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Everything posted by EvanManManMan

  1. I'm assuming you mean thisbpost for Snike's entry I dislike the Naana vote because I think Naana is town. But the reasoning for scumreading them is understandable. I agree with their read on you. I didn't read the entirety of your wall but your case on me did in fact suck so he doesn't have anything wrong. His weinerboy read is eh but it was never more than eh As for SB, I have no opinion on them myself because I haven't read anything they have said. That doesn't really allow me to comment on a meta read on them.
  2. Right now Is say slight scum because I normally expect Ryan not to do absolutely nothing but his voting is good so I'm having doubts there.
  3. @Elemina I LOL'd when you said I was chainsaw defending AM with my Shinori read. Those two posts could have been made on literally anybody else and I would have disliked them equally as much. I don't understand the comment on Ichigo in your read on me. The Alpha Male stuff makes no sense either. And how did I take too long to vote Ichigo? Like nothing you said in your read on me makes any sense.
  4. Ichigo is your top wolf read (I assume) and I've been labelled as an unlikely partner with Ichigo. Thoughts?
  5. I do think this is a pretty good point but the wagons beating out Ichigo are also pretty good so like, it's damning but not damning.
  6. Ok thanks. I do think Ichigo and Red Ryu are scummy. I read Ryu's posts towards Naana and I find them very scummy. They are kind of like how I play as wolf. It specifically reminds me of the Team Game. I can see where this came from. Why am I a concern and what is your read on me? Why is weiner a concern too?
  7. Gorf was right about you constantly shadethrowing (p sure gorf said that)
  8. If you actually read EoD you would know that I am putting work into this game. It's just not consistent due to activity shenanigans. I feel like I put decent work in when I was here though
  9. Yes and my votes were on Shinori and Ichigo yesterday. That's not at all powerwolfing.
  10. And as a fair notice, I'm leaving to go down the shore tomorrow so I'll be even less active. Sorry
  11. How does AM flipping scum imply that Marth is scum? Marth was the counterwagon
  12. Sup I'm pretty sure that JohnCarter and Alpha Male are lock clear or almost there. Highly doubt Quas destroys AM in the manner that they did as a partner and AM was constantly pushing JC so I will be VERY shocked if there is mafia in Quas and JC. I think the people we should look at today are Mello, Ryan, Yolo and Ichigo. Mello's hop onto AM last second seemed super opportunistic and like it was a towncred grab. It shouldn't have even counted it was that late. I've already stated my reasons for Tyan and Ichigo yesterday but I can say them again if it is wanted. And for Yolo, well, he wasn't voting AM, and Yolo doesn't bus. Ik it's kinda weak but it's not wrong. I also remember him being around at EoD but not doing anything. He was just joking with Girf and was behind the Squirtle squad thing iirc. I'd say Marth is a decent exploration but two of my mafia suspects ended on him so I feel like he was the intended scum counterwagon. Veto Naana for raisins I read over Weinerboy's wall post and I really like pretty much everything he says. His thoughts are generally agreeable and I like his reads. Idk about Ran because I haven't seen much of them. And I might just sheep his Shinori read because I think his reasoning behind townreading them is good and that I easily coild have been wrong. ##Vote @Omega. I feel must confident that Yolo is scum for some odd reason. Likely gut.
  13. I'm going to be busy at EoD so I'll drop my vote here ##Vote @Fable Right now I have townreads on Athena, Bartozio, Makaze, Junk, and Mack I have scumreads on Fable, Xandroj, Rapier and Satsuma Peace
  14. And I'm saying that you didn't ask why he had the read on you.
  15. A sheep? I was the only person voting Rapier and I think I. Was the only one to ever vote them.
  16. That's not a pot shot. I quoted that post to help prove the point I made earlier that you are caring more about being scumread than why. I think that I have been pretty solvy so far too so I don't know where that came from.
  17. You didn't say "Makaze why are you wolf reading me." You said "Makaze why are you obseesed with me" which implies that you have a problem with the amount of focus he is putting on you. It also doesn't seem like you are trying to figure out why Makaze has you as mafia. And I hadn't got to where Satsuma defended you but I don't like the way that they did it. It was kind of like "no don't vote Fable" and then they left. Nagl
  18. @Makaze I will vote Fable with you And do you still have suspicion on me or no
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