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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Well, its more the justification for said 9.99 which is pure BS.
  2. Sent 1-E. Oh god, my TC for Part 1 was horrible! Of course, thats because I took a slower approach but still...im not used to this T.T
  3. I bet there are mosquitoe lovers out there. Ive seen worse! I expect anything from mankind lately lol.
  4. Why did you even bother getting everything? lol. You only really need the Boots. I shudder to think how many resets that took.
  5. Quick question Eryth- is the last round going to be reversed? Its kinda unfair for me to get both the worst picks. (the worst first round and the worst last round)
  6. Zelda and Pokemon Trainer. EDIT: Curse you, Fuzz. Diddy Kong.
  7. It requires a level 20 BEXP'd Micaiah with at least 16-18 AS. Also requires Savior/Pass on Sothe so he can carry Micaiah. Admidetly, the 5 turn is hard to pull off. Turn 1: Micaiah moves and kills Fighter. Sothe saviors Micaiah. BK moves a bit behind Sothe. Rafiel vigors both of them. Black Knight moves and snipes the Archer up the ledge. Sothe moves up and steals that archer's spot, using Pure Water if you have it. Have any other units you have shove/rescue Rafiel or whatever you need. Turn 2: BK moves up and shoves Sothe to the right. Sothe passes through the armor and heals if neccesary. The longbow dude will go after Sothe from above in EP iirc. Turn 3: Sothe moves up and drops Micaiah to the right. (towards the door). Turn 4: Sothe opens the door. (you can reset for low bio at this point on this armors :p) Micaiah prepares to resolve thani shit. Depending on how you did in the rest of Part 1, she could be in best bio at this point (hint: she almost always is for me). 18 AS x2 = 36 +20ish lck = 56 + 15 Sothe support = 71 + 18 resolve = 89 +10 Bio bonus = 99 Avo. It could be more depending on her luck and spd. One of the archers is like, the only one that has good hit on her and she can just use him to enter resolve. In order to 5 turn it, you need Muarim/Nailah at this point to go and ORKO the boss. Turn 5: KO boss, shove Micaiah and seize. Alternatively, you can 6 turn it and get the speedwing with a similar strat. Its not the most reliable thing in the world, hence, why I dont always get it, but still. Oh, and if you are worried about Pass/Savior not in the GMs, you dont need Savior until 3-11 so you can just wait and ferry it in 3-7. You obtain a pass from heather and 1 is usually enough. And the DBs COULD use their pass anyway to have a better 3-12 and 3-13. Hope this helps. Also, if you have Nailah, you can just have her ferry BK towards the throne for a reliable 6 turn.
  8. Sal, CR and me- you have 3 days to give 1-E to BBM until the penalties start kicking in. Since its the end of part 1 and all, might as well give more time. Not to mention Im being lazy as fuck and sal needs to catch up
  9. My luck is the worst. Jagen has gotten crit 3 times already.
  10. SB, pick already damnit.
  11. Oops forgot my second pick. Castform.
  12. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 3 players. 2. Marth, Jagen, Caeda, Julian, Xane and Nagi/Gotoh are free for all to use. 3. The game will be played on H5. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, visit houses, trade, meatshield, and shop. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to opening chests/doors. 3. Gaiden chapters do not count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken. 4. You are free to reclass undrafted units to whatever you want. 5. Marth may not Seize the throne in Chapter 19 before Turn 5. Other: 1. Usage of the WifiShop is strictly prohibited. 2. You may not use loaner units. 3. Arran/Samson are BANNED. They break the game too much to be allowed and we want a challenge. Also, to even the units 48/4 = 12 for everyone 4. Warp is free to be used on any character except for Marth. Warp is banned in endgame. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter. Exceptions: 1. Every character is free for the first 3 chapters. 2. Generic units count as drafted units. Teams: Jedisupersonic- Abel, Bord, Wolf, Lena, Sedgar, Beck, Palla, Cord, Tiki, Etzel, Roger, Caesar, Tomas, Dolph, Ymir, Macellan *PKL- Barst, Wendell, Hardin, Athena, Wrys, Jake, Minerva, Catria, Horace, Rickard, Gordin, Maria, Jeorge, Bantu, Matthis, Linde, Lorenz Serious Bababas- Cain, Ogma, Merric, Draug, Navarre, Boah, Midia, Castor, Roshea, Elice, Darros, Vyland, Astram, Radd, Est [spoiler=Remaining units]
  13. Well, I did say didnt want to play Fire emblem :p not pogeymanz
  14. Its amazing how my opinions can change in such a short time. I blame that I had completed a draft where Linde was really good for gharnef killing. But lately, I think Linde is pretty bad. Lunatic changed me
  15. Same. Ill do 1-E today morning. Yesterday was a hectic morning and I just wanted to rest, not play Fire emblem :p. I blame having to do the shopping.
  16. Ryan, Minerva and Cecil>>>>>>>>Barst. And Linde is too high.
  17. This. Specially for hammertime. Also, bias 5/10 because he saved me a turn in a draft in 4-E-1.
  18. Dont change rules like that :(. Not after everyone has started. Also, 20 hours is too much. Everyone will get 0 if they catch everything. Anyway, my pick is uh...Girafarig.
  19. Lmfao. The first mudkip I got was relaxed too. SO GOOD. I reset and got an Lonely one which is decent I guess.
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