 Unit Class Lv HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Stahl Cavalier 20 40 23 1 18 17 16 18 3 Unit Class Lv HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Nowi Manakete 30 52 22 11 21 16 28 15 17
  2. I've never seen that happen o_O. Anyway, I was talking about Hard mode.
  3. Idk if anyone else has noticed this, but the map reminds me a lot of FE12's Chapter 1...the structure and everything (the fort in the middle, the mountains, the forests, the village on the right side of the map and the castle in the left) it's just a lot bigger than in FE12.
  4. I'm using Micaiah and Pr.Marth. Micaiah made for a very nice flier nosferatank :D. And Marth is just fun to use because of his levelups.
  5. Have you perhaps thought that some of these "behind you" reinforcements are there to prevent going too slow? And I didnt bypass all the reinforcements, it was just that particular chapter. I stated in another post that I would often take precaution in my first run and would block forts with some units, sometimes stairs.
  6. I didnt even see those lol. Even in my "casual" run I 2 turned the map.
  7. The tree is easy enough to just rush through before any reinforcements come though. I honestly didnt know falcos spawned there o_O
  8. Is there any data on how FE13 is doing in sales?
  9. And with that said, I can confirm that Griffon Rider Fred keeps his over 100 hp growth.
  10. What later chapters do you mean? iirc, even up to Chapter 23, Validar kinda foreshadows it. (I dont actually know if they come out, but I guess there are because of his dialogue)
  11. Stop being bad and always prepare for possible reinforcements then?
  12. I find that this feature tends to keep you on your toes. I sometimes would block forts with some of my units in my first run of FE13 "just to be safe". The only time I got ambushed was Olivia standing next to a stair in Kjelle's paralogue in my first run and thats because I was careless.
  13. That's not as bad as my Bow Knight virion with 11 speed in endgame. Characters I find to be really difficult to train/are trashy are Donnel (obv), Lon'qu, Nowi and virion.
  14. You can "catch up" chumps in FE12 too, and I find it easier than in FE6.
  15. Finished. Don't have the log cuz not at home. Will post eventually when I get home.
  16. Yep, he's in Lodestar class. He's missed hp a few times now as of Level 26. These are his current stats: Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WeaponLv 26 40 28 11 29 25 30 16 13 Sword A EDIT: Reached Level 30 and am about to promote him. Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WeaponLv 30 42 31 14 32 29 34 18 14 Sword A
  17. My DLC Marth just missed hp, so his growth with aptitude isnt above 100. He got 2 back to back +2 lck levels though
  18. That's something I forgot to fix for this one. You can see I fixed it in the next one lol. Don't worry about it.
  19. Fixed. Marth picked Basilio so ZM is left with Donnel and drafting is done. Good luck everyone
  20. Top 1. Fire Emblem Awakening: This game wowed me. The music, characters and gameplay entertained me like no FE has ever done before. The pair up system is pretty cool and the gameplay is really fun. My only gripe is that lunatic mode makes everyone unviable except for Avatar, Chrom, Fred, Sayri, Anna and Libra if you dont grind. 2. Fire Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem Heroes of Light and Shadow: The gameplay was really fun. The difficulty was pretty awesome and a lot of things about it made me go "That was intentional". A true masterpiece when it comes to difficulty and gameplay imo. I also liked the story and the OST. 3. Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn an underrated game. The gameplay was really solid as was the OST. The story might be stupid if you look at it too closely (like some people here do) though. Bottom: 1. Fire Emblem Sacred Stones: One of the weaker entries in the series to me. Lacked difficulty and I find the characters very bland. 2. Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon: Story is bland. Characters have no personality. Gameplay is poorly balanced. The OST is mostly unremarkable. 3. Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War: bored me to no end.
  21. Just tested by grinding Lucina quickly in Roy DLC. She never got an astra+aether proc together.
  22. So I've heard from someone that apparently, Aether can activate during Astra, is this true?
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