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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Ouch. Chapter 13 10/74 Ouch, is all I gotta say. I lost like 3 turns because of not having a thief! On the other hand, now Jill is all ready for promotion. Curse you CR and Boron for taking the thieves!
  2. Ive had that ^ thing happen like 5 times now. FUUUUUUUUUU
  3. Chapter 13 is so poorly designed IMO. Oh, that soldier near Astrid? Lets all gang up on him so he dies and expose astrid to the myrmidon! Thats a great idea IS!
  4. lol i might try. EDIT: Also, fuck astrid.
  5. That would mean the ravens would still try to get them haha so I would be 10 turning it. Also, derp rules. But I doubt I can get Sothe to the boots in turn 2 without getting him attacked.
  6. Lol bases. He's salvageable with blossom and BEXP but why would you do that when there are much better options that dont require that? 1/10
  7. Another dilemma! I have 3 chest keys, I need to save 1 use for the full guard. (sothe went too early >.>) Should I save that chest key use in chapter 13 or should I just try to grab the chest key in ch 16 and try to make it all the way to the full guard in time...? I might not be able to 7-8 turn chapter 13 with that chest key use anyway...also, I cant grab the boots in the desert because I dont have sothe FML.
  8. Pegasus Knight MU is horrible haha. Thats why I slashed it. Its still possible to do the game with it though as I demonstrated in my playthrough, its just more annoying and you lose turns early on to fighter!MU
  9. @ Little Al- Cord: hes bad because of his axe rank. I mean, E rank? REALLY? As well as being a growth unit, an unreliable one at that. Barst is a lot closer to HAMMERTIME and has infinitely better bases as well as existent durability. Merric: why use him when you have DA POPE? On Wolf vs Sedgar- Wolf>>>Sedgar because of his better bases, not getting critted all the time and having an extreemly awesome str growth with sufficient def growth. Sedgar's def growth is stupidly overkill. As for Palla vs Catria- Palla has B lances and better bases (despite being 1 higher or so). Having silver allows her to OHKO thing catria will take a counter from and ORKO stuff easier than catria. Catria has better growths, but chapter 14 is not a good jointime for a purely growth-based unit. Also, Palla is way hotter than catria :3.
  10. Yeah, except you're the one that's wrong so go back and do those papers.
  11. Bases? What are those? I has hair but sadly it dont work like in the bible so im crap. 0/10
  12. @jackal- How do you propose to beat the chapter 2 boss without the forge? Note that he has 15 AS (IIRC) so not much will be doubling. You either lose turns without the forge or just plain cant get through the chapter without it.
  13. Luke seems to be 4-5 swings away from Armorslayer...Ill probably arena him a bit. I kinda fear the H3 arena because of the whole HP that went down, stays down thing. Is it only for consecutive battles or for the entire chapter? Because if it is only to prevent consecutive wins, it will cost more money but I can see Luke getting to C this way. But if HP lost stays lost for that base session then I dont see how Luke will get to C...
  14. Chapter 12 8/64 Jill receives the Iron Lance forge, Dracoshield and speedwings from ike and she flies solo to the west. Getting kills. Tits Soren and Mia team up and take down everything else. Mia capped spd already and could double boss lol.
  15. Jill murderface apprecites the Draco. Mia appreciates the KE but can do without it. I decided to keep the Draco. Chapter 11 5/56 Mia stays put. Soren moves up and Ike shoves him. Tits parks in front of BK's door. The Bow Knight went for Soren and died to the Fire forge. Mia killed stuff in the other side. Turn 2, Soren kills a cavalier in the way. Tits kills the myrm in the way and cantos west with Iron Lance equipped. Ike moves to the right of Soren and chokepoints there. He Kills stuff in EP. Tits too. And Mia's enemies are split up due to her positioning. This allows her to get the Draco and make a run for it in turn 3. Turn 3 tits keeps moving left. Mia runs. Soren and Ike move up but no in range of Zihark. Ike kills more stuff with Regal Sword. Turn 4, Tits hammers knight. Ike and Soren move out of BK's spawn range. Mia keeps killing and running. Last turn, Ike grabs the Killer Lance. Soren hits the boss for more fire WEXP. And tits arrives. Unit Lv Xp HP st Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Ike 13 72 36 11 3 13 14 10 10 4 Sword B Soren C Tits C Tits 7 94 39 15 5 16 17 14 13 9 Lance C Axe S Ike C Soren 14 16 24 0 14 15 13 8 3 15 Fire E Thunder E Wind D Ike C Mia 15 63 26 11 2 14 18 10 9 4 Sword B
  16. Starwave- I myself dont like cats, no matter how OP ranulf's bases are. Because of that same thing you are saying. He cant go in and murder everything in EP because of his gauge. Having to limit EP exposure means he gets to kill only a few enemies and that means taking longer in a map.
  17. Idk what to do. I got a file of chapter 11 with dracoshield but no killing edge (zihark) and in the other, I got zihark (Killing edge) but no draco...what do?
  18. Meg is the best. What is there to discuss?
  19. Godly bases. Close to signing. Buuuut, he has cat gauge which severely limits how many enemies he can take in every EP. There's grass but needing to chug that to stay transformed instead of just killing more shit in PP is a flaw that cannot be overlooked. 3/10 (4/10 -1 bias)
  20. One of teh characters that makes me wonder if IS is into crack. 0/10
  21. Made a small mistake in the chapter 10 description. Tits first used the Iron Lance forge (10x2 since he used Steel Lance). He was down 22 HP then she attacked him PP with the iron axe forge for 12x2 damage due to WTA. If you are wondering how Soren and Mia survived, they obtained a door key, traded it around and Mia chokepointed while Soren stood behind her nabbing as little amount of kills they could.
  22. Chapter 10 4/51 Made an Iron Lance forge for Tits. What I did was have Tits rescue Ike and make a run for it. She can 4HKO danomill (the boss) with the iron lance. So she attacks an armor with it and stands in range of danomill and the armor. Danomill attacks her in EP 3 and the armor dies too. Next, she KOs him and gets the master seal and ike seizes. Mia and Soren survived thanks to Mia's vantage and teamwork. 1 more turn and they would have died though xD
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