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Everything posted by EvanManManMan

  1. Why is it wrong to not take a stance on AM. Why do I have to? I don't understand why I should be forced to take a side in a matter I am neutral on. And how is it scummy to vote an unlikely counterwagon? That makes no sense.
  2. Weiner said I was stringing together people who directly opposed me. You opposed me and weren't there
  3. I don't feel that I tend to press submit too early Like I wanted ti say that in my first post but I didn't so I said it later
  4. That wasn't before I was questioned. It was an add on to what I already said.
  5. Ichigo, Ryan, and asauming you have something decent on Naana I would say maybe them. I asked you to show me where they kept dodging your question.
  6. If I was just stringing together people who opposed me then why are Shinori Ichigo and Ryan there and where is Alpha Male?
  7. The connection there lies in Weinerboy. He said to me "what happens if Animal is scum and Shinori is toen" and I said I would go Ichigo. His response to me afterwards was to say he would vote me tomorrow which if mafia, he would definitely do if you and Ichigo were both scum. Ryan is indepwndent but I think he has high mafia equity due to general lack of solviness that he has as town.
  8. Why does it matter that other people respond? I think Quas's comment was justified
  9. They haven't done anything that villagery but they haven't done anything that scummy either. Your case and stuff is mostly located in stuff I didn't read so you can't really expect me to acknowledge that.
  10. Because my read on them is in the middle I'm not taking sides just because you tell me to
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