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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Anacybele, while I like Ballad of the Goddess, I cant imagine this (or the one where Zelda doesnt sing it) while fighting lol.
  2. Thanks :D It has been brought to my attention by Miikaya that Nosferatu isn't needed in chapter 18 with a strat he did in his H4 playthrough. This means...RIP Katarina. After doing this chapter and uploading it, I realized I could save 1 turn. Sadly, 1 turning means RIP Katarina. She would've been really useful as a second Again user and she brings another Nosferatu to the team. Oh well. Chapter 16x is completed in 1 turn Note: A 1 turn while recruiting Katarina is possible at the expense of 1 or 2 Agains. In this strat, I had to buy 1 Spirit Dust for Linde and had to use the Rainbow Potion on Marth (though I guess it wasnt neccesary to do it with the Wo Dao crit in the first attack). Just wanted it to be reliable for him to crit. I also had the option of using Devil Sword with 28 Lck after RP and Starsphere to ORKO.
  3. Pretty sure Silver has 100 on Neph
  4. I wish my Sullies behave like that lol. Usually when I use her she just gets a bunch of HP Skl Lck levels and i eventually bench her. Dat Sully looks like how Cordelia usually does for me.
  5. Yes, Anon, Vague Katti is 20 MT 5 Crit in FE10. Would prefer this over its FE9 hax self ._.
  6. A rather simple chapter to 2 turn. Aside from crits making every run of this chapter not the same, it is still pretty easy to adapt mid-recording and just beat the chapter anyway. EDIT: Also, the Geosphere trade was to lower Avatar's chances of crit-blicking the Snipers as I'd rather feed em to the others. It happened to one of them anyway. Chapter 16x is completed in 2 turns Also...I've reached Chapter 17...the previous run killer. How will I fare against this chapter now, I wonder? Btw, I've discovered a possible way to 1 turn C16x with no staff uses. Though, obviously, Katarina has to die in order for it to happen, which skips her Nosferatu...which is needed for C18 unless I can get the C17 one, somehow? EDIT 2: Actually...Nosferatu might not be needed to beat C18...hmm... Let me know if you all want me to record it though.
  7. Screwage: Chrom- ive had a Chrom that had like 10 more skl than str/spd before promotion. Good times. Sumia- never gets STR or DEF for me. Has made me rage the most in playthroughs with her levels. Vaike- used him once...ONCE. (he was spd screwed beyond redemption) Miriel- 27 hp 7 def in chapter 21 as a Sage. Good times. Gregor- always gets hp skl levels. Libra- sometimes hes amazing for me but there are some times where hes almost at base when he gets Renewal... Sully- hp skl lck levels. Nothing else. Morgan- dont know why, but he always gets really screwed for me. Maribelle- awful levels and see Miriel. Avatar- ive had a lot of really awful avatars. Blessed: Cordelia- gets mostly really great levels for me. Say'ri- Maybe her growths are actually crazy or something. But I find that whenever I use her, she gets some mad good levels. Stahl- gets his average Spd for me and his Str/Def are humongous. I've had a few that were just outright blessed though. Frederick- have had a few that got really good levels followed by more good levels. Lucina- veteran might have to do with it. I don't know If theyre blessed, but goddamn, Lucina has been my MVP in a few Lunatic runs now. Cynthia- the one time I used her, she had better everything than her mom. Severa- must be the Stahl genes. Cherche- does really well for me. Sometimes doesnt get much def as Griffon but shes still solid.
  8. Also, I didnt say Thracia is bad. Just that it can be viewed as clunky and it is probably unattractive in a lot of ways to a newcomer to the series.
  9. With bias, I'd say he's better than Kent and worse than Sain. Because, man, those Kents Ive had just make me cringe. But in reality, I know I must just had bad Kents, so I have to say he's a worse version of Kent/Sain with more availability. He's nice in the normal modes for sure, but he tends to do poorly when it comes to HHM in my experience. EHM isnt too bad to him, though the decreased exp still hurts him quite a lot.
  10. Don't pay attention to those that have said Thracia 776. It's a clunky game that could turn you off from the series completely. I recommend going for the easier games with rich stories. Go for Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones and/or Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. The latter is kinda pricey, but is worth every cent.
