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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Sully also has a lot more possibility of being screwed and has a pretty meh start though. Fred is great in the beginning and at worst, can be a great pair up partner at base for people like Sumia/Cordelia and others fast units. He gives +mov, aiding faster completion, gives +4str and +4def at base and +1 spd and his bonuses will only get better. I mean, even if he gets screwed, you can just attach him to someone forever and boost that unit's performance drastically. How is that not a better unit than sully? Also, I recall someone asking why Henry would ever have a Sumia support. I decided to test this and noticed that a magic maining Sumia greatly benefits from a Dark Knight henry pair up. Giving mag for better offense, def that drastically helps her, and of course, move. This only means Henry is a support bot at best though. I still havent been able to use him sucessfully as a combat unit. Dat base spd in C13 is borderline unfixable.
  2. PKL

    FE6 Sadist

  3. Might as well post what I got by now. All are HM, Level 20 characters. Didnt bother with healers because I hate training them without rescue. Once buyable rescue is in play, I shall get Maribelle and Lissa to 20. I will eventually recruit Anna and Donnel too. Frederick Lv20 Great Knight HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 50 27 3 22 18 15 26 5 Cordelia Lv20 Pegasus Knight HP str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 36 18 5 23 21 15 14 13 Libra (HM) Lv20 War Monk bases HP str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 39 14 16 13 14 10 11 16 HP str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 55 22 23 23 24 16 18 22 Tharja (HM) Lv20 Dark Mage HP str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 25 4 11 5 12 3 10 7 HP str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 33 4 17 13 18 7 13 9 Nowi (HM) Lv20 Manakete (lack of patience to go to Level 30 so I stopped in 20 like the others) HP str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 18 4 0 2 3 8 2 2 HP str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 40 11 6 11 12 17 9 12 Gregor (HM) Lv20 Mercenary HP str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 30 12 0 13 11 8 10 2 HP str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 40 15 1 21 19 13 15 4 Chrom Lv20 Lord HP str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 34 22 1 20 16 20 17 6 Vaike Lv20 Fighter HP str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 42 21 2 21 16 8 16 2 Sumia Lv20 Pegasus Knight HP str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 34 14 11 24 26 21 10 13 Lon'qu Lv20 Myrmidon HP str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 30 16 2 21 28 14 12 5 Ricken Lv20 Mage HP str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 35 5 20 15 14 20 12 7 Miriel Lv20 Mage HP str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 28 2 16 15 19 14 7 16 Laura (Avatar +spd -lck) Lv20 Tactician HP str Mag Skl Spd+ Lck- Def Res 36 15 16 17 22 14 13 12 Panne Lv20 Taguel (lack patience to get to level 30 like Nowi) HP str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 42 17 6 16 23 14 12 6 Sully Lv20 Cavalier (suspect screwage in this one, massive screwage) HP str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 35 12 4 17 17 17 12 4 Stahl Lv20 Cavalier (suspect blessing) HP str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 39 22 2 17 19 16 16 2 Kellam Lv20 Knight HP str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 36 22 3 15 10 6 21 6 Gaius Lv20 Thief HP str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 35 14 6 24 27 12 8 6 Virion Lv20 Archer HP str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 33 17 5 23 17 16 11 6
  4. Marth is my fave ever since fe12. He's also my main in smash so im biased. Least favorite: *raises flame shield* I h8 fe4 so sigurd. But roy is also awful
  5. Yeah, Frederick isnt neccesary at all. You just need to dodge a bunch of attacks and hopefully crit in return with Avatar . Legault please
  6. Prologue 1 3/3 Fuck the 2 turn. Avatar got a nice level. Prologue 2 2/5 This was pretty easy. Ryan got the Luke kill. Prologue 3 2/7 Ryan gets the Caeda kill. Avatar lured her first turn. Luke+fort = bro. Prologue 4 2/9 Wrys is best lure. Ryan got the Athena kill. Prologue 5 2/11 Boss got owned. The myrms kill things, etc. Caeda got boss kill. Prologue 6 Doga 1/12 Steel wepons get. Doga burned. Prologue 7 Cain 2/14 Luke Cecille and Caeda teamed up on Cain the chump. Prologue 8 2/16 Caeda is bro. Rody died. Chapter 1 4/20 Ryan and Arran took down Lorenz. Bullion get. Chapter 2 6/26 Marth goes up. Profit.
  7. Trained every unit that joins before Chapter 8 in EXPonential growth. Will record their stats soon and then proceed to get to at least Chapter 13 and EXPonential growth those units too. Might post all of them together or the ones I have now first idk.
  8. I didn't read all of the posts. So yes, I only read one post and then threw my thoughts. Too lazy, wouldnt read everything ever.
  9. Cordelia being unable to ORKO...I wonder if grandjackal has even tried pairing her with Frederick? Considering she actually does ORKO a lot of enemies with a fred pair up from the get-go, plus theres tonics and stuff. I would know, considering I use her all my playthroughs and Ive never had this issue of not ORKO'ing. Oh and there's a paralogue right after she joins where shes very useful at base. Being able to ORKO the archer on the left side with a fred pair up in the first turn and the barb with steel lance + countering the pegs. She's certainly not going to have issues getting exp there before the desert.
