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  1. Rules: 1. Game will be played in Maniac difficulty (H2). 2. Anything goes to save the turns! This includes Lunatic Statboosters, the Rainbow Pot, you name it. 3. The goal is to get the absolute lowest turncount possible in Maniac difficulty. While rigging is allowed in this run, I dont make a habit of relying on it for strats and I wont rig stuff like a 1% crit on Jagen. 4. Units that Im planning to use: [spoiler=Units that will be used] 1. Cavalier Avatar- tested Fighter and Cavalier and Cavalier won. The extra bulk makes strategies more reliable and cuts 1 turn from Prologue 3 and Athena. Bases: HP 20 Str 7 Mag 0 Skl 7 Spd 9 Lck 3 Def 8 Res 0 Sword E Lance D Growths: HP 70% Str 55% Mag 20% Skl 60% Spd 45% Lck 60% Def 40% Res 5% 2. Marth- obviously, I need him to be competent by Chapter 12. He got the Growth Drop. Bases: HP 26 Str 8 Mag 0 Skl 10 Spd 10 Lck 9 Def 8 Res 0 Sword D Growths: HP 110% Str 70% Mag 5% Skl 75% Spd 75% Lck 90% Def 40% Res 15% <- after growth drop 3. Ryan- my plans include a competent horseman to ORKO Hardin with Parthia, and which unit would be better for the task than Ryan? Will be constantly changing from myrmidon to hunter to sniper to horseman to swordmaster. Might also be used as a second string Dracoknight. He got the Bond Drop. Bases: HP 18 Str 5 Mag 0 Skl 10 Spd 11 Lck 3 Def 5 Res 0 Sword E Bow D<- stats shown are him as a lv1 myrmidon. Growths: HP 80% Str 50% Mag 0 Skl 80% Spd 50% Lck 40% Def 30% Res 5% 4. Palla- of course, it wouldnt be a good run without the godess of destruction right? Bases: HP 24 Str 10 Mag 2 Skl 11 Spd 16 Lck 9 Def 9 Res 6 Lance B Growths: HP 70% Str 60% Mag 0% Skl 90% Spd 30% Lck 20% Def 30% Res 10% 5. Caeda- Wing Spear hax and Prologue. Bases: HP 19 Str 6 Mag 2 Skl 7 Spd 15 Lck 13 Def 7 Res 6 Lance D Growths: HP 60% Str 30% Mag 0% Skl 80% Spd 95% Lck 80% Def 25% Res 10% 6. Malicia- Hammerne, rescue, warp and again. Need her to save the most amount of turns possible. Bases: HP 16 Str 0 Mag 2 Skl 1 Spd 4 Lck 12 Def 1 Res 5 Staff C Growths: HP 50% Str 0% Mag 40% Skl 30% Spd 60% Lck 40% Def 20% Res 40% 7. Catria- as much as I hate her, Ill probably need her for the Wyvern Valley. If only I could bench her. Bases: HP 22 Str 7 Mag 2 Skl 8 Spd 14 Lck 9 Def 8 Res 6 Lance C Growths: HP 80% Str 50% Mag 0% Skl 80% Spd 80% Lck 50% Def 30% Res 10% 8. Luke- its a maybe. Havent had much luck giving him kills as of Prologue 5 but who knows... Luke is benched. 9. Sirius- I will siriusly use him. Bases: HP 28 Str 12 Mag 1 Skl 14 Spd 13 Lck 4 Def 11 Res 6 Sword B Lance A Growths: HP 95% Str 65% Mag 0% Skl 60% Spd 50% Lck 60% Def 50% Res 5% 10. Feena- Dancer/10 11. Wendell- starts close to warp rank which is cool. He also is promoted so some rescue strats might rely on him over Malicia. 12. Yumina- Physic and Rescue bot. 13. Navarre- he's an excellent unit and I picked up to make him the possible second horseman I need for 20x. Bases: HP 23 Str 9 Mag 0 Skl 16 Spd 16 Lck 7 Def 8 Res 0 Sword C Growths: HP 90% Str 45% Mag 0% Skl 50% Spd 70% Lck 70% Def 20% Res 5% 14. Minerva- comes promoted with an exquisite axe rank and dragonpike rank. Useful for the Dragon chapters. Bases: HP 32 Str 13 Mag 1 Skl 12 Spd 15 Lck 11 Def 16 Res 3 Axe A Lance C Growths: HP 80% Str 50% Mag 0% Skl 60% Spd 50% Lck 60% Def 30% Res 5% There are some other units that might also see some use here and there but thats the core of the team pretty much. 5. Obligatory the game must be played to the True Ending. 6. Drill Grounds will be used. Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOyEd86YwZldtbItelXudUdEIpL310VTn Turncounts: Prologue 21/21 Chapter 1 6/27 Chapter 2 6/33 Chapter 3 6/39 Chapter 3x 6/45 Chapter 4 3/48 Chapter 5 7/55 Chapter 6 5/60 Chapter 6x 1/61 Chapter 7 4/65 Chapter 8 3/68 Chapter 9 5/73 Chapter 10 2/75 Chapter 10x 1/76 Chapter 11 5/81 Chapter 12 5/86 Chapter 13 4/90 Chapter 13x 2/92 Chapter 14 1/93 Chapter 15 1/94 Chapter 16 1/95 Chapter 16x 1/96 Chapter 17 1/97 Chapter 18 1/98 Chapter 19 1/99 Chapter 20 1/100 Chapter 20x 3/103 Chapter 21 1/104 Chapter 22 1/105 Chapter 23 1/106 Endgame 1/107 [spoiler=Videos]: (up to 3 vid and link limit apparently, so copy and paste the link into your browser to see the rest) Prologue 1-4 Athena Prologue 5 Prologue 6 Draug and Prologue 7 Cain Prologue 8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aOMNCXUzZE Chapter 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEUKpr6naws Chapter 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9Owy2hjcmg Chapter 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGPSN4YpvN4 Chapter 3x http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vxs5iu4O5fk Chapter 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JEo5zCohhs Chapter 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdtY8CON4v8 Chapter 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_0AydJ5BK8 Chapter 6x http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kh6C3QTwOP4 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 http://www.youtube.com/watch?edit=vd&v=dzxdG2muMiY Chapter 10 Chapter 10x Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cN8vtBfqzE Chapter 13x http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQWNmoXV0RM Chapter 14 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2S1iV-R92I Chapter 15 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_cZayvHAs4 Chapter 16 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgySZZyr_gw Chapter 16x and 17 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYtaYJzyzjs Chapter 18 and 19 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDTjtJkqbvQ Chapter 20 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gCwXwtm0sk Chapter 20x http://www.youtube.com/watch?edit=vd&v=hLAbey3jPA4 Chapters 21-Endgame http://www.youtube.com/watch?edit=vd&v=uSRG44vD-MQ
  2. Well, realistically, I wont have enough rescue chaining to pull that off. I know 18 is 1 turnable without it though, as ive done it with deliverer + a single rescue before in a draft.
  3. Having Galeforce by Chapter 16 means I can 1 turn that map. Same with Chapter 17. It also makes Yen'fay easier to 1 turn.
  4. Oh, forgot about those. DLC chapters are banned. Renown is ok but I wont be abusing it.
  5. Rules: 1. The game will be played in Hard Mode. 2. I will go for the least amount of turns possible to my team. 3. No rigging. I wont care if dodging this and this couldve saved a turn. This is not that kind of LTC run. 4. Forges are allowed. 5. Rescue is allowed. 6. DLC is banned. Renown items are allowed. The Team and pairings: Sumia: early on she will be a very valuable unit. Will be replaced with Cordelia later most likely unless she behaves in the levels she gets. Thinking of pairing her with Kellam. Frederick: the Jeigan. Will be paired with Cordelia as part of the plan. He will help her get Galeforce in time for something. Cordelia: the main flier. Will be paired with Fred and get favored heavily to get Galeforce. Avatar female +spd -lck: Will be paired with Chrom for a good resulting Lucina. Might go Pegasus Knight early on for another Galeforce if i deem it neccesary or keep her as Grandmaster for Rally Spectrum. Not sure yet. Lucina: Grima slayer. Will be made into a Paladin. Paired with Morgan for A support most likely. Anna: Rescuebot#1 Libra: Rescuebot#2 Ricken/Miriel/Maribelle/Lissa: potential rescuebots. Stahl and Sully: will probably be used a lot actually. Since they are both pretty good. Panne: her fate depends on what happens with Avatar. If I want Pegasus Avatar, then she wont be a wyvern. Olivia: the dancer. Saves turns/10 Cherche: paired with Lon'qu most likely. The Deliverer of Death. So now that that is out of the way. What do you think I should do about paralogues? Should I visit them right away not caring that it might affect my turncount? Or can I save them for later to beat them in less turns and train Cordelia and Avatar closer to Galeforce? Im leaning towards the latter...Not sure if i wanna recruit everyone yet. I certainly dont want to have anything to do with Donnel.
