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Everything posted by EvanManManMan

  1. Shinori stfu about JohnCarter and start solving the game The inverse applies but to a lesser extent
  2. When I look back on it, my scumreads yesterday were very dependent on Marth being town.
  3. I think that Weinerboy has been pretty towny throughout the whole game. Why is he scummy to you?
  4. Can you tell me what it was again? The wagon purity thing right? I think if anything it makes Orihime town
  5. Also I was highly suspicious of Orihime switching onto Marth at EoD1 but Marth is a wolf and that play makes 0 sense from a wolf orihime perspective since they could ride AM for easy towncred.
  6. I read your slot as very towny and voting history makes it more confident. I'm whiteknighting you
  7. But then again, it would be a tracker and a firefighter which would probably have differing reads on a player, and the only player I can think of that suits that with Laserguy and Omega is me, and it wasn't me.
  8. 3 kp here is really weird, especially since a mafia arsonist wouldn't have the time to douse and ignite again. I think we may have a veteran/PGO-esque role that can be responsible for these deaths.
  9. Donald Trump do you think Marth is scum? If yes then stop voting Ryan because they are literally never with Marth
  10. Ryan, if scum, would not try to skate by. I've played wih him enough to realize this. As scum he tries hard to be townread and to control the general agenda, which he is not doing in this game. He explained his townread on me better and it makes sense. It was because of my read on AM.
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