  11. Paralogue 1 20 free turns I bought 10 Str and Def Tonics. And applied one of each on Stahl. Got Donnel and even got a 2nd level and a lot of support xp with Lissa. Owain might happen after all. Stahl and Kellam beasted, it proved to be an effective combo as the axers soon started getting 2HKO'd by Stahl's Iron Sword. Fred Sumia were the main combat duo, Fred being able to ORKO everything thanks to Sumia's Spd. I got the Killer Lance and Rescue and fed the bosskill to Stahl. Unit Lv HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wexp Chrom 3.35 22 9 1 10 9 7 7 1 Sword D Robin 6.21 23 9 9 6 8 2 11 5 Sword E Tome D Lissa 4.06 19 1 6 4 7 10 4 6 Staff D Frederick 5.89 32 16 3 16 13 7 15 4 Sword A Lance A Axe D Stahl 8.24 28 12 0 12 9 6 13 2 Sword C Lance E Sumia 2.10 19 6 3 12 14 9 5 7 Lance D Kellam 5.35 21 10 0 7 5 3 14 2 Lance D Donnel 3.06 18 5 2 2 5 13 4 1 Lance E MVP: Stahl and Kellam Stahl is now 1 away from Javelins too. Donnel still has a long ways to go to get there though. And...Donnel Lissa C still didnt happen. Darn. Chrom: Robin B Frederick C Robin: Chrom B Frederick: Chrom C Lissa C Sumia C Stahl: Kellam C Sumia: Frederick C Kellam: Stahl C Lissa: Frederick C Donnel forever alone Chapter 4 4/26 Another Str/Def tonic on Stahl and one Str one on Chrom. I didnt deploy Lissa or Donnel because I couldnt. Chrom/Avatar and Stahl/Kellam take on the Fighters in the south. Sumia/Fred counter and kill a mage in Turn 1 (fred also dodged a 59% Elthunder that wouldve done 14 dmg might be relevant). The other mage is killed by Fred in Turn 2 with Silver Lance. The mage was kind enough to move in a way that didnt get me in lucina range. In this turn, Avatar and Stahl also finish off the Fighters. In EP 2, sumia dual guarded Fred and Fred killed a Knight. And the Fighter got weakened thanks to Javelin. Turn 3, I have Chrom move up and switch to Avatar so that she can chip a Knight. This actually resulted in the Knight dying thanks to chrom's Rapier. Fred healed and was put in Lucina range. Stahl takes down the Fighter Fred weakened earlier. in EP 3, Lucina is lured and takes some damage from Fred. Avatar weakens a Fighter too. In Turn 4, I have Stahl weaken Lucina further and Chrom finishes her off. Fred finishes off the Fighter Avatar weakened earlier. Sadly, I don't think my strat would've worked if Fred hadn't dodged the first Elthunder mage in Turn 1 at 59% Hit. I'm gonna retry and see if i can get it to work without it. But Ill definetely be keeping this run because of the Avatar level. MVP: Frederick and Sumia Unit Lv HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wexp Chrom 4.13 23 10 1 11 10 8 7 2 Sword D Robin 7.01 24 10 10 6 9 3 12 5 Sword E Tome D Lissa 4.06 19 1 6 4 7 10 4 6 Staff D Frederick 6.53 33 16 3 17 14 7 16 4 Sword A Lance A Axe D Stahl 8.98 28 12 0 12 9 6 13 2 Sword C Lance E Sumia 2.10 19 6 3 12 14 9 5 7 Lance D Kellam 5.40 21 10 0 7 5 3 14 2 Lance D Donnel 3.06 18 5 2 2 5 13 4 1 Lance E EDIT: Ok the strat CAN work after all. It's just more demanding to make it reliable. Fred needs a Def Tonic and the Avatar needs a Thunder forge + one of the attacks on the Turn 3 Knight to be a Rapier dual from Chrom, as she can't ORKO normally even with the forge. I'd rather keep the current, less costly one.
  12. Def or not, you can take him down with Silver before he kills another...
  13. Horace, are you sure that's 50% crit after Wrath? I was under the impression that Wrath still cared about luck before that. EDIT; Also anon please. What kind of logic is that? It's as if u wanna lose.
  14. Stahl- normal person among weirdos. He's a bro. Good unit too. And fathers a really nice maingame Severa. Cordelia- her design is pretty cool. Great unit. I also like her character. Cherche- her lines are gold. Funny, not overdone. She's full of class and reeks of badass. And I really like how different she is from past female Wyverns. Lucina- like her outfit and how determined she is at stopping the future. Would unquestionably be my favorite FE13 character if she really put a stop to Mary Sue Avatar. Tiki- she's Tiki.
