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Everything posted by PKL

  1. [spoiler=Teams] Vennobennu's Team vs Athena's Team Turn 11 vs Vennobennu's Oscar (Silver Lance) attacks Athena's Ike (Silver Sword)! Ike's Parity activates! 23 dmg 100% Hit 0% Crit Ike receives 23 damage! (36/59) Ike counterattacks! 20 dmg 77% Hit 0% Crit (47 45 28) Oscar receives 20 damage! (36/56) Vennobennu Rolf 0/52 Oscar 36/56 Kieran 50/50 Makalov 58/58 Ike 0/52 Athena Brom 35/55 Nephenee 0/58 Ike 36/59 Nasir 42/60 [12/20] Giffca 0/68 Athena's turn!
  2. [spoiler=Teams] Vennobennu's Team vs Athena's Team Turn 9 vs Vennobennu's Ike (Silver Sword) attacks Athena's Giffca (Claw)! Ike's Nihil and Resolve activate! 27 dmg 100% Hit 0% Crit Giffca receives 27 damage! (0/68) Giffca falls! Vennobennu Rolf 0/52 Oscar 56/56 Kieran 50/50 Makalov 58/58 Ike 3/52 Athena Brom 35/55 Nephenee 0/58 Ike 59/59 Nasir 42/60 [16/20] Giffca 0/68 Athena's turn!
  3. Oh yeah, that and all of them have A rank in their weapons from the start. Forgot to mention that! Cavalier and Mercenary are also nice btw.
  4. I think superlaguz would wreck anything.
  5. Yeah Refa is the worst for testing stuff lol. WANNA FACE THE BROTHERS AGAIN THOUGH?
  6. Saw your edit after I posted, but in that case, Silver Bow did 11x2x3 = 66.
  7. " Silver bow until I'm in wrath range Then brave bow Giffca " [spoiler=Teams] Refa's Team vs Elieson's Team Turn 18 vs Elieson's Geoffrey (Brave Bow) attacks Refa's Giffca (Claw)! Geoffrey's Wrath activates! 3x2 dmg 56% Hit 50% Crit 26% Adept (20) Geoffrey's Adept allows another attack! (92 12 16) Giffca receives 9 damage! (59/68) (16 87 39) Giffca receives 9 damage! (50/68) (23 46 24) Giffca receives 9 damage! (41/68) (80 56 72) Geoffrey misses! And in the next turn Refa wins with Lethe. GG. Ironic that Elieson ended up being the one critblicking.
  8. [spoiler=Teams] Vennobennu's Team vs Athena's Team Turn 8 vs Athena's Nasir (Breath) attacks Vennobennu's Ike (Runesword)! Both units activate Nihil! 17 dmg 82% Hit 0% Crit (73 48 15) Ike receives 17 damage! (20/52) Ike counterattacks! 0 dmg 56% Hit 0% Crit Whatever. Nasir doubles! (91 70 46) Ike receives 17 damage! (3/52) Vennobennu Rolf 0/52 Oscar 56/56 Kieran 50/50 Makalov 58/58 Ike 3/52 Athena Brom 35/55 Nephenee 0/58 Ike 59/59 Nasir 42/60 [16/20] Giffca 14/68 [10/20] Vennobennu's turn!
  9. [spoiler=Teams] Refa's Team vs Elieson's Team Turn 14 vs Elieson's Geoffrey (Silver Bow) attacks Refa's Lethe (Claw)! Lethe's Nihil and Resolve activate! 17 dmg 19% Hit 0% Crit (40 11 28) Geoffrey misses! Refa Ike 52/52 Makalov 0/51 Lethe 5/70 [20/20] Jill 0/48 Giffca 68/68 [20/20] Elieson Elincia 0/52 Ike 0/52 Geoffrey 56/56 Kieran 0/50 Giffca 0/68 Refa's turn!
  10. [spoiler=Teams] Refa's Team vs Elieson's Team Turn 13 Refa's Giffca untransforms! Refa's Giffca equips Laguz Band! vs Refa's Giffca (Claw) attacks Elieson's Giffca (Claw)! 20 dmg 100% Hit 0% Crit Elieson's Giffca dies! Refa Ike 52/52 Makalov 0/51 Lethe 5/70 [20/20] Jill 0/48 Giffca 68/68 [20/20] Elieson Elincia 0/52 Ike 0/52 Geoffrey 56/56 Kieran 0/50 Giffca 0/68 Elieson's turn!
  11. [spoiler=Teams] Refa's Team vs Elieson's Team Turn 12 vs Elieson's Geoffrey (Silver Bow) attacks Refa's Lethe (Claw)! Lethe's Nihil and Resolve activate! 17 dmg 19% Hit 0% Crit (6 60 35) Geoffrey misses! Refa Ike 52/52 Makalov 0/51 Lethe 5/70 [20/20] Jill 0/48 Giffca 68/68 [1/20] Elieson Elincia 0/52 Ike 0/52 Geoffrey 56/56 Kieran 0/50 Giffca 20/68 [20/20] Refa's turn!
