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Everything posted by Tree

  1. Yeah, they probably just didn't realize how strong even [-atk] Duma really is. Last season, someone even sent a weak ranged unit right up to danger itself. They played silly the entire time and surrendered with a couple units left. I rewatched it a few times thinking they had made a mistake, but it really appeared on purpose. It was at the end of the season, so I think they were actually trying to give out free lift protection. I wish I could have sent them a friend request, but there's no way to do that to someone who loses (even on purpose). Perhaps I'll record sometime, but haven't bothered to figure that out.
  2. Why do people repeated try to bait bold-fighter Duma with low resistance units? Someone lost their Tibarn doing that this time. Sigh... I've unequipped everything now. They better not run out of turns or I'll be forced to take further action.
  3. I think they could double the width of a RD map and implement horizontal scrolling if they don't want full scrolling. (I'd prefer full scrolling myself, but horizontal would be a decent compromise.) They could put a thin scrollbar at the bottom of the screen. This could be turned off in settings since you'd never actual need it, but it might help some players. An initial auto scroll across and back would remind players that it is a large map if they didn't pay attention to the description. This would have an option to disable also.
  4. Yeah, that's nasty. I see the Brave Bow Armor Jacob in similar setups. I do hope they will limit refresher units to one per party like the brigade requirements. I was only about 180 lift short of Tier 21 with just one Eir, so with one upgrade (extra mythic, more aether, etc.) I could probably make it without any defense wins. That's the goal.
  5. Yeah, I've done the wrong direction reposition before where Bow Lyn is sent over to say hi, rather than retreat to safety. Someone probably got a laugh out of that because it was obvious what happened. Other than possible ranking rewards, a free win doesn't really cost me anything. I'm only Tier 20, so it's mostly top 10,000 or top 20,000 which leaves a lot of margin. (I have gotten top 6,000 a few times, but it's generally more stressful than it's worth.) Double defensive mythics cut my defense losses in half. Was expensive though as it cost around 400 orbs to get one [+spd, -atk] Duma. Fortunately, I also got a neutral one on the guaranteed free pull.
  6. Most players have made short work of my defense, but someone tried to bait Duma with the Black Knight (+6, 33 res), and it didn't go well. They lost two units total even though their team shouldn't have had any trouble (Black Knight, red and blue Micaiahs, Eir, New Year Azura). I feel kind of sad. (If anyone ever actually loses, I'm going to rematch them and give them a free win.) I thought Tier 20 players wouldn't have any trouble with my map. It is lava because it fits Duma and isn't hard after the recent map balance. The team has two Dumas, and four in season legendaries: Hector, Marth, Ephraim, and Fjorm. (Some don't even have seals equipped.) Only have a Level 2 fortress with no bonus structure. Both Aether structures are easily accessible and a snowman is sitting up on the fortress to avoid melting from the lava.
  7. Yup. There was a Myrrh and Dorcas combo banner awhile back, and I ended up with four or five from that banner alone.
  8. OK, request sent. Name is Tree and lead is Dorcas. Thanks
  9. First time to reach Tier 20 - all due to Legendary Ike. Don't expect to stay more than a week, but that's not a big deal.
  10. Bow Lyn, Reinhardt, Leanne, and Naesala made short work of this battle. Was challenging enough to still be fun though. The map design did make using more than two cavalry units a liability.
  11. When those are added in, it does fill out better. There probably are the same number of events as normal (minus some of the anniversary items).
  12. This seems likely to me. I would guess green dragon flying as the type and astral for the blessing.
  13. Dorcas' survivability has surprised me on multiple occasions. @Rezzy Is Titania of the Greil mercenaries available for hire for the next grand conquest? (friend request)
  14. I forget that now they are alternating with legendaries, so they only need six per year. Still, seems an odd choice, but two years from now they would probably have some new mechanic beyond mythic units anyway (assuming the game still has healthy development then).
  15. Yeah, very strange to put her in the regular pool when she was an ideal mythic candidate.
  16. I think one of the recent hooded beast units does this animation also, so perhaps they really are working a bit more on effects. Back to Fire Emblem Heroes or just Fire Emblem in general? I haven't kept track of artists, so I'm not sure what games/characters they are known for drawing. That's still not a long list. I wonder why they would use one up so early?
  17. Hone Spd 4 is new according to the "!" icon in the trailer. I'm surprised they didn't save Idunn for a mythic. I didn't think they had enough mythic candidates to relegate an obvious choice to a regular banner.
  18. @Coolmanio I couldn't determine the reason for including that reference. Perhaps someone else knows, or maybe there is no reason and it's just a coincidence.
  19. One thing I noticed is that the difficulty varies by book. Book 3 enemies are level 40, Book 2 enemies are level 35, and Book 1 enemies are level 30. This means that collecting the two flowers from the old heroes is fairly easy, just takes time.
  20. I didn't know Gen 2 didn't affect all unit types. That's interesting.
  21. True, but I think that's to help the movement type compared to other types, rather than a regular generation increase.
  22. It's currently light season, so why would you only have four offensive units next week? Also, isn't this a shortened season? Might be hard to make Tier 21.
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