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Posts posted by Karimlan

  1. First of all, I'd like to say that I envy that dirty blond hair and how you can whip it back and forth.

    Seriously speaking, there are worse communities/cliques to come out to than this one. A personal friend of mine from Singapore used to play guitar for one of the most extreme metal acts to hail from this part of Asia (Impiety) broke off from the band back in, what, 2010-2012; I forget now. He has since moved to Cambodia and came out less than a year hence. I'm pretty sure that her act raised a few eyebrows from underground metal fans, but those of us whom he's very close to respect and accept her for who she is. I do too.

    Ditto with you, even though I only know you by name. 

  2. 25 minutes ago, Dr. C said:

    I guarantee you that I am a thousand steps ahead of you and it always ends the same way.


    cites the phrase in italics: a thousand steps to where, being ahead of someone whose opinion doesn't count for as much? 

    You plead for specificity in your case, but when it comes to judging others, you paint in the same broad strokes as your debtors do. Not very logical or, dare I say it, Christian, ain't it now?

    You can stick epithets all you want to anyone you think disagrees with you, but at any day of the week (twice on Sunday), employing the same techniques you blast your perceived foes for to any and all comers shoots whatever advocacy you have in the foot.

  3. 25 minutes ago, Dr. C said:

    What I don’t understand is calling out hypocrites from a position of hypocrisy usually with an air of being my intellectual superior while recycling the X was done in the name of God arguments while ignoring that Stalin was an atheist...

    I wouldn't go there, really. I'd say he played the atheist card like he did, through Molotov anyway, von Ribbentrop and the Nazis into a non-aggression pact that divided the Urals (along a pencil line, as Albert Speer in his Inside the Third Reich would put it) between the two of them. But, as the following link would tell you, he played the monastic card as well.

  4. 7 minutes ago, De Geso said:

    Those are called bidets, and they're also common in Europe iirc. Or, at least, they're similar to bidets in function.

    The most common kind of bidet here in the Philippines is a handheld nozzle with a trigger, so one can clean up after, erm, business.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Dr. Tarrasque said:

    You can. It's just not pretty and those that need it to be taught to them also tend to be those too cowardly experience the pain.

    I was referring to more, ahem, conventional methods of teaching lmao

    But yes, one of the things that I'd like to think about (and eventually study) is how populists (or their backers) seem to subvert the very idea of free choice to serve whatever end they see fit. Idk, I oftentimes see how popular opinion can be, for a lack of a better term, ventriloquized and made to look beneficial for one side and detrimental to another. I needn't go far for examples I think

  6. 11 minutes ago, Shoblongoo said:

    Thats what it always comes back to. And you can't argue empathy into someone who doesn't have it.

    Given that he knows more than a handful of people who went through a harrowing experience back in WWII, you would think that empathy would be a value he was able to pick up, because you can't teach it otherwise.


    8 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    but Trump's overly loyal base gives him very little reason to learn and improve. 

    ...He seems to have picked that up from Duterte, too.

  7. Does making Felix a gauntlet-wielding Assassin count? (props to @eclipse for the idea)

    Hired him in my Hard GD run, and if he doesn't deal additional damage with his Crest, crits process frequently on him like nobody's business. Eventually carried over Lethality to his endgame class (War Master), and damage-dealing is going to absurd levels oftentimes. 

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