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Everything posted by PKL

  1. ^ Or just train Lucina, who comes from a ridiculous chrom x avatar pairing and can have veteran. So, I'm doing Lunatic +. I can't say Im enjoying it. Currently in chapter 16. A lot of the chapters had me resetting for several times until the skills werent completely stupid. Chapter 2 had me resetting for 2 hours straight. Now I have to face counter warriors with very likely hawkeye. This mode is dumb.
  2. I found vengeance pretty useful in Lunatic
  3. I kinda broke that when i let Sirius die (and I already saved) so I can't really recruit everyone anymore. Endgame wasn't RNG'd anyway. The purpose of recruiting everyone was so that jedi didnt have to re-RNG a chapter if a unit I didnt recruit dies. But I'm not neccesarily forced to recruit everyone.
  4. I'm currently planning an FE12 pure LTC run that I will start after my current playthrough is finished. Basically, it only cares about turns. If I have to kill off a character to save a turn I will. If I need to warp, I will. If i need to RNG abuse, I will. The goal is to reach the best TC achievable in FE12 H2. I will be skipping characters that cost turns except potentially, Katarina, as I need a Gharnef killer that doesnt require much babying. I was wondering, what is the best possible TC in H2 Prologue 8? Assuming I lure Katarina with someone like Cain/Est and kill them off. Would the h1 3 turn be possible? Im thinking of Fighter Avatar or Cavalier Avatar. Cavalier Avatar is easier to 2 turn Athena with, but fighter is better overall. I will be using Rainbow Potion, Drill grounds and Maturity Drop btw. My current theory'ing has me 107 turning the game. Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  5. We agreed on letting Jeigan not die so he can at least have a unit should things go awfully wrong (like every combat unit dying and hes left with Maria and chumps). Also, I kinda RNG'd already so I can't go back :P
  6. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 7 players. 2. Ike, Micaiah, Sothe, Geoffrey, the Herons, the Black Knight, and Lehran are free for all to use. 3. The drafting order is reversed for the last round of picks. 4. Haar is banned from drafting. 5. The game will be played on Easy Mode Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, Rescue and Shove/Smite undrafted characters and NPCs, trade, Escape/Arrive, and transfer items/skills between teams. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors and Chests, finding hidden items, and giving Blood Tide/Night Tide/White Pool bonuses. 3. Allied and Other units may do as they please without penalty. 4. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter (1-6 counts as 2 chapters, and 4-E counts as 5 chapters). Exceptions: 1. One of Edward or Nolan is free for each of 1-P, 1-1 and 1-2. 2. Volug is free for 1-5. 3. Elincia, Marcia and Nealuchi are free for 2-P 4. 2-1 is free up to 10 turns. Nephenee and Brom are free for 2-1. 5. One undrafted, non-Lucia unit is free for 2-2. 6. One undrafted, 7 move unit is free for 3-1. 7. One undrafted, 6 move unit is free for 3-3. 8. 3-P is free up to 15 turns. Teams: Jedi: Jill, Nailah, Gatrie, Tauroneo, Shinon, Lethe, Fiona, Kurthnaga, Volke *CordeliaxFrederick: Edward, Marcia, Mia, Mordecai, Rolf, Makalov, Skrimir, Ena, Bastian CR-S01: Nolan, Nephenee, Tanith, Calill, Rhys, Astrid, Muarim, Nasir, Stefan Doofina: Titania, Elincia, Aran, Sigrun, Lucia, Tormod, Pelleas, Heather, Mist Toothache: Volug, Soren, Kieran, Ranulf, Kyza, Meg, Caineghis, Vika, Gareth Xinnidy: Oscar, Ilyana, Leonardo, Ulki, Brom, Naesala, Giffca, Danved, Renning Hawkeye: Zihark, Boyd, Laura, Janaff, Nealuchi, Tibarn, Sanaki, Oliver, Lyre [spoiler=Units Remaining]
  7. Are you sure you'll be alright if Caeda or Jeigan dies? Anyway, best of luck. Hope no one dies! Oh wait
  8. Paralogue 1 first for the Rescue staff
  9. Oh, I'm not. FE12 growths are high. Arran, well idk why he got 2 good levels but its not like it helped him do anything :P. Chapter 11 was full of awful growths. Yep :( You're correct, its 24 deaths. I hope no one good dies!
