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Everything posted by EvanManManMan

  1. Tbf i dont think i made any posts about Ichigo. Everything I have seen him say seems really fake and not thought out. I specifically thought his post saying my post was bad "for multiple reasons" wasn't a real thought. He is also conteibuting vwry little and is asking questions like "why do you think the mafia team is 6?" What do you think of him?
  2. Is he supposed to not push his own agenda? What are you trying to say here
  3. This is the truth. Whether you like it or not isn't my decision but I'm telling it as it is. I don't mind them getting lynched I guess but there are better targets imo
  4. I haven't been paying attention to AM. My focus has been elsewhere. And I don't remember the case on her.
  5. I do this as both alignments and I actually evaluated my Shinori read more than I would do as a wolf in that scenario.
  6. I don't really care about being on a top wagon and Animal isn't playing in a way where I would want to save them.
  7. No but if I was a wolf I could just completely ignore town!Animal and go away scot free while also pushing a mislynch tomorrow on those puahing Animal
  8. He means TPP where I dunked on wolves day one but got mislynched for inactivity
  9. If I was scum and Animal was going down I would have completely ignored that post regardless of Animal's alignment.
  10. TMI? What are you smoking? I literally said a single post was villagery. Nothing else. You are making a mountain out of a molehill and it's just plain stupid
  11. I'm literally not defending AM wtf are you talking about. I said a single post of theirs looked villagery. I haven't read or don't remember anything else they have done. Get off my dick.
  12. I just thought that one post came from a villagery perspective Why are you trying to force my narrative so hard and why are you so troubled about me thinking a single post of Animal's is towny.
  13. That's wrong. I have townreads on JohnCarter Dyachei Shattiel and Donald Trump. I'm starting to go mafia on Alpha Male
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