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Everything posted by Alastor15243

  1. ...Oh. Okay. ...Well, I died. I was worried that would happen, what with me picking a flier, but even so... That was... shocking... how it came about.
  2. I made the stream! Anyone who wants to watch Birthright Dakota in Mangs' Corrinright, it's live now: https://www.twitch.tv/mangs1337
  3. Thanks, I appreciate it! Is it an easy-seize? EDIT: I managed to get the skill, thanks a ton!
  4. Speaking of which... if anyone who has inspiration is reading this, can you put that on your avatar? I want that to be Dakota's personal skill.
  5. Hey, by the way everyone, I'm going to be trying to get on Mangs' Corrinright livestream with Classic Dakota as a wyvern knight. Check it out, maybe just maybe you'll see me there!
  6. Quixotic would definitely help her accuracy, and on enemy phase too, though she tends to be a fairly good dodgetank... ...But then again I don't believe in being a dodgetank that much, particularly in fates. Though I question the efficacy of giving her a breaker skill when you're nerfing her avoid by 30 (though I'd definitely go with Shurikenbreaker over Tomebreaker)
  7. Wait, does that mean you passed down certain blow instead of aptitude? I suppose aptitude would be easier to get after the fact as it's a level 1 skill...
  8. Um... I'm really nervous to assume, but... what exactly are you implying happened to Peach there? Because it looks... uh... how shall I say this... Pretty dark?
  9. Yeah, Wolfssegners are great. Their unforgeable and limited weapon class is a bit of a drag, but it also means that you can alter her defensive stats on the fly to adjust to any situation and bait any melee foe. Plus she's usually more than strong enough to one-round enemies even with 6-9 weapon might. Plus let's not kid ourselves, that class outfit is awesome.
  10. Also, I just asked around in the fates forum today, and apparently Revelation... doesn't really have skills on any of the generics? Damn it. I was hoping that Revelation would be like Conquest in terms of gimmick maps and gameplay, but like Birthright in terms of grinding options and such, but it's turned out to basically just be Birthright with all of the characters and with the gimmicks taken up into overdrive. ...And to make matters worse I established the whole skill infusions thing came from "The Purple Ones", so now I have basically no excuse storywise for why it's suddenly easier. No matter, I'm sure I'll manage somehow.
  11. Shoot. I was under the impression that Revelation was going to have the gimmicks and gameplay style of Conquest but the grinding options of Birthright. Shame.
  12. Damn, that sucks. Conquest was awesome with how it did skills.
  13. I started playing revelation yesterday on hard, and noticed that nobody but the bosses seem to have any skills in the first two chapters. Does this change? Is it just to compensate for the low number of units you can field in the beginning? Does it eventually end up like conquest or like birthright?
  14. Entry 3 [spoiler=My thoughts on the chapter] Please, for the love of god, somebody please tell me that was the worst chapter in the entire Revelation path. Please tell me that it is entirely uphill from here. Please. I have never seen FoW implemented in such a hamhanded way in a Fire Emblem game. Fire Emblem maps should not require backtracking, and they should not have decoy tunnels every thirty goddamned feet! There was basically no challenge at all. I thought that not using Jakob might spice things up, but holy shit. I hope the added story was enough to make this compelling, because I seriously doubt the actual LP part was.
  15. You'd only be boosting her defense growth by 5%, if that's why you're doing it i'd say no. But if you want to do strength? That might work.
  16. I support your choice to use Selena instead of Charlotte. Xander doesn't need strength, he needs speed, and Selena gives just as much while also giving him a much-needed resistance boost when she's a falcon knight. Also, do you plan on making Laslow a rallybot? If so then Azura is a good idea for a wife. As for your avatar, def isn't a fantastic boon because the growth bonus is just 10%. I'd go for speed personally, but that's just me.
  17. I agree and understand regarding the amiibo, I get that they're a gimmick and there's probably little motivation to put much effort into the features. But again, the gender-lock is an issue with the DLC, and if I'm paying 5-12.5% of the price of one of the campaigns for one map and one class, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect that class to be as complete as the classes the game came with. No worries.
  18. Two things: 1: That was genuine confusion, I thought I might be having a memory lapse and I wanted to make sure. I did not mean it to sound like snark. 2: There is a pretty flashy killing blow animation where the dark falcon stands up on their horse to cast the spell, so it wasn't entirely just lifting an arm up.
  19. I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean by this, your wording is a little hard to parse. I want to make sure I understand what you mean before i respond. Wait what? What battle animation does Dark Flier reuse for tomes? Malig knight's? I remember their tome animations being completely different.
  20. That doesn't mean they didn't cost money to buy. And besides, the gender-locking is only relevant to those who paid money for the DLC that lets you turn other characters into them. So yes, it's flat-out paid content that is less complete than the main game's content.
  21. Alright, yes, Lilith maybe, though I can still say that Lilith was a totally superfluous character that they should have either put more effort into or at least not tried to make us care about them (anyone who's played Birthright or Conquest knows what I'm talking about). But seeing how the grandmaster and other amiibo classes are not free extras, but dlc and amiibo exclusive content, there's no reason to think that it would be unreasonable to expect gender parity for those just like with the main game, and I don't see how anything but laziness could be the reason they didn't put the same effort into the DLC that they put into the main classes.
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