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Posts posted by Jubby

  1. I know I haven't been on this forum in years and I'm super late to this topic, but I always hoped you guys might poke me on Skype to get my FE GUI skills up and going again. IRL kinda fucked me out of hacking a few years ago but I'll miss collabing with Dan, Lumi, Ciaran, Cam, Feaw, Eric, Agro, Arch, Yeti and everybody else who helped out with that project and/or were in the old Team Overtroll chat.

    It was a good run and I still look back fondly on my high school days pretty much just because of you guys. I miss those days and all of you gus and if any of you ever decides to do another project and needs a battle frame/statsheet inserted, give me that poke!

    rip dof

    Edit: funny story, I'm writing a tool report on HxD for my 4th year networking class ATM and it brought the nostalgia flooding back to me.

  2. the only real way to do it is to go into FEditor's animation manager, dump the animation, and go into the actual image files (in something like Usenti, MS Paint might mess it up) to replace the pixels you want; then just import it again. :P

  3. Incidentally, @Arch is EN going to be ported to Fire Shell, or is that extraneous and you'd rather just work on Exalted Legacy after finishing EN?

    I don't speak for Arch or anything but I'd think the effort of transferring everything to Fire Shell would be absolute hell and nowhere near worth it. All those graphics/events/maps/ASM/etc, it would be easier to just implement anything he wanted from Fire Shell in the current ROM.

  4. It's possible that Agro meant that as well :P I like the idea of being able to apply say Nintenlord's Canto or "thieves can steal weapons" patches to tweak hacks if I find them too difficult or just for fun :) Chester became oh so very useful when he started stealing bosses' weapons

  5. You can just open it up in Notepad and change the source:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <map version="1.0" orientation="orthogonal" width="25" height="23" tilewidth="16" tileheight="16">
     <tileset firstgid="1" name="0A009B0C" tilewidth="16" tileheight="16">
      <image source="../../../../../Tilesets/FE7/0A009B0C.png" width="512" height="512"/>
     <layer name="Tile Layer 1" width="25" height="23">
      <data encoding="base64" compression="zlib">

    specifically the line that says

    <image source="../../../../../Tilesets/FE7/0A009B0C.png" width="512" height="512"/>
    just change what's in the first set of quotes to your tileset's filepath. You can directly copy from Windows Explorer if you want but you'll have to switch the slashes around (Windows Explorer brings in blackslashes, you want forward slashes)
  6. Nope, Siuloir's got it right. Multiples of 8. Also, I think Usenti can (or will) automatically align your colors to those multiples of eight? (I feel like I remember hearing this somewhere.)

    Usenti uses RGB values of range 0-31 as opposed to 0-255 (i.e. 16-bit); thus, if you bring in a colour that's not quite within that, it rounds it to the nearest one that does.

    I'd try to avoid using Usenti for much other than graphics you're inserting directly with GBAGE or requantitizing the palette though, it can do some pretty weird buggy shit, particularly to files that are not PNG or BMP in my experience :P

  7. there are ways around it, and if needed we'll just blur/cut frames

    patch has been edited for less reinforcements in constant waves in favor for reinforcements kinda in groups, so that you're not just walled for 4 turns if you can't kill them all.

    unless you guys go super crazy i doubt it'll be an issue... I managed to fit this entire animation into a FEditor package without cutting many frames.

    (Note that I didn't have permission and it was terribly scripted and thus I never used it for anything and it isn't around anymore in case anyone's wondering)


  8. ^ I almost did that type of thing once, gathered some notes, these are from Nintenlord's hacking notes:

    0802981e checks what class to promote to.

    0801744a checks promotion item use
    May come in handy if indeed that hack is to be done. I'd put down money but I've only got like $3 left on a prepaid credit card and no money left :P
  9. I just want to say that the sheer amount of effort you must have put into this in order to (learn how to) implement all this stuff pretty much astonishes me to the highest degree.

    Most people don't even bother learning the very basics of ASM hacking and here you are with more ASM in your project than anyone else, popping out of nowhere and surprising the crap out of everyone...

    I don't even know if I'm excited to play this at this point, my FE obsession has greatly diminished of late (I feel sure it will be back though) but even looking at this from a purely objective point of view, I'm super impressed and in awe of the amount of work put in, and looking forward to seeing more. (Even if it's just like, "oh, that's really cool", as opposed to "oh i want to steal that feature" or "oh i'm so hype")

  10. the routine would just return true if (said unit) is surrounded and false if not, no?

    put an ASME in miscEvents and it'll check at the end of every unit's movement


    for future reference, the pointers in each portion of event data (typically labeled "CharEvents, TurnEvents, MiscEvents, LocationEvents") are actually important; each one checks their conditions at a separate time

    CharEvents and LocationEvents only are concerned with what commands appear at the end of a unit's movement (ie Attack/Items/Wait/etc); i've experimented with putting ASME's and such in there but i'm fairly certain they've never triggered.

    the entries in the MiscEvents table are checked every time a unit's turn ends (so, right after before they turn gray). AREA events typically go in here because that's when you'd want to check them.

    TurnEvents is probably the most flexible - they check every time the phase changes. the standard TURN event just returns true or false based on the phase (player/enemy/NPC). HOWEVER, you can actually put other things in here and they will be checked on phase change. you can actually put AREA and AFEV events in here, and they'll only trigger at the end of the current phase (example: a unit steps into an AREA event's range, and the event pointer is in TurnEvents - the event itself won't play until the end of the turn)

    this is a very good thing to know, lol. Thanks Cam <3

  11. i wouldn't know how to continually call the check (because I don't know how to lol) so I'd have to rig it through events as a turn based event, most likely. That's hack-y and not ideal; obviously, something like you said i.e. after each unit's movement would be best, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm unfortunately working with my own hyper-limited knowledge of how shit works, so it's not possible for me :P

  12. I'll take you up on that if I get that far

    cool cool.

    It would be super easy to write a function that returns whether a specific unit is surrounded on all four sides by units from the opposing force (the player's in this case I guess). I don't actually know what context the function would most appropriately be called from to give any suggestions for how to write said function, though.

    basically this. With my limited scope of assembly and eventing I'd say the best I could probably do is make a check which you could call at the end of each turn or something, which'd return true if said unit was surrounded by player units. then you could just event it so it ends if the check returns true. obviously that's just me though so i'm sure somebody else could do better.

  13. lolwut I had a whole post here :/ Y u delete my shit SF. Well if you are interested in implementing the 6th one (the surrounding one), I should think it can be done with AREA events in a pretty hacky/buggy way, or a small amount of ASM, much more ideally. If you are interested in implementing it, shoot me a PM and I can explain my ASM idea, lol. (Can't be bothered typing it out again if nobody cares)

  14. I don't know if this is a dumb question or what, but could/can this work with FE7's world map?

    It's entirely likely (Haven't gone into how FE6 inserts it myself but 96% of the game engine is reused so why shouldn't the world map be)

    although the zoom is different so maybe not.

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