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Everything posted by Heipmaster

  1. Epic Win: Triple Pierce with Tana against the Demon King using a Brave Lance. 0 dmg, but it kills him in one round of combat (coz of defence negation).
  2. I have never played ranked either, and if I don't AA or have modified EXP gains for each stave (like 15-17 per heal for fan-hacks), I can't really get them to lvl 20. And then I realised why. I play very conservatively. If don't feel the person needs a heal before the enemy phase or before winning the chapter, i don't heal. I hold on to status staves like a poor man holds on to his money and don't use them unless I'm in dire situations. And by endgame, I have used like only 1 charge of my sleep or silence stave at most. And I didn't even use my rescue or warp staves, even though warp isn't worth much in terms of gold (I might be wrong). So I have been wondering, what would happen if I do a ranked run. Would my conservative nature ruin my attempts of an S? I plan to do a ranked one soon and record it, but thats after I play through FE5 once. I want to experience both FE4 and 5 at least once in my life. FE4 was really good. FE5 so far, feels sort of like a black sheep of the series to me. Maybe its because of the 20 stat caps and the fact you need to capture enemy units and "steal" their weapons to supply yourself. I was so scared at the start of FE5 that I'd end up with no weapons, so I stole quite in the starting few chapters. And then realised, I have no more room in my inventory. And now I'm going off-topic >< Going back into the topic, I have always used Priscilla over Serra for many reasons (logical, efficiency and fanboy-wise). I don't hate Serra (I think she's an interesting character), its just that I have a unit that can fulfill the same roles as Serra, but have extra things she can do that can improve her overall role and usefulness in the game. And I know past in-game experience (as in blessed units and such that become way better than their averages say) doesn't mean much, but I once had a 42HP max magic,skill,speed,luck, and res Priscilla with 15 Def at 20/20 (no stat ups except a body ring). With the A support with Guy, my jaw dropped at how amazing she was in combat with him. If I had more body rings to increase her Con, I'd raise it to 13 for Excalibur lol. And my Guy was blessed in Strength. Max strength with Wo Dao = Morph Massacre. Come to think of it, most of my units in HHM were blessed >.> Eliwood...when did you become a decent unit to use in HHM.
  3. A late reply into the topic, but I have always picked troubadours over clerics/healers if I had a choice between the two. That horse is so darn handy to have. Not only can you heal, but you can rescue/drop, and having that can be a lifesaver. I think on most GBA FE7 runs/fan-hack runs I have had, I have almost always picked Priscilla over Serra. Even though in the end I may bench her for better units since on most hacks where the two are available, there are usually a select few characters that will shine out and be too awesome not to use. Actually, now that I think back, I don't think I have ever really used Serra outside of Lyn mode in vanilla FE7.
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