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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Yeah, Rody has never done well for me tbh. Luke is bro 90% of the time. Your ryan is unsalvageable. Ryan makes a bad cavalier anyway. He doesnt like any class not Myrmidon, Pirate or Bow class tbh.
  2. Ouch @ your Rody and your Ryan. Btw, you dont have to take the prologue deserters equipment before they leave, once they leave, their stuff appears in the convoy in Chapter 1. Good luck with the rest of the run
  3. [spoiler=Chapter 14] No sound for this one because I got lazy and didnt send it to Xinny/didnt wanna bother her again
  4. I guess it had to happen eventually :P Yeah, i did that to prevent the reinforcements from ruining everything. Glad you liked it and found it helpful. And yeah, my luck stinks ;/ Yeah. The Drill Grounds always gives mostly good levels though since how many stats you gain is fixed. And thanks :) It's still kinda unlucky ;/ I'd say it was anything but amazing :( [spoiler=Chapter 13x] Wryyyys promotes. I only promoted him for his move and to add a bit of survivability though. Since he cant really use tomes in this run. Thanks to Xinny again for adding audio :) Also, I forgot to mention, I got a Quick Bow (Brave Bow with poor MT and 12 uses) and Wry's staff (called Polish) in How's everyone
  5. The only solution I've found for this is to just not use enemy growths. They're kinda whacky in this game.
  6. The least thing I want is another FE7...defend missions every other chapter isnt that fun
  7. Not anymore! [spoiler=Norne gets some exp and Chapter 13 Part 1] Decided to train Norne to promotion in the Drill Round. She decides to get a good level that somewhat redeems her last ones but not quite. Still a long ways to go. I'm ok with this A little bit of str would help... Yes, like that At least she's fast Str issues, i like that she can double already though.
  8. PKL


    I like how it looks. I still havent gotten to play the latest builds though. Ive heard complaints about the new Ivy and ZSS
  9. Prologue 2/2 Chapter 1 5/7 Chapter 2 5/12 Chapter 3 10/22 Chapter 4 9/31 Oh god, these Eirika solos are killing me. Chapter 5 7/38 Eirika rushes to boss. FML Chapter 6 6/44 What I said above this. Chapter 7 7/51 The same as last chapter. Except Eirika crossed a river while doing so. Chapter 8 14/65 I...I can't anymore Chapter 9 28/93 My TC so good LOL Chapter 10 11/104 Having only Eirika is so painful oh god. Chapter 11 22/126 At least this is the last chapter I have to Eirika solo... Chapter 12 14/140 This is still painful. Chapter 13 3/143 Welp. Chapter 14 10/153 Somebody HALP why did I join this? Chapter 15 14/167 Eirika so bad at this point. Saleh Ewan and Eph did like, everything. Chapter 16 5/172 EWAN FERRY Chapter 17 4/176 At least Eirika promoted... Chapter 18 10/186 Turtlecounts activate. Chapter 19 1/187 Warped Eirika finally. Chapter 20 2/189 ^ Final 1 1/190 Myrrh crit. Final 2 1/191 ^
  10. I think Integ's call worked. There have only been like, 2 new drafts since Integ made this thread and most people are working hard to finish their current drafts. I dont think its that hard to understand that some people might like to be able to compete with others to grab certain units and use those units as best they can to LTC the game. Some people also like the restrictions draft rules present them. Others might be in it just for the drafting process of picking a team. In any case, they do it because they want to have fun. If someone drafts the same characters, I'm guessing they do it because those characters are good and they wanna beat their own/someone else's LTC record or because they like the character.
  11. Yeah, that is the case. There are some differences in the JP version like forging and master crowns being needed to promote (and there's also a few more crowns around)
  12. Shin Refa Harpoon and I were playing a BG just now. When it started, this happened: Everyone died at the start and I got a parachute catapult, it was amazing. The game ended like this. Refa and I both won, Shin was LOSER and died from cocaine. Sharpoon had been kicked earlier due to inactivity.
  13. [spoiler=Chapter 12 Part 5] Speed staff saved my backside.
  14. So saaaad ;/ Yeah. Norne is looking like she might be benchworthy! Oh and thanks for letting me know that, I guess I didnt copy paste Part 4 right :P. Ill fix it now.
  15. He's third tier Level 20. Cant grow now ;/ [spoiler=Chapter 12 Part 1] This chapter is divided in 5 parts.
  16. Alright thanks. Seems like I made a problem out of something easy >_>
  17. Well, Ross is a pirate in this hack so TF1 is unused. This is without the Cavalier class number.
  18. Right, so I made a custom Axe Cavalier class for Kyle replacing Trainee Fighter (1), and want this class to promote to Wyvern Lord and Great Knight instead of Paladin/Great Knight. Problem is, I need to use Cavalier class number to make this not happen: If I highlight Axe Cavalier Seth, his sprite reverts to Trainee Fighter (1) but, he can promote to the classes I want for Axe Cavalier Kyle. If I use the cavalier class number, the sprite always stays the same, but I can only promote to Paladin/GK
  19. Finished FE9 Draft Number 16 #34472 in 135 turns. Finished FE8 Sadist Draft #34371 in 191 turns. NEVER AGAIN.
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