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Everything posted by EvanManManMan

  1. I read the Bartozio ISO and I don't see any real problems. I think his push on Xandroj is well thought out as well as his Fable push. People were saying that Bart was tunneling but I don't see that. I do agree that his switch to Satsuma was bad but it's not extremely bad. I don't really see why Bart is that bad. I don't have them as super strong town but I'd prefer if they weren't lynched. I'm probably going to end up reading Fenrir overnight but that's not the highest priority for me since they aren't really at risk of dying.
  2. If he claimed a believable night one target I would start to believe him a bit more. If it wasn't believable then I would double down on it being fake. How do you not see this
  3. Also keep in mind that Ryu has read absolutely nothing that I have done day 2 so their read on me is going to be bad
  4. I don't believe Yolo's claim So why would I not find a way to vaildate/invalidate it?
  5. I never believed the claim in the first place and the fact that Yolo isn't claiming a target is throwing me off even more. And on top of that Ryu doesn't want him to claim either.
  6. And if it was successful I'm pretty sure the wolves would already know so there is literally 0 harm
  7. Omega is refusing to give a read on Ryu, and Ryu townreads Yolo. It seems that they don't want to scumread on each other because they are both scum.
  8. I think a better plan is lynch Omega vig Ryu because then they both die and are mafia plus the info from a Yolo lynch is more plus we don't out the cop
  9. So which of Omega and Ryu is the mafia PR? They are definitely both scum
  10. Also I just arrived at the shore so expect less activity
  11. I'm completely aware those responses are weak btw
  12. Idk for lynch choices tbh. I guess Bart to solve the Satsuma wagon. As for Fable buddies, I think Fenrir could be with Fable since their Fable read was very hedgy yet they landed at town which I don't fully get. As for a third, probably somebody in the null pool.
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