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Everything posted by Tree

  1. I think the Zelda series could work well, but that's mainly because I'd like to see a Fire Emblem game based in Hyrule. The cast, story, and setting is easy to make: Link as the silent avatar, Zelda as the lord, Agahnim as the bad guy trying to bring Gannon back, and the triforce for the fire emblem. There are plenty of characters in the Hyrule to fill in the rest. Afterwards, add the characters to Heroes for easy extra profit.
  2. That's a decent percent to get something as long as you'd be OK with not getting Tibarn. In around 350 orbs I got one Tibarn and six off banner red units (all different).
  3. I think female Robin should have been used for green and colorless to represent what we have. The yellow and pink should have been male and female to represent light and astral mythic versions. Actually, that's awful. I should probably delete this to avoid giving them ideas...
  4. The new art has grown on me. I still have a preference for some aspects of the originals, but I like the new versions too. Still a bit disappointed with Naesala's art, but I'll just pretend it's a younger version of him. I like the way the new units work. They are different and powerful, but still have weaknesses. Overall, fairly happy with the update. I'm still short Nailah and Reyson, but I don't care for Nailah and Reyson will probably be demoted. I pull green often, so I'll likely get him later anyway.
  5. I actually already merged into the [+res] one, because I decided survivability was most important. She does have high attack (44) for a singer when [+atk]. After merging she has 41 speed. Is that enough to avoid most doubles, or should I merge into a [+spd] one if I get another later? She has 37 resistance, so I gave her the attack ploy seal. I also added miracle. Should be able to safely charge it from magic users, and then survive one melee hit.
  6. I'm curious too, but for low merges rather than high. I got a [+atk] and a [+res] Leanne. (They both have an HP flaw, but +1 will remove that anyway.)
  7. Actually, I forgot I also got Karla, so it was really 2 focus and 7 off banner for me. (Fortunately, I only got one Sanaki. She has absolutely no useful skills.) That's six off banner red units (Mia, Cavalry Chrom, Gray, Flora, Sanaki, Karla) and one off banner colorless (Bow Lyn). I was a little disappointed, but then I realized that in 350 orbs, I got a neutral Tibarn, a [+atk, -hp] Leanne, merges (Bow Lyn, Mia, Cavalry Chrom), and five new units (Gray, Flora, Sanaki, Karla, 4* Legault).
  8. I wasn't really that impressed by the conversation writing, but at least it was a real improvement over previous iterations. I'm glad the avatar didn't have as much of a role this time.
  9. I got two focus units (one copy each) of Tibarn and Leanne. I got one colorless and five red off banner units. So 25% focus for me rather than 50%.
  10. I think it's cliché because it's such a common theme. (It's probably overused because it is so popular.) Banner (350 orbs) - Not as many copies of focus units as I wanted (only 2), but a high 5* rate... Bow Lyn Mia Cavalry Chrom New units: Tibarn Leanne Gray Flora Sanaki 4* Legault
  11. Yeah, pretty much. "Unredeemable" characters don't seem to get much sympathy, but I don't think many characters actually fall in that category.
  12. I just meant forgiveness and conversion to a good side, nothing too complicated. They may not have provided it for those characters, but I imagine that many players would have liked for that to happen.
  13. It's also possible that villain redemption has wide appeal.
  14. Easy orb savings though. I like new characters, but I'd rather have interesting new content than just banners.
  15. That could work, or they could provide three opponent difficulty choices with various score values like AA.
  16. The Japanese voice actor for Naesala had a deeper voice that fit well. The English Naesala voice seemed out of character. I play with volume off though, so it's not a big deal. I prefer the original artwork to any of the new versions, but found Naesala's new face particularly disappointing. It's much more feminine with the larger eyes and smaller nose. It's not bad art, it just deviates from the original in ways I don't find appealing for the character. Perhaps I'll get used to it.
  17. There aren't that many Laguz dragons, so they could all be armor units with an Armor March / Armored Boots weapon effect. Fortunately, Armor March is unlikely since extra movement is essentially the same effect granted to birds.
  18. I just realized that there isn't a 6th offensive slot... I'm on track to reach tier 19. However, with an unarmed defense team, I'm not sure I'll be able to maintain my tier. It would be fun to make challenging defense maps for other players, but I don't want to interfere with them getting the units they want. This mode is rapidly losing its appeal. I may eventually just surrender five times a week to collect the free rewards.
  19. Yeah, they certainly do want to encourage more merges. You're likely right that most will appreciate the IV fix above a tiny stat increase.
  20. I think the neat thing is that if you get two copies that each have an undesirable flaw (like one with [-atk] and another with [-spd]), they can be merged to remove both flaws.
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