  10. Horace, your current TC is 10015 not 16 you liar
  11. Yeah, Donnel is such a great unit. 9 (agonizing) levels and hes an amazing unit.
  12. If you get the Ladle you dont miss the Robe . Obvious troll detected.
  13. Tsk tsk tsk. Just went through Hard mode to once again confirm what I had said. Base Ricken can one shot fliers in Chapter 7 with either: Miriel pair up + Magic Tonic Elwind +2MT forge Elwind +1MT forge + Magic Tonic Virion would need a more buffed Iron Bow forge to accomplish the same and he cant even counter them...so...???. Also, Donnel is trash. Just went through his Paralogue in 4 turns and couldnt recruit him in time. He costs turns to recruit, is a trash unit that is locked to E lances for a good while, he needs a very contested Second Seal, a pair up partner that could be used elsewhere and training for a loooong time, only to have a E swords by the time you reclass him. Yeah...no
  14. Because I know what the minimums for Prologue are and what needs to happen by now :P. Like, Prologue 8 can be 2 turned but you need multiple 60% dodges and to be able to double a Silver Axe dude with Cain and also Caeda needs to have gotten a str proc and Katarina must not proc hp or def. Stuff like that is what Im against. Massive rigging bs. It will be penalize with 9999 turns. You've all been warned :P
  15. Donnel also would start with an AMAZING E rank swords when given the much-needed seal. Not to mention, that you'd have to slow down to actually feed him kills. It's super inefficient to train him. People that like Second Seal: Avatar to Pegasus Knight (Veteran Pegasus in C9 is OP, fastest unit to reach Galeforce) Panne to Wyvern Rider (best offense in the game hands down, in a flying mount no less) Vaike to Barbarian (i dont know but ive heard he likes barb for spd) Lon'qu to Wyvern Rider (Flying mount, not so shabby offense, but its not a priority) Virion to Wyvern Rider (fixes him) Kellam to Thief (theory) Miriel to Dark Mage (Nosferatu could fix her terrible defensive capabiliities) Anna to Sage (but thats a lot later) Chrom to a Cavalier (mount) Sully to Wyvern Rider (discipline makes her axe rank quickly rise too) I find Gregor prefers to be a Bow Knight. Anyways, all of those have priority over a terrible unit like Donnel. You guys criticize Ricken for his base spd? I point you to Donnel's base spd and laugh. EDIT: The return of Donnel's training might be high (the end result anyway), but it still isnt high enough to warrant all that stupid babying and the costs associated with using him. At least Ricken can sustain himself vs a common enemy type of C7 (wyverns) and has a desert where he can ferry stuff like Avatar (who also would give him spd and magic in pair up to help his offense) right after. Not to mention, you have a paralogue right after he joins to train him in. Do I need to keep pointing why he's an actually useful unit if used or is that enough?
  16. ^ The 2 turn cant be done on accident unless you get a crit off. Since you'd have to be looking for the Player Phase dodge instead of waiting in front of Jagen. :P
  17. Ok, maybe I exaggerated, but I still think Miriel is nothing special and Ricken is underrated. He's not omgamazing, but he's perfectly usable, has a niche and has more availability than the other chumps. He's definetely better than Donnel and other late joining chumps. Training Donnel is patience-trying. Heck, even feeding him the kills he needs in his paralogue is a chore that severely cuts down reliability of the chapter clear. I feel like this shouldn't even be discussed. Considering Ricken gets 3rd picked in drafts and is used to much more sucess than Maribelle and Donnel is benched/not recruited because of how awful he is...I know this isnt draft-play but I think some of the things apply here too.
  18. Imo, you have to be really careful with giving skills to characters. Remember that in FE10 you can unequip them so others can use it to, so you have to take that into account when balancing. As for other suggestions, none that come to mind really.
  19. Hey, umm, FE12 players, none of you are gonna be lame and rig the Prologue 1 2 turn right? Because that would bring out the RAGE in me And I would give you a 9999 turn penalty, which would put your team at a disadvantage
  20. Theres enough stuff to fix it and he comes early enough. He's not completely unsalvageable as bottom tier would suggest. In practice, he's comparable to Mriiel. But as people start to play this game more, I suspect they'll realize this and tell me I was right :/
  21. Nope, she cant enough exp in LTC. Granted, this is "brisk" pace so she might win slightly there. But it's not really that onesided as to have Miriel in B tier and Ricken in bottom. And we don't know if those growths are true, for all we know, Ricken might have the better growths.
  22. Even if its my personal experience (this is a trend though, she rarely gets def or hp for me), I find it tough to feed her enough kills in LTC(due to her durability) to "completely outclass" Ricken when he joins like someone suggested before. And yeah, Morgan is pretty good.
  23. Espinosa, the doors in C27 have 40hp. I'm 90% sure of this since I know I've been able to OHKO them with Bolting Tormod before in a draft.
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