  12. [spoiler=Teams] Refa's Team vs Elieson's Team Turn 11 Lethe transforms by equipping Demi Band! vs Refa's Lethe (Claw) attacks Elieson's Ike (Silver Sword)! Lethe's Nihil and Resolve activate! 13 dmg 100% Hit 3% Crit (46) Ike receives 13 damage! (9/52) Ike counterattacks! 20 dmg 32% Hit 0% Crit (51 75 8) Ike misses! Lethe doubles! Ike receives 13 damage! (0/52) Ike falls! Refa Ike 52/52 Makalov 0/51 Lethe 5/70 [20/20] Jill 0/48 Giffca 68/68 [1/20] Elieson Elincia 0/52 Ike 0/52 Geoffrey 56/56 Kieran 0/50 Giffca 20/68 [20/20] Elieson's turn!
  13. [spoiler=Teams] Refa's Team vs Elieson's Team Turn 10 vs Elieson's Ike (Silver Sword) attacks Refa's Lethe (Claw)! Lethe's Nihil activates! 18 dmg 28% Hit 0% Crit (42 85 8) Ike misses! Lethe's Resolve activates! Lethe counterattacks! 15x2 dmg 100% Hit 3% Crit (79) Ike receives 15 damage! (37/52) (66) Ike receives 15 damage! (22/52) Ike is alive! Lethe untransforms! Refa Ike 52/52 Makalov 0/51 Lethe 5/70 (0/20) Jill 0/48 Giffca 68/68 [4/20] Elieson Elincia 0/52 Ike 22/52 Geoffrey 56/56 Kieran 0/50 Giffca 20/68 [20/20] Refa's turn!
  14. Yeah, I guess I will take out Wrath.
  15. THANKS NASIR. I blame him for this.
  16. [spoiler=Teams] Refa's Team vs Elieson's Team Turn 9 vs Refa's Lethe (Claw) attacks Elieson's Giffca (Claw)! Lethe's Nihil and Resolve activate! 24 dmg 100% Hit 0% Crit (41 11 96) Giffca receives 24 damage! (44/68) Giffca counterattacks! 24 dmg 30% Hit 0% Crit (25 30 8) Lethe receives 24 damage! (5/70) Lethe doubles! (85 57 87) Giffca receives 24 damage! (20/68) Refa Ike 52/52 Makalov 0/51 Lethe 5/70 [1/20] Jill 0/48 Giffca 68/68 [4/20] Elieson Elincia 0/52 Ike 52/52 Geoffrey 56/56 Kieran 0/50 Giffca 20/68 [20/20] Elieson's turn! Refa, your luck is oficially worse than mine and possibly Dio's, holy crap.
  17. Forgot to put it somewhere, but Makalov's Miracle didnt work obviously. (58)
  18. [spoiler=Teams] Refa's Team vs Elieson's Team Turn 8 Ike heals to full HP! Giffca equips Laguz Band! vs Elieson's Giffca (Claw) attacks Refa's Makalov (Silver Sword)! 23 dmg 100% Hit 1% Crit (2) Makalov receives 23 damage! (0/51) Makalov falls! Refa Ike 52/52 Makalov 0/51 Lethe 29/70 [5/20] Jill 0/48 Giffca 68/68 [7/20] Elieson Elincia 0/52 Ike 52/52 Geoffrey 56/56 Kieran 0/50 Giffca 68/68 [20/20] Refa's turn!
  19. [spoiler=Teams] Vennobennu's Team vs Athena's Team Turn 7 vs Vennobennu's Ike (Runesword) attacks Athena's Nephenee (Wishblade)! Ike's Nihil activates! Ike's Resolve activates! 15 dmg 100% Hit 0% Crit Nephenee receives 15 damage! (0/58) Ike's Runesword recovers 11 of his HP! (37/52) Nephenee falls! Vennobennu Rolf 0/52 Oscar 56/56 Kieran 50/50 Makalov 58/58 Ike 37/52 Athena Brom 35/55 Nephenee 0/58 Ike 59/59 Nasir 42/60 [20/20] Giffca 14/68 [10/20] Athena's turn!
  20. Maybe. Your Elincia would negate it anyway. But...who knows?
  21. [spoiler=Teams] Refa's Team vs Elieson's Team Turn 7 vs Refa's Giffca (Claw) attacks Elieson's Elincia (Runesword)! 30 dmg 79% Hit 0% Crit (19 58 31) Elincia receives... (63) 30 damage! (0/52) Elincia falls! Refa Ike 52/52 Makalov 23/51 Lethe 29/70 [5/20] Jill 0/48 Giffca 68/68 [7/20] Elieson Elincia 0/52 Ike 48/52 Geoffrey 56/56 Kieran 0/50 Giffca 68/68 [11/20] Elieson's turn!
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