  10. [spoiler=In memory of Sirius] Best forge That's more like the Palla I know and love <3 Whip get Jake get aaaand... bought 2 wyrmslayers, a "press A to win" spear and 3 dragonpikes Rosa gets one final kill... Minervykins gets the lady sword Rescue with Etzel and Seiiize
  11. [spoiler=In memory of Cain] Scorpio and the Wing lets her ORKO wyverns now Don't do this to me :( Hah! Excalibur OP Ryan crits OP too This is definetely going to Rosa, no questions asked, no REGRET More chumps die to Caeda's Silver Lance sigh this chapter is not going well Book get Gonna feed the kill to Marth Rosa so useful, amirite? >she crits aaaaaaaaaaargggghhhhh But that's ok, because I noticed this instead! Physic <3 Why is Rosa always right, somehow? So good YOLO Going to Marth Expected/10 Physiiiic About time she got stats GOING ON PALLA, unless she dies, then it'll be sold Time for YOLO strats Ok, I lied, now it's time Lol killer axe dude missed This is sure to come in handy This is why I saved, the dude has a Killer bow though I didnt have to reload anyway Another reason why I saved, these dudes all have crit :/ Remember the title of the last post? This is the trip She 2HKOs cleanly <3 Getting rid of the bow user first of course Physic is such a lifesaver Yeah, kinda sad about having to silver lance it up but I cant really do anything about it atm, also I derped and didnt get the arms scroll . Not like I want it anyway Did I mention it's 2 deaths per chapter from this point until 20x? no? then now you know Def again...no str... RAGE Welp <3 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY
  12. [spoiler=A suicidal trip, and lots of wyverns] Rosa is even bad at cooking! That conversation gave me the most useless type of bond woo This is merely so I don't pull my hair out this chapter! Whoa, he even finds the best items for me! ... ... That would be cool if you weren't benched already. YOU HAD YOUR OPPORTUNITY This will come in handy More def :o This would be handy, if I knew who to give it to... Hah! He crit that wyvern, he doesn't actually double NO Welp This is why I wanted her to have 23 AS.Guarantees doubling, makes my life easier Cain for MVP (he traded the Steel for Silver Lance for future use) Caeda moves here, out of range of the hunter but in range of 2 wyverns in the north He's almost dying so he needs to heal Robe get I'M FEELING LUCKY fact: the first run ended miserably here :P PHYSIC SO GOOD ...wow... F M L I ACTUALLY WAS PLANNING TO EVENTUALLY TRAIN HIM. SCREW YOU RNG RAGEEEEEEEE To be continued...
  13. [spoiler=We Are Legion] Screw it, giving the wing to her so she can double Legion So bad, like the SF user WILL HE LIVE? IS HE THE DEATH OF THIS CHAPTER? Darn, poor Roger Caeda IS the man of this relationship Best 3 stat level ever? No, but close! RYANSMASH Roro Legion is actually a pretty competent boss in this chapter But you know, Palla doesn't care about how competent you are. You're still a chump to her
  14. [spoiler=The Two Chumps] This is worth it No, really WORTH IT So much defense lol gg Whoa, def! Such a chump! It's sad, she needs all the str boosting shards to accomplish this OHKO'ing goodness This bishop really hates Wendell for some reason Ok Hah! What a chump! What? Can't double? I call hax Angry mage get Lol On his way to capping dat str. Needs more spd to double as DK in Chapter 11 but I'm afraid of using the Speedwings on anyone not Marth or Rosa... Not sure why I took this screen, whatever Why am I not seizing? idk I almost forgot the money :o YOU CAN DO IT I never get crits with KE :( lol Yes, this is why I couldn't seize that turn. Wendell kinda needed to die after recruiting Ellerean. Another turn lost! Oh well NO NOW I can seize
  15. [spoiler=In desperate need of help] Or not, go be helpful or something! MINERVA PALLA Yumina heals Ryan in preparation for the end Sirius-ly good shipping or your money back! NOT COOL Yes, well, I still h8 u etzel So overkill Wtf? more def lol Yeah this boss hurts...if he hits, which he did :/ So I must do this! ... Lost 2 turns over no rescue's best TC. Don't intend on resetting/10
  16. [spoiler=SoS HELP THERE IS SORCERY] i really half-assed this chapter. While I am LTC'ing in this playthrough, I need to save Rescue staff uses for C11 and C14 because of Malicia's loss. Oh and Etzel is a doofus and I hate him I love this staff Also known as Mr. I ORKO Dracoknights Dance the thief >profit Move Palla towards enemies >profit Thief staff get Lalala cant hear you over the sound of my AMAZINGNESS Never fails me Haha, this looks exactly like the pic above except with a few less red squares! BOOTS GET I wonder who will use them? If you guessed Marth, you win an Etzel plushie I will deliver it to you by mail in the year 20009 Hold tight til then! Master Seal get. I'll use it on Caeda because she can't die anyway until she recruits Jake! (though I must seize making her see combat if she gets rolled until her death) Too stronk for you So clever More OHKO'ing goodness from Sirius HOLY MOTHER OF DOG I'm starting to hate these dudes Oh god OUCH YOUR AI IS THE WORST MAKE IT STOP Physic is best unit No wait, Arran is best unit! Especially because he dodged that Elfire. Arran is the best! I can't...I can't ;_; At least this means she has 1 more atk :/ Julian gets Capri, the Corn THESE MAGES Whoa, ARRAN AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Why do the best characters die ;_; At least I got her to replace him! I wonder how many chapters she will last? Caeda came out of nowhere to help the dudes out! He actually attacked, dodged then crit the poor Dracoknight! BEAST NOT BEAST Somehow worse than Rosa... Hah! YOUR FRIGGING POSITIONING WILL COST ME TURNS. I SHOULD BENCH YOU TBC...