  15. This rescue-less strat was first done by commonguard in his playthrough. I forged a Javelin with +7 crit for Catria this chapter so that it is easier to blick the Geosphere thief. I managed to get a map save as close to the catria crit as possible to make it less annoying to get that 20% crit. At the end, Im aware Ryan didnt need to trade the Starsphere from Palla to kill the boss, but I did it anyway to showcase what I would've done if Sirius didn't have enough Spd to double the Fortify Bishop. That Bishop can spawn with 17 AS, which is why I checked his stats as soon as I opened the door so I know if I needed to change the order of attacks or not. I used the last thief Staff use here so that I could obtain another 5 uses of Rescue. Chapter 16 is completed in 2 turns
  16. Not like masteries will matter with 4 Nihils 2 Parity and Mantle around.
  17. Wait til you get to ch2 and 3. They're the worst!
  18. Chapter 3 4/22 Man, this chapter was such bullshit, you guys dont even know. Well, anyway, Chrom recruits and pairs with Kellam. Kellam moves to the right, gives Chrom to avatar and pairs with Stahl. Stahl transfers Kellam to Frederick. Sumia moves up. Lissa was not deployed. Frederick attacks a soldier with Silver Lance. In EP, that soldier dies. The Knight is doubled by Fred and dies to Silver. The Archer attacks but Fred cant counter. Another soldier attacks Fred and dies to a Kellam dual strike and the Door Key mercenary is put to 2 HP with Silver. In the following turn, I have Robin kill the Merc for the Door key. Stahl pairs with Sumia, Sumia moves right and switches to Stahl and I transfer Sumia to Frederick and Kellam to Stahl and have Stahl Bronze Lance the archer for 11/31 HP. Fred moves towards the door and heals to 26 HP with a vulnerary(1 tile down from the door). In EP, the archer goes for Robin and is countered by Fire after Chrom dual guards. The dual guard wasnt neccesary but I guess it saved a vulnerary use. in Turn 3, I have robin move towards Fred and trade to Sumia the Door Key, this is where Robin wouldve healed if she needed to, but she didnt. Stahl now moves, equips a Bronze Sword and takes the Door Key from Fred and uses it on the Door. Now Fred equips Iron Sword and moves up and left and uses another vulnerary 31/31 HP. In EP 3, the knight near the door attacks Stahl thanks to having a Sword, though he has the same def as Frederick. The reason this happens is likely to be because Fred is at full HP and has more avo due to Sumia. This is where a bit of BS was needed. Fred got attacked by a mercenary for 9 damage and he counters for 17. The hammer Fighter now goes for Frederick and attacks at 42% Hit and misses (could've KO'd) and Fred doubles back for a ORKO and obtains the Hammer. An archer also attacks Fred for 7 damage (15 HP remaining). Robin is attacked once again by the Archer. Now I have Robin attack the Knight for a bit more weapon exp but she doesnt ORKO thanks to Chrom only dualing once with Rapier. Stahl finishes off the archer with Bronze Lance and Fred goes for the boss and hits her with Hammer twice at 72%. MVP: Robin and Chrom (I imagine its because Fred was paired with Kellam and not sumia when he tanked all those enemies in Turn 1) Unit Lv HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wexp Chrom 1.93 20 7 1 8 8 5 7 1 Sword E Robin 4.55 22 7 7 6 7 2 11 5 Sword E Tome D Lissa 1.85 17 1 5 4 4 8 3 4 Staff E Frederick 5.17 32 16 3 16 13 7 15 4 Sword B Lance A Axe D Stahl 4.62 24 10 0 9 7 6 10 1 Sword D Lance E Sumia 1.00 18 6 3 11 13 8 5 7 Lance D Kellam 5.10 21 10 0 7 5 3 14 2 Lance D
  19. Zelda being in pretty much confirms Sheik...as for Marth, I wouldnt mind English voice for my main but it'd have to be voiced by someone good or RIOT.
  20. It's not hard to understand, really. The reason why the Winner of Winner's Bracket has a better Grand Finals is because he hasn't lost even once. The name says it all: Double Elimination. So in order for the Winner of Losers Bracket to win the tournament, he has to prove him/herself by defeating the Winner of Winners Bracket twice. It's happened a lot before, so its not like its an insurmountable lead. Though it is obviously done with more competitive games.
  21. Nono, I took a look at the bracket and I know about this stuff. The winner of Refa vs you goes to Grand Finals and is guaranteed 1/2nd place while the Loser goes to Loser's Finals and is guaranteed 3rd place (and can get 1st if they win in Grand Finals twice). Ive been in enough smash tournaments to know this by now >_>.
  22. Too accurate >_> Anyway, Espinosa, you have Refa vs Baldrick listed wrong. It's actually Winners Finals and not Semifinals.
  23. Well, now that Im eliminated I can host even more games!
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