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Everything posted by Tree

  1. Lance Hector iv question: +def (super), -res (super) +def (super), -hp +res, -spd I think he gets 4 extra defense from his special distance counter skill. I can also get a neutral iv.
  2. Unless you have greater than five merges, you won't have more than two points added to any particular stat. An IV will always be plus or minus three (or four) points, so it should be easy to find out even with merges. More than five merges makes it more difficult, but it can still be calculated even then.
  3. Unless you have greater than five merges, you won't have more than two points added to any particular stat. An IV will always be plus or minus three (or four) points, so it should be easy to find out even with merges. More than five merges makes it more difficult, but it can still be calculated even then.
  4. When I used Caeda, I needed all the help I could get including the special charges. I guess the cavalry and armor effectiveness is enough here?
  5. Yes, it is a B skill, not an assist skill. But some B skills are used for positioning (drag back, lunge, etc.). Clair with wing spear is basically a blue Caeda, so that's probably one to use if you have a 5* one already (you mentioned not having enough feathers). You'll also need enough resources (200 divine dew) for the wing spear upgrade. Without wing spear she is probably not the best choice for this.
  6. You don't have reposition, swap, etc. I guess. Do you have any escape route units? It is a positioning skill that is often forgotten about and can work well with flyers.
  7. I'm sorry, I thought those were just the units you had ready to go and that you might have had some other untrained 3* or 4* flying units. I also didn't want to promote a Caeda just for the guide, but I couldn't find any f2p guide that didn't use her, so that's what I ended up doing. Perhaps there's a way to make it work with only those units you listed. I don't know how, but there are some good units there so it might be possible.
  8. I didn't have any flying dancers or flying ranged units. Pheonixmaster1's guide worked for me, but I had to adjust it a bit for my 5* Caeda IV. It did change the enemy movement also so that's another thing to account for. If you can match his IV's, then it should be really easy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOS9aZorAyE&t=646s My Caeda (+res, -def) was a different IV than his, so I used distance defense 3 and relied on the +res IV I had to survive. I trained a 4*, promoted and trained again to get enough sp. That made my Caeda +1 (which provided 1 hp and 1 res). I don't think the extra stats were needed, but mentioning just in case. [edit - his units] 5* Michalis / 5* Caeda / 4* Cordelia / 4* Palla SI Used: Wings of Mercy 1 on Michalis from 3* Palla/Frederick Lunge on Caeda from 3* Beruka Wings of Mercy 1 on Cordelia from 3* Palla/Frederick Reposition on Palla from 3* Barst/Selena Seals Used: Distant Def 3 on Caeda Fortify Res 1 on Palla Quickened Pulse on Michalis
  9. I personally like hero merit because it lets me see how much I've used a character. Getting all the feathers at once would be boring. Training a unit to level 40 is also a reasonably fun activity (to me at least), however I do not like training exclusively for sp at all, ever. I currently have to wait to train units on double sp weekends so that they attain all of their base skills (and even the weekend bonus is not enough for some characters). When I was following a guide that needed some skill inheritance, I had to wait for the weekend sp bonus and then use several stamina refills for each skill I needed. I had to do this for multiple skills on multiple characters. It was miserable. (It was like TT before I found autobattle.) Due to this glitch, I feel that I've gotten access to many new characters because I can fill out their skill sets, even replace some existing skills, and see how well they work before committing to using that unit a lot. If sp worked like skill in the main games, I think it would be a good mechanic. As it is currently, I wouldn't mind them removing it entirely. If they want to keep it, I personally would like the amount of sp increased. The castle upgrades could even be modified to include double sp.
  10. Have two flying Morgans: one is +atk -res, and the other one is +spd -hp. I'm not sure which one to use. Also, not sure if it is worth merging them, or if I should use one or more for skill inheritance? The blue tome, mirror stance, and ploy skills are all very good. I think Lyn could use the tome well (+def -atk), and I was thinking about putting mirror stance on Dorcas. He would lose two attack from his default stance skill, but gain 4 resistance. He is +3 (+atk -spd). I have a flying Ninian that is +atk -res, so I don't really need flying Morgan, but she is useful sometimes. Also, was wondering what would be the best special skill for Dorcas?
  11. Oh, I'm sure it works, just that because distance counter is more enemy phase based, I thought the double prevention would be more important. I got a legendary Hector recently with +hp -spd; I also have two original Hectors, one with +atk -res and one with +atk -spd. (They are some of my better iv units.) I've invested a little bit in the -res one, but the -spd version seems better. I almost always prefer merging over inheritance, but I like both of the new Hector's art, stats, and skills better than the original, so I don't plan to invest too much more in the original one. I've never inherited distance counter before as it is really rare. Would it be good to use the -res one for Myrrh? I'm still second guessing myself. I have a +4 Michalis, but I think Myrrh would do better with it.
  12. I thought only the base defense stat (before any boosts were applied) was counted on her weapon. If I can boost the defense to prevent doubling, then that does seem to favor the +atk version.
  13. I didn't think close defense (and other invisible boosts during combat) helped prevent doubles with her primary weapon? Or is close defense recommended just because of the extra melee protection? Probably won't be using close defense all of the time because other units have to share that seal. The extra attack would be nice during offense, but that doesn't work as well with distance counter. Should I save distance counter and just leave the default fury then? (Distance counter does seem pretty good whenever I've encountered a Myrrh with it though.) [edit] I was leaning toward the +atk -spd version, but was afraid of the increase in potential doubles.
  14. Which Myrrh iv is better: +def -hp or +atk -spd? (I can't really tell; it might be situational.) Will be +3 total and am considering adding distance counter.
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