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Everything posted by EvanManManMan

  1. Right now I have you Athena and Junk as solid town. I have Mack as lighter town. I originally townread Bart but apparently the stuff that I didn't read was scummy so not sure on that. I don't remember anything that Rad or Zeo has done. Xandroj is null. I had them as scum but I kinda liked their tone in their recent stuff. It wasn't particularly strong either so i can't read them as town for it. And then I have Fable as scum and you should know this. I don't think I missed anybody here.
  2. You're right here I thought that the way he OMGUS'd me was scummy because Makaze was still the second highest wagon. He claimed that Makaze was no longer doable and while that isn't really wrong, his vote was basically a throw away. And if you look at how he posted in response to me he only voted me because he was frustrated with my read on him and voted me for that, which is omgus. Like it makes no sense for him to vote for me there outside of because I was voting him. He accomplished objectively less by voting me than by voting Makaze, which he cited as his reasoning for switching, and if you look at how he talked to me, it was evident that if I never scumread him the opposite wouldn't have happened.
  3. If I never voted you would you really have voted for me? I don't think so. And while you didn't create a negative conclusion on them all you managed to say something negative and essentially shade every person on the wagon.
  4. Because I have a scumread on Fable outside of that
  5. It was a combination of tone/gut stuff and never being w/w with mybtop wolf read Fable
  6. Wait, you said that I seem like the type of person that gets reads from RvS, which is true, but how does that make my first post worse? If anything it makes it better since my thoughts are clarified and it shows that I hit a block there and that I was trying to get reads when I couldn't. I hadn't read all of the game so me not knowing Rapier's contributions at EoD isn't really AI. And the last part about me finding a push fruitless is spmething that doesn't happen very often and you can ask your mentor to confirm this because they have played with me a decent amount. Overall this read on me is pretty weak and doesn't look at all into the content I gave at EoD as well as the majority of my Fable push.
  7. I asked Makaze if he was still suspicious with me because I wanted his current thoughts. Asking something like why were you suspicious of me doesn'tgive me the answer that I wanted.
  8. So literally every vote on the Satsuma wagon is bad? Lol ok
  9. I don't get what you want from me. I never really had a strong grasp on the game so a read being wrongisn't completely offsetting to me.
  10. If the perspective wasn't obvious already Fable's OMGUS of me was absolutely disgusting and he needs to die soon
  11. I think the Rapier kill implies that there is a wolf in Fable/Mack because they were his EoD scumreads. I didn't really see any other reason for him to die but lol haven't read.
  12. Is Bart posting less than I was? And I'll answer it once I get to it in my catch up
  13. I thought that Rapier's case on Athena was bad for the reasoning. I don't exactly remember it and I didn't like it. However the jokes being added as a sort of bait was very scummy since it seemed like he wanted to grab artificial reasons to push somebody. Of course this read was wrong since Rapier was killed but I don't think I had faulty reasoning there. WRT nadroj, what I saw was Athena tried to engage him by suggesting him topics but nadroj kinda just said he wasn't responding due to lack of stuff to analyze. It seemed like he didn't want to give content. With Fable, you called his response sarcastic but his tone seemed serious to me. That may have caused me to misrep but I don't think I'm wrong as to what Fable was really trying to say there. As for Satsuma, I think that the wording was key. Asking somebody about a scumread isn't really being defensive but asking somebody about a tunnel is. It seemed like he had a problem with how Makaze was pushing Fable and not why he was pushing Fable. Of course this read is wrong too.
  14. @Omega. remember when you told me you would get a read on Red Ryu and then didn't and then you said you would ISO people including Ryu and you didn't?
  15. I was here and was talking I have no idea why but I'm ONLY pinged out for absence when I'm asleep
  16. Quas can you vote so I know where u are at? ##Unvote I think that Mello's responses to me and their willingness to engage are towny
  17. My top two town that aren't masons are Alpha Male and JohnCarter based on AnimalMidwife spew. Going off of reads, I'd say Donald Trump and Naana. My top two scumreads right now are Omega and Ryu.
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