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Posts posted by Karimlan

  1. A whole lotta nope.

    Anyone played Shining Resonance Refrain? Picked it up on an eShop sale last week (best purchase yet for under $15, for sure), and kinda going about things haphazardly. Anything that I should take note of?

  2. I would lay off on going for a third-party dock, though.


    The following is a snip of the article above, explaining how exactly some third-party docks would render the Nintendo Switch unplayable.


    A Reddit engineer going by the name Vectordriver explains that the implementation of USB-C connections on third party docks could be frying the systems.

    In an analysis of bricked Switch systems, Vectordriver notes that it's the Power Delivery (PD) chip that's being burnt out by gadgets from accessory makers like Nyko. 

    The Switch’s chip can only handle a maximum of 6 volts on the Configuration Channel (CC) pin, but some Nyko docks send out 9 volts, causing the PD chips to malfunction and the console to stop charging altogether. Design flaws by other manufacturers see them trying to ape the design of Nintendo's USB-C plug, but inadvertently resulting in the 15 volt VBus pin crossing with the CC pin.

    While Nintendo's unique design may mean that its PD controllers aren't working with standard PD chip compliancy, it's more likely that the third party docks are cutting corners with their own PD controllers, or are using poor quality USB-C connectors.

    So unless that dock you're eyeing sends 6 volts or less, or is not manufactured in such a way that the VBus and CC pins don't cross, you're really better off buying a genuine Switch dock.

    Oh, and here are a few FAQs on the matter: https://switchchargers.com/nintendo-switch-bricking-faq/

  3. On 12/24/2019 at 10:04 AM, Zemuria said:

    The first boss showed that I have to get used on the controls because I barely survived. 

    Depending on the weapon you choose to main or favor, there might be a learning curve. I found that out the hard way--wanted to main the big Buster Blade, only to find out that I'd need to learn how to do counterattacks, which I suck at. Had better luck with the dual blades (Biting Edge) for my initial run. Now I use Short Blade for its emphasis on doing damage to weak points, and quick repositioning on the field.

  4. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    But I would like to cook lobster this year because last year I got to have some and it was SO GOOD. I don't care how expensive lobster tends to be, it was just too damn good. XD

    I'd like a good lobster bisque. 😉 j/k

    I'll probably get started on building gunplas again, if I get the space for them. Otherwise, I'll be building a backlog my Switch game library.


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