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Everything posted by EvanManManMan

  1. The association you are drawing between Ryan and AM isn't even Ryan plus Ryan voted post slip and with Naana and Marth beating out AM.
  2. Right now I'm under the impression that Ryan thinks I'm town but has too little of a grasp on the game to put reasoning behind it
  3. So it's like a pressure vote? Otherwise i don't get the point of why specifically Ryan
  4. But that's a meta discrepency between another town game how does that make me town
  5. Why are you voting him then @Donald Trump @dyachei explain Ryan scum I'm not asking Shattiel because they are euro p sure
  6. I'm not voting you as a counterwagon to Marth. I think Marth is a good lynch. However I have doubts on Marth. Also if I wanted Marth not to die I would have voted Ryan which I show clear resistance to
  7. Ori was top wagon at one poi t so yes the lynch could have gone through. I think Ryan boting Marth when Mello and Marth crossvoted is if anything, a towntell
  8. It's partially meta as in Ryan has more thread presence and tries more as mafia, partially because his posts have read to me as genuine, and partially from his AnimalMidwife vote which occured when wagons were split between Naana and Marth (which also means that if you think Marth is scum Ryan can't be scum because they never vote AM over Marth unless Marth is mafia arsonist but regardless they could have gone Naana who is flipped town).
  9. I think Ryan is v. I'm very unsure on Marth and I don't think we dont lynch him. The only reason I'm voting Mello over Marth is because I have a stronger scumread on Mello and Marth has voters like you Mello and Laserguy who I scumread
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