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Everything posted by EvanManManMan

  1. Junk's suspicion on me is eh but I think it is kinda villagery. I don't think Makaze actually had raisining behind his FoS on me. As for my Rapier vote, he stood out to me as flat. His early game play was just really lack luster and I wanted to see something contentful from him. I have new reason to scumread Rapier which I explained as well as my Athena read.
  2. Again with Fable caring more about being scumread than why they are scumread.
  3. The way that Fable responded to Makaze voting again was scummy. They said "why are you obsessed with me" which shows that they care more about being scumread than why they are being scumread, which is something mafia does. And I really liked the way that Makaze was interrogating Mack on page 5. I disliked Stasuma's first post about Makaze tunneling me. They weren't. If anything they were tunneling Fable. It seems defensive of me where they don't need to be. Right now I am at Athena Bartozio Junk Makaze Mack as town and Xandroj Rapier Fable and Satsuma as scum
  4. How is there nothing to support this if it's a trend that I've observed when playing mafia. I know what I am talking about here. Another little theory thing that applies here is that mafia don't like town getting townread for bad reasons, which RvS typically spawns. I think disliking of RvS reads is a scummy thing to do.
  5. This post pings me as scummy. There shouldn't be an issue with analyzing RvS posts and it tends that mafia makes these posts more than town
  6. I read Junk as VI for his comment on my posts being fake. It's incredobly stupid but I don't think a wolf chooses to push that perspective
  7. Did Rapier actually put jokes in his Athena case as bait? That's screaming mafia to me
  8. Then why did you say Fable (I think) cased me. Or am I misreading. And saying somebody is guilty until proven innocwnt is a mentality I like to use as mafia so I would get that out of your head if you are town
  9. I also like the way that Bartozio pointed out that Xandroj's responses were wolfy
  10. I think that the way that Mack responded to Athena's vote on him was townyn since he basically said they were right but weren't scummy which I like.
  11. On page 3 right now. I think that Athena is towny due to their early vote on Junk and the way they questioned Xandroj. I think the way that xandroj responded was scummy. Athena basically said "there is a lot of content go find stuff" and xandroj just basically said no and I don't like that for obvious reasons.
  12. Wait somebody cased me? I had like 0 analyzable content wtf
  13. You literally could have said something now EoD is in less than a minute
  14. I kinda get that but something about your read on me feels off. I can't place my finger on it but I jist have a bad gut feeling from your read on me.
  15. Why the flip Like I think you have been towny but your read on me has been pretty weird
  16. It is genuine. I've already stated that I'm not sure on AM. Just because they are a big point of discussion doesn't mean I have to take a stance and I hate the fact that people like you and Quas are trying to force me into having a stance. It's uncomfortable having to give a read when you don't have one and stuff like this only has a purpose of making me uncomfortable. And it's not pointless because I'm pushing my scumreads. I don't care how likely they are to get lynched. I would only consider voting somebody lynchable because they were lynchable is if I hard vetoed the top wagon which I don't.
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