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Posts posted by Karimlan

  1. Recruited Sylvain on my current (Golden Deer) route, and I'm now torn between shipping him off or Claude with femme Byleth,


    ...(both have S-supports, and I'm waiting on that last week where you'd decide who to pair off with after the final battle).

    That the last name was brought up and how it's pronounced is good, but didn't the game botch the way the first name was pronounced, too? I've always imagined it'd be Syl-/von/ (my French is really rusty, but I remember a wrestler from Montreal named Sylvain Grenier who pronounces his name like I did).

  2. 4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

    Announcement: If everyone in all three classes gets As on the upcoming exam Professor Byleth will wear a chicken suit for a week. - Rhea


    It would be the best Professor Byleth has looked in months... - Edelgard

    Oh yes you did. Tee hee... ~Sothis

  3. On 8/18/2019 at 6:18 AM, DragonFlames said:

    And I still don't have my appreciation day... ~ Nothing-to-report-guy

    You will get nothing, since you gave nothing. ~ Seteth

    • Felix and Petra are hereby ordered to use weights on their legs during races, so Dedue and Raphael could catch up.
    • Research on the comforting herbs will continue.
    • Cats, dogs, and owls can be petted on campus.
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