  17. [spoiler=Soul(not the Sf user)ful Bridge] Palla promotes! Wow, I might deploy you for that res! Totes useful NOT YOU AGAIN Can you work hard in the bench? Weapon triangle? WHAT IS THAT This is so he doesnt kill the Thwomp You do have a choice. JOIN ME AND WE SHALL CONQUER THE WORLD Palla being amazing as usual Oh shit, it's Bantu! I wonder if his bases have gotten better... ...what have you done IS? Good day, you say? BUT WRYS DIED EARLIER Oh yeah, the hand axe on the thief had it's purpose, Ryan got to HAMMER Time to own some snipers Expected Feena level Save game Chip so he can kill him next turn Ouch o_O <3 Don't worry Arran! Radd will get the shard! So good, please don't die like Cecille ;_; Yo, sup? ......... G G G G G G Sitrus doesnt double Generals, so bad Lol Rescue so good Turn lost because Gordin isn't alive :( Arran beat Radd to the shard! Jeorge is the best meatshield Sirius is the best uh...idk Oh yeah, I made her equip Steel Lance with Ryan btw so she didnt get absolutely owned by 2 generals. So clevar! HAMMAH MORE HAMMERTIME Good Best kill feeder Worst kill stealer yes, Barst missed. So bad ROSA SO GOOD GTFO
  18. [spoiler=The Bane of Ramen] These thieves sure drop down those hitrates when they're in forests :o Lame, Navarre didn't crit A Fire Dragon that can double almost everyone in your team, sire! "Oh, and those that don't get doubled are almost OHKO'd!" ROSA PLEASE Feed Palla all the kills! A spd proc :o Wrys is very brave and stands in the frontlines to heal Rosa! Barst, the most accurate chipper ever, amirite? Doga so bad These thives are so lame Worst enemy type ever This guy is the reason I'm not going to get that Master Seal, though I don't really need it atm This is a very very sad day... Moment of silence for Wryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys. He shall always be on our hearts! Navarre the bastard protects his darlong Feena Not bad, not bad at all Doga's chipping is so facepalmworthy Btw, this Fire Dragon is glitched, he uses Firestone to attack and wastes it's uses so it sells for less :( I WARN YOU BARST. I WILL NOT RESET IF YOU MISS Ok cool Best shard since it's scorpio, like me A lances wooo Feeding Caeda this kill since she's kinda underleveled Trade this to Ryan so he can OHKO thieves Like this And like this So lame Even Caeda does good damage with each hit! Niiiice I dont know if that mage spawns with 19Atk, but I would've been toast if that had hit and he had 19Atk lol. Yep, in order to obtain the Wo Dao, I had to lure these guys. Arran is best tank NAVARRE so good Yes, I'm feeling lucky All hail Palla! For she is your God Weakening this dudebro Dat str and def Now Caeda can get the kill I'd be dead next turn, this seems to be a recurring theme in FE12 Another not-used Physic get Arran getting good levels I must be dreaming! Please, crit or something! kill something so I can keep using you :/ Lolnope. Doga does not know what killing is and doesnt do anything amazing ever so I'm seizing and Doga is now 100% more benched
  19. In my opinion, FE4 is the most overhyped FE ever and FE12 is the most underappreciated.
  20. All the character stats below were me messing around grinding in DLC multiple times to test this. Hope it helps Cordelia (all are level 20) HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 38 14 6 20 22 14 14 14 35 18 4 22 20 12 12 13 36 16 3 19 19 11 16 10 32 19 8 18 20 14 13 13 36 17 4 21 22 10 10 12 37 16 3 20 19 13 15 11 33 16 4 20 18 14 13 10 Dark Flier (First 3 Cordelias above taken to lv20 dark flier) HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 56 29 14 33 36 22 24 26 55 31 11 37 34 21 20 20 58 30 9 32 34 24 28 16 The variance in their stats is extremely dumb lol Frederick (Level 20 Great Knight) HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 49 24 2 23 20 7 28 5 47 26 3 20 20 10 27 4 48 23 2 24 24 9 33 5 I can safely say his lck growth sucks a lot since all the freds Ive had up to this point don't pass 10 lck. Ricken HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 35 8 18 16 16 26 13 7 35 10 14 18 18 24 9 12 29 5 20 13 14 20 6 9 33 13 17 17 15 27 14 10 Another character whos stats vary a lot :/ Cherche (HM) HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 39 22 1 16 16 11 22 2 39 20 1 17 18 13 23 2 39 17 1 21 17 9 20 2 39 23 1 18 16 12 19 2 39 21 1 19 16 13 22 2
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