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Posts posted by Karimlan

  1. Yes! I love me some Nürnberger Bratwurst right now.

    The weisswurst question was actually directed to @DragonFlames. Had eaten them once, with a pretzel and sweet mustard, and they were boiled.


    Ice cubes down the back. 

    Do you ever fall asleep in the afternoon, and you wake up before dusk, and forget what day it is? Do you find yourself thinking, "could this be yesterday?"

  2. On 6/18/2019 at 9:12 PM, Fleece said:

    i wonder how long it takes after you move to another state before you feel like you're a resident 

    still bizarre

    A year? Two?

    I've been away for a spell, so I didn't know that you had actually moved. Congrats, and hope that adjustment period works out for you.

  3. Hey hey. 😄

    1. I previously haven't asked this question at all since I only knew most of the forum denizens here on a limited capacity (i.e, just here and not also on Discord), but I guess I can make an exception now: First impressions of me? Current impression?
    2. How big is your game backlog atm?
    3. How long have you and Integrity been married?
    4. Strange experience involving a pizza?
  4. On 6/13/2019 at 9:26 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Library Cards exist in SotN if you forgot that. Although bizarrely I don't recall a warp room anywhere near the Library. They were barely useful, unless you were far in the Inverted Castle and wanted to return to the old one for some reason (not that you ever need to).

    You needed to warp out of the final boss battle against Daddy Dearest to boost your clear percentage and get the best ending.

  5. is a brand new Neptunia fan.


    Super Neptunia RPG and Bloodstained on the same day. And i gotta get Trails in the Sky for my friend's birthday the day after. That's like $110 i'm spending in the span of two days, not counting any potential discounts.

    I pity your wallet for not bleeding fast enough. I'll be getting Bloodstained and a couple other titles too (I am Setsuna, Shining Resonance, and maybe, just maybe, BOTW). 

    Misery loves company, and the backlog expands...

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