  6. Jackal: Well, he costs turns still since Ive been able to 4 and 5 turn the map before
  7. "Everyone hyping Galeforce: stop" You didnt get it early enough for it to matter. It is really OP.
  8. Yeah, Ive known about Rhys's Arms Scroll deal. I say get him to A staves just in case and if you ever find out you need an ashera staff use, you know what to do. The other scroll could go to Geo/Haar. Also, looking forward to more vids!
  9. I usually prefer bases units. But I will welcome with open hands early enough units with nice growths and only decent bases (like Fe12 Ryan/Luke/Cecille)
  10. For males: Marth: possibly my favorite lord. Well, not precisely because of FE11. Ever since FE12, hes been my favorite lord. It doesnt help that hes my main in SSB so im biased. Cain: Hes a bro nuff said. Jeigan: the one and only. Julian: hes a pretty cool guy. Wolf: because he makes an awesome hero and dat hair. Xane: because hes awesome. As for females: Caeda: because shes a cool girl. Marth's waifu. She's an amazing unit and her personality is lovely. Athena: vun voman. Minerva: shes cool. Palla: MY WAIFU
  11. I could ghost if you guys want me to.
  12. I personally hate Chapter 23. The map is just random buffed enemies put there for the sake of being there. Their positioning has no thought to it. It feels like a mess to me because theres just too many of them.
  13. Sully+Kjelle, Ricken, Lon'qu, Morgan, Miriel+Laurent, Virion, Donnel Premonition 2/2 Validar Prologue 3/5 Fred OP. Avatar got a terrible level, oh well. Chapter 1 3/8 Avatar gets more terrible levels. Sully gets a few kills. Fred OP Chapter 2 3/11 Fred+Sully OP. Miriel and Virion are awful. Chapter 3 4/15 Would need Stahl to 3 turn this. Paralogue 1 10 Trained Sully and Chrom, got the chests and killed bossman. Didnt bother with Donnel. Tried training Miriel but she sucks. Chapter 4 2/17 Fred+Javelin = OP. Avatar sucks too much to be able to 2 turn this. So I had Fred do it instead. Not Surprisingly, its a lot more reliable with him. Chapter 5 3/20 Ricken gets Draco kills. Maribelle suicides. Fred+Sully kill a lot of things. Paralogue 2 8 Fred+Sully go to village. The others train and then handle the boss area. Chapter 6 3/23 Ricken Lonqu Virion and Miriel helped "Marth". Fred+Sully took the right side then KO'd the boss. Avatar+Chrom took the left side. Chapter 7 2/25 Avatar opens the way for Sully+Fred to full move and lure the Dracos so the boss can move next turn. Ricken OHKOs pesky Dracoknights which was pretty helpful. Chapter 8 5/30 Sully goes down and Nowi ferry. Ricken got Seal. Miriel got Rescue. Paralogue 3 10 Training for Wyvern Sully. She got to Hand Axes in like 2 turns its ridic. Missed the robe. Chapter 9 3/33 Ricken promotes to Sage and he rescues Sully down then takes Libra's area. A lone enemy survived so I couldnt 2 turn and i wasnt assed to reset for it. Anna Paralogue i dont know but its less than 10 Everyone gets some exp. Chapter 10 3/36 Not enough move. Got all the loot though. Chapter 11 2/38 Go down with Sully to gangrel area and she takes down like everything. Ricken handled the hero so bro (he 2HKOs with Elthunder) Chapter 12 2/40 Sully goes up, gets Deliverer and then gets on the boat. Chrom+Avvy get the left. Miriel takes 2 armors with rally magic ricken help and ricken takes care of quite a few enemies too. Chapter 13 1/41 Rescue and go up. Morgan Paralogue 10 Recruit Morgan and train Cavalier Lucina a bit. Promoted her to Pally after this. Kjelly Paralogue 10 Recruit Kjelly, train Morgan and Lucina. Dracoshield get. Laurent Paralogue 10 Got the godess staff. Ricken got to tomefaire. Chapter 14 1/42 Get the Bullion and then kill boss. Got a bit of exp with everyone too. Chapter 15 2/44 Sully gets boss area. Lucina gets say'ri area. Ricken rescue say'ri and is danced to take the beach. Chapter 16 2/46 Sully goes up and kills boss after a ricken rescue. Got the wings for ricken and the other 2 thieves loot. Chapter 17 3/49 Boots get. Was pretty easy too, thanks to Ricken rescue, Pally Lucina (who went for the boss) and Sully. Chapter 18 1/50 Fred goes down and switches to ricken so he can rescue sully and she ORKOs yenfay. Chapter 19 1/51 Go up and kill the boss. Chapter 20 2/53 ^ Tiki Paralogue 7 Defended Tiki with my