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Everything posted by SMEDIA

  1. In this topic, you pick a celebrity, and the person after you makes up what kind of role they would have in the world of FE. They don’t even have to be a unit. Then they pick the next celebrity. I’ll start: Kim Kardashian
  2. Granted, but they start surrounding putting mountains everywhere; they even surround the boss in mountains. I wish is that there was some kind of crossover with Hollywood celebrities. For example: Kim Kardashian is useless in combat herself, but she can be some kind of use, right,’?
  3. I don’t remember all of the details, but I do remember the first time I ever stole something. i was about four and I was briefly at some other kids place. I stole (and got away with it) a small toy car of McDonalds’ mascot at the time, the Moon Man. If you have no idea who that is, just click below: https://imgur.com/gallery/o558POA Queen
  4. Indoor pool. WYR get into a fight with Serra where your dominant arm is tied behind your back, or get into a fair fight with Eliwood? (No weapons allowed in either scenario)
  5. Food WYR become an underpaid musician or a highly paid porn Star?
  6. Voice WYR live in a gang infested neighborhood for the rest of your life or somehow get ripped off by every close friend you ever make?
  7. The future tech WYR have Kramer from Seinfeld be your next door neighbor or Invader Zim?
  8. Sword locked WYR have Jack Kevorkian’s job/career or have to work at a dead end fast food restaurant for the rest of your life?
  9. Yours WYR marry Noire and have Tharja as a mother in law, or marry Tharja under the condition she can’t use magic or hexes ever?
  10. The money WYR celebrate Holloween or get to go to any sporting event you desire?
  11. Granted, but unless you work in an Emergency Room or something like that, then you’ll never have the opportunity to use them. I wish people would rank the FE series as superior when compared to Final Fantasy.
  12. Play with Nowi; I hate Joshua. Wyr have over 2000 keys to go through in order to open a locked door that has treasure inside, or get a treasure but then have to outrun a boulder?
  13. I don’t know, but at least you’re trying. Why does Donald Trump like KFC?
  14. Emma Watson If you presented Emma Watson with a Harry Potter wand that was suspiciously shaped like a dildo, would she take it?
  15. Favorite character WYR spend all of your money on drugs or comic books?
  16. No Does anyone here own some sort of knife for protection?
  17. One day I was walking alone down the street after school to get home. I have no fucking clue why it was there and why it was unsupervised, but there was a fire truck just sitting there. So I decided it would be cool to climb up on it. So as soon as I started to climb, I got grabbed from behind by my older brother who literally came out of nowhere. I wasn’t mad at all; just surprised.
  18. Bookstore In a department store, would you rather sell shoes or work in the Home Department?
  19. When I was about thirteen when my visited (one of which was his three or so opportunities a year to visit me). I roped him into buying me a video game, but for some stupid reason I not only stayed while he got the game, but didn’t even request one. So he bought me Civilization 2 (he figured you could learn something from looking at the cover; which you can) That game isn’t really my cup of tea, but my older brother loved that game. Queen
  20. Granted, but the entire cast is male so it doesn’t sell well. I wish there was some kind of crossover between the FE series and the Breath of Fire series.
  21. Light saber; I can probably sell it for a lot more ? WYR be an elementary school teacher or an underpaid professional boxer?
  22. I don’t know; I prefer carne asads nachos myself. Who would you root for to win a fist fight: Eliwood or Pent?
  23. Underweight Assuming you had a good translator, WYR speak to Freud for as long as you wish, or beat up Donald Trump (and get away with it)?
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