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Everything posted by PKL

  1. I want marcia :(.

  2. Soul's the one being mean here. :(

  3. Oh hell no, come on.

  4. Ur so mean soul XD. Let elincia have elincia...btw If everyone in the thread agrees that the rule should be changed so he can promote in chapter 14 using the knight crest, I will change it.

  5. Lol Soul. Ur so mean. Let Kitty have Elincia.

  6. When is the next knight crest found anyway? Isnt it Aias in chapter 13?

  7. NVM oyster had picked zihark lol. Theres meg and aran left though.
  8. Xander still has zihark left. What have we done?
  9. The idea was nerfing him a lot so that other characters can compete without banning him. Seeing how much having 7 move over 8 affects him for those chapters is what we're trying to find out. If its proven to be too dumb then fine, he can promote earlier.

  10. Wow...this draft has taken so long. OMG. If someone does that in my drafts, I''d disqualify them outright. I understand life issues and all obv but HELLO, HOW HARD IS IT TO SEND A PM WITH THE NAME OF THE UNITS YOU WANT???
  11. Seriously...at least leave picks people. Is it that hard? Btw, soul draft for me. Imma be away all day.
  12. I still cant figure out WHY someone would want both oscar AND boyd lol.
  13. Soul''s got a point though. If u think ur gonna lose and dont give it your all to try to win, u WILL lose. It happens in anything competitive. I should know, I play offline smash tournaments. I usually see people in tournaments with a lot of potential to win but they have it in their mind that theyll lose anyway and guess what? They do >_>.
  14. Green Cloyster att acks again. Probably didnt use shell smash to raise his speed. Thats why hes taking so long to pick. >_>
  15. He definetely didnt need 2 GMs. Dont know why he did it.
  16. PKL's Experimental SS Draft has finished drafting. * Soul: Franz, Forde, Tana, Joshua, Duessel, Innes, Rennac * PKL: Vanessa, Artur, Colm, Ross, Natasha, Amelia, Knoll * White Fang: Lute, Kyle, Gerik, Cormag, Moulder, Ewan, Dozla * General_Horace: Garcia, Tethys, Saleh, Syrene, Neimi, Gilliam, L'Arachel
  17. I have a computerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Now drafting will be so much easier. :D Shibeebaba shouldve drafted a DB.
  18. I wanted to try out boyd :(. Wb shibeebaba.
  19. Ryan myrmidon->berserker Gordin mage->sage Cecil archer->sniper
  20. My otherwise decent turncount got ruined in chapter 8 bcuz eirika is still at base def. So tirado orkos with silver lance...15 turns because i had to make him switch to javelin then rescue drop eirika and heal her with natasha. Vanessa and colm got the loot. I used the robe drop and draco on vanessa since my eirika is unsalvageable.
  21. My otherwise decent turncount got ruined in chapter 8 bcuz eirika is still at base def. So tirado orkos with silver lance...15 turns because i had to make him switch to javelin then rescue drop eirika and heal her with natasha. Vanessa and colm got the loot. I used the robe drop and draco on vanessa since my eirika is unsalvageable.
  22. I dont have access to journeyman 2. And hes extremely str screwed 7 at 10. Its disgusting really. Ill make him a pirate thanks. ^_^
  23. Alright, now we have to wait for oyster. See ya guys tomorrow lol.
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