units. Rally spectrum get finally so shes not useless anymore! Chapter 21 2/55 Rally spectrum everyone. Ricken goes down and rescues sully who goes down and ends it on EP 2. (boss moves) Chapter 22 1/56 Got Helswath with Lucina+Morgan. Got Valflame with Sully. Ricken rescues Sully and she is danced to KO aversa. Chapter 23 2/58 Sully goes right and murders stuff. Quick Burn is amazing. Ricken OHKOs stuff with valflame so OP. Ricken took the north. Sully took boss area with helswath. Lucina took the center. Some enemies that wouldnt reach Sully were taken care of by a rescue from ricken into dance into ownage. Chapter 24 2/60 Sully goes right after a ricken rescue and murders stuff in boss area. Lucina took the north. Avatar took on 2 enemies on the south. Ricken took the middle after the rescue like a bro. Chapter 25 1/61 Dancer pairs up into Fred and he switches to her in the mountains so she can dance Sully so she can go up and KO Aversa. Endgame Grima 1/62 Hahaha 1 try. Lucina fucked her up with a crit and then an aether after a rally spectrum. Kills and stuff: Frederick Battles 58 Victories 41 So clutch. Got him to Level 10 so I could have a second Griffon and it payed off with awkward turnshaves here and there. Levels Class HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 10/2 Griffon 35 15 4 20 20 9 12 8 Gold Sully Battles 274 Victories 231 Started pretty meh. Got hand axes pretty early and became a pretty average but really good Griffon. By Chapter 23, she was invinciblle since she got Quick Burn. Levels Class HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 15/10/11/7 Wyvern 65 41 15 38 40 32 30 24 Naga Tear Virion Battles 2 Victories 0 Never got past his base level. Completely useless. Base Miriel Battles 37 Victories 16 Was a good pairup bot for Ricken. But training her was too much of a shore. Getting her exp when shes almost OHKO'd in EP is pretty tough. Levels Class HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 11/1 Batman 26 6 12+2 12 14 11 11 9 Lon'qu Battles 7 Victories 4 Ricken's early spd pairbot. Levels Class HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 6 Pairupbot Silver Ricken Battles 124 Victories 103 Didnt expect him to be silver. The speedwings were worth it on him. Had nice durability so he allowed me to rescue and keep him in range without worries. Was easy to train thanks to Wyvern OHKOs in Ch7 and Lon'qu. Levels Class HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 11/20/8 Sage 58 11 32+7 30 31 31 27 18 Speedwingsx2 Dracoshield Olivia Battles 2 Victories 0 Saves turns. Lucina Battles 108 Victories 82 Discipline Veteran Lucina is whoa. She was almost unstoppable with Morgan pair up. Levels Class HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 10/10/20 Paladin 64 35 10 37 39 32 29 17 Kjelly Battles 2 Victories 2 Deliverer made her useful here and there but I didnt bother training her. Levels Class HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 10/1 GK 42 22 4 17 16 15 19+2 8 Morgan Battles 28 Victories 23 Lucina's Dark Knight in crime. Levels Class HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 20/10/2 Batman 57 17 20+2 24 26 21 25 17 Laurent Battles 2 Victories 0 Useless. Chrom Battles 80 Victories 56 Bro. Levels Class HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 15/9 Gr.Lord 45 24 2 22 24 20 25 10 Avatar Battles 126 Victories 101 Got really screwed so she was pretty bad after a certain point. Only served for rally spectrum. Levels Class HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 19/18 Chump 47 25 18 24 32 17 21 17
  14. Now I will need to rename my hack...:/
  15. Finished Doofus Draft #38079 in 87 turns and Another one of these #39140 in 63 turns.
  16. Whoops...thought it was DTE hahaha. Sorry, I figured DTE wouldve been at the top of the page.
  17. You and Interceptor seem to forget that you spoonfeed Nowi a lot of levels that could be fed to units with more mobility...idk, Ive never been impressed by Nowi.
  18. Reclassing Lucina is the way to go. Cavalier gives her Discipline, which on top of Veteran, is a very powerful combination. The loss of Rapier is negligible, since she will gain access to beast killers before long and Armorslayer.
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