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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Nephenee's average is 8.5. Day 27: Brom Helps in 2-1. Can be dropped to hammer Ludveck in 2-E...thats about it. Hes mediocre forever. I give him a 5/10
  2. Marth cant reach the ghost naturally. He needs a dance.
  3. Practically doesnt exist. Shes ok otherwise. 4/10
  4. Thanks. That gave me some ideas. Although, I cant warp Marth at all in the draft. I can have Marth reach the ghost in Turn 2. Then, Yumina rescues in Turn 3 and 2 full moves will land him exactly in the throne. Also, the only unit that actually ORKOs ice dragons in my team is Berserker! Ryan :/. Even Dracoknight! Female My Unit has trouble with them.
  5. Damnit, she thought of it too :(.
  6. Dont tell me you got the 4 turn...the most unreliable thing ever. Im not buying it. Miccy has like 3% crit.
  7. I assume you havent used Neph in drafts...or got some really bad Personal Experience lol.
  8. That is some pretty nasty abuse...:/
  9. But, this isnt transfer Neph...
  10. Gotta ask before I proceed. In order to get a 5 turn in 2-1 with Heather recruited. The armor has to have 13 AS and the boss must miss once on Neph in EP, is this acceptable or not? I will settle with a 6 turn if it isnt. Or try another strategy.
  11. Its alright. I want Astrid. Wanted to pick Lethe=Fiona for a sec just to bother Sharp.
  12. Ah yes. I havent reported the Turncount because I havent posted the log. Im a prick and dont want any of the SFDTT players to know how i got that TC until after SFDTT. Hint: It involves a lot of Titania and Soren xD.
  13. Surprise surprise. Haar gets a 10. Day 26: Nephenee Innate Wrath. Is forced in 2-1 and will probably get the boss kill. Her starting weapon weighs her down but you can transfer Marcia's lances with Nealuchi so that she can have better offense in 2-2. Huge skl and spd growths + high bases in skl spd means she will cap it really early in Tier 2, allowing her to slowplay BEXP the other, more problematic stats like str and def. She has Part 2's BEXP for her. Allowing her to almost reach promotion (or possible promote) when added to 3-1's BEXP. She has good 1-2 range. Crit bonus from her class. Impale activates quite often, specially with her high skl. Javelin Crit forges have her name written all over it. Her problems are low str and def growths + low bases in them. And that she doesnt have 9 move without Celerity... I give her an epic 9/10.
  14. Thanks. Also, auto sign-me up in BF3 please :). *hopes its a low tier tournament*
  15. Is it possible to get a 4 turn in H2? Whatever combination I try, I always end up losing Feena to the dark mages or the Rescuebot...I need the rescuebot (Yumina) to be able to rescue Marth as far left as possible in Turn 3 so he can reach the throne in Turn 4...but how do I clear the enemies as quickly as possible with a draft team AND get warp? Its killing me.
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