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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. Hey TE... http://www.kanzenshuu.com/2015/03/24/super-butoden-2-music-to-be-replaced-in-extreme-butoden-bonus/ ;_;
  2. Well, Awakening's localizations where applicable. Otherwise, it looks like in some cases, the literal Japanese names are used (Ex: Ferry.)
  3. I missed castlevania talk. Aw. Played the Saturn SOTN. Yes, it's inferior, but dat wing smash.
  4. I wish it was. http://www.kanzenshuu.com/features/kenji-yamamoto-retrospective/
  5. http://dragonball.wikia.com/wiki/Kenji_Yamamoto
  6. He got into major trouble with the Dragon Ball Kai stuff. I learned about it fairly recently. :\
  7. Yeah I know. Even if Kenji Yamamoto is a plagiarist, I love the songs. I liked some of the arranged Super Butoden 3 stuff more (Goten and Trunks for instance) but sadly, that game's vastly inferior.
  8. So I just learned about Dragon Ball Z Extreme Butoden for the 3DS. And I found out it'll have a code to download Super Butoden 2 to the 3DS. I'm getting nostalgic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8ErliSfhug
  9. Can't say I'm surprised by the lack of the unused Fire Emblem Gaiden song not being on the soundtrack, but then again, I've seen OSTs that released unused songs in the past. Oh well, can't have it all.
  10. If you want to be technical, then all of the Japan-only games are by virtue of the fact most of the world hasn't played them, barring Shadow Dragon in an indirect sense covering for FE1 and FE3 book 1. If you mean strictly Serenes Forest, I'd argue Gaiden. I'm not going to say it's zomg amazing, but it was a fun game marred by antiquity. Give it the remake treatment and I'm sure it can shine.
  11. FE5's bosses suck. Really badly. Especially when you can trick Raydrik into not using the Loptyr Sword. And Beldo? Ahahahahahaha. Reinhardt alone shits on both of 'em, both with skills, stats and having 19 (total) leadership stars on his side. Even without those, he can be kinda scary (Plus he has quite a few leadership stars of his own.) Though berserking him is hilarious.
  12. *Walks in* *Hopes for Gaiden's final map music.* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vrC6BPXhlE *Walks out*
  13. That's why I said it was more of a merging of Lewyn's situation and Briggid's. Briggid lost her memory (along with her Ulir branding if the conversation she has with Finn at the end of 24x makes sense). Then again, unlike FE4's opening demos, Emm's never shown being revived by Forseti Naga, so...yeah. Interesting parallel when one thinks about it.
  14. Well, Emm could've had what happened to Lewyn and Briggid/Eyvel happen to her. Especially Lewyn. Or a combination. Brought back to life like how Lewyn was, yet her memories got thrashed like Briggid/Eyvel's did.
  15. Story's done, but the optional bosses, quests and of course, the superbosses ain't. Dragon King Alcar was only the first of the dragons. Then there's Demon King Dragonia (Level 99) and, of course, Avalanche Abassy.
  16. Wait, are you leaving them boxed? Because otherwise, that's a stupid reason to not get the Japanese packaging. The figures aren't region locked. Scanning it in a NTSC-U Wii U console or North American firmware 3DS won't automatically make her show up as Rosetta. <_> If you're keeping them boxed, then disregard, I get it. Keeping parity and what not.
  17. Dew does the Dew with many people older than him and he's 13! Only Sylvia (14) and probably Tiltyu are the exceptions. Maaaaaaaybe Raquesis.
  18. HALLO, MAI NAME IZ DIKE. The "d" in his name is for derp. How'd they mess this up when they got Shulk right? Then again, this is Dike, but what can I say? Teehee.
  19. Arvis has it hard sadly. But that's all I can really say.
  20. I love cheats. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5uCuZ8IkNQ
  21. Sigurd got Valflame'd. Everyone else got Meteored. Unless you use cheats. Then you see the cutscene was bullshit, hyuck hyuck hyuck. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5uCuZ8IkNQ
  22. One's "teeny" the other's Ishtar. *Nyooms away*
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