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Everything posted by Tree

  1. Masked Marth has had several reruns overall, but none recently. A few of the others got rerun all in the same special TT last year (5* Black Knight, 5* Joshua, 4* Arden, 4* Masked Marth, and another 4* unit I can't remember). They also had a special event where the entire player base had to reach a quota of using certain types of units in battle. The quotas were obviously reached and they gave us a 4* Marisa, 4* Oliver, and one other 4* unit I think. That's it for TT reruns. So the max TT unit merges without grails are +3 Black Knight (one merge requires purchase), and +2 Arden, +2 Joshua, +2 Marisa. Masked Marth has the highest potential, but I don't know the number. (I think there is one other TT unit that can be +2, but I can't remember who it is.) This was all before grails though. You can also save grails and try for a Zelgius next time he is on a banner. He has Warp Powder instead of Wings of Mercy and has access to IVs. His neutral stats are much better than the Black Knight's stats: +2 attack, +3 defense, + 3 resistance, - 1 speed, - 2 hp. One copy of Zelgius is like having a Black Knight with several merges,
  2. From what I've read, only a maximum of two defensive mythics count for reducing lift lost. Each additional defensive mythic offers no further benefit. For maximum lift protection, you'd want two +10 copies and four corresponding blessed units. If you field six mythics, you would have less lift protection. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  3. That's fair. Also, large characters need to transform from a human form to fit on the map for gameplay purposes, and Grima already has two of those forms.
  4. I'm not sure how they will handle Grima, since we already have the Robin versions. Sacred Stones:
  5. It would have been better for them to put it in spoiler tags, sure. Sadly, unless you avoid all forums, most future mythics will probably be major spoilers.
  6. Made it to Tier 20 with 9520 lift. We'll see how long this lasts before demotions. I'm Tier 20 in regular arena too, but only 21 points from the bottom, so heading back to Tier 18.
  7. I didn't like that "reveal" in Radiant Dawn, so I treat them as completely separate characters. (I actually like Haar much better than Zelgius. They really didn't treat the Black Knight right with that spoiler alt...)
  8. You can make it up to Tier 20 with the free Eir, no defense team, and partially merged units without expensive skills. It's tight though - I'm currently at 9520 lift. Tier 21 is probably impossible without some sort of defense team, multiple Mythics, or both. The mode is currently more stressful than fun. I'd even be willing to pay for well-made content, but they don't seem to care. I spent the $4 for the Black Knight, but sadly they haven't provided anything else I would want to purchase.
  9. All from Path of Radiance: Black Knight * 3 Haar Black Knight * 3 (According to the new combined vote rules, the Black Knight is not the same character as the Begnion version.)
  10. Yeah, people will just get a pleasant surprise. I put unarmed 4* Roy, unarmed 4* Lilina (infantry), 4* Cecilia (cavalry), and a 5* original Hector. I figure that most players can handle Hector alright and the Cecilia is easy to bait. Once the battle gets started, the unarmed Roy and Lilina run off to the left and angry Hector barges in from his corner on the right. It's rather fun to watch.
  11. That does mean I'd have to change it at least once a week for rival domains, etc. in case someone updated their friend units for brigades.
  12. How does this work? Is the lead shown not the same as the Friend unit (unit in first slot of first team)? If it is actually the first unit on the defense team itself, then I need to let people know that mine is a safe rematch.
  13. I'm glad these are split because my votes wouldn't go to Zelgius if I couldn't vote for the Black Knight. I view them as completely different characters. Haar is next on my list after the Black Knight, not Zelgius. I liked both the Black Knight and Zelgius in Path of Radiance. I didn't like the reveal in Radiant Dawn and the Zelgius Heroes reveal was even worse. There is nothing I like about the way they introduced Zelgius in Heroes with the spoilers, complete stat powercreep, and better skills (Warp Powder). I know Zelgius will get his proper Begnion armor at some point - that's the version I'd want. (I'm hoping my votes will at least get them to make a Black Knight helmet accessory so I can pretend the current Zelgius is the Black Knight.)
  14. 1. Correct, after the first merge, only the asset (boon) will matter. All flaws (banes) are removed, so it doesn't matter what they originally were. (Super banes will restore 4 stat points, so no loss there either.) Neutral are treated differently (+1 extra to the top three stats at level one) since they don't have a flaw to remove. 2. Yes, they said it will be retroactive, so it should fix already merged units too. 3. Not sure - I'll let someone else answer. 4. Nailah has very good skills. How much do you like these units and how much do you care about the Arenas and Aether Raids? If you don't care about really high placement in the competitive modes, or if these are some of your absolute favorite units, then merging is fine. I personally tend to favor merging over rare skill inheritance, but I also don't attempt high scores in arena; I play those modes just for the rewards. 5. Level is irrelevant to stats - at level 40 it all evens out to match the particular IV. Merges are permanent and they do not depend on any level, so you can merge at any level and will get the same result. There are a lot of protections in the game. The only thing you really have to worry about is the merge direction. All skills (learned or not), blessings, previous merges, etc. are preserved regardless of which direction you merge. However, you do have to merge into the correct copy to get the chosen IV. (There is a preview available on the merge screen, so you can double check right before merging.) Note: the top stats at level one, (not level 40 or any other level), are used to determine which stats are added on the first merge. This only affects the order the stats are added. The end result will always be +4 to each stat at +10 merges.
  15. Yeah, I've noticed a few characters with stat errors on the Gamepress IV calculator. The errors are easy to spot though because they either result in a stat outside of the possible range, or cause a unit to have multiple assets or flaws. I'm guessing a lot of the data was entered by hand and that's what caused the discrepancies. It's always been obviously right or wrong in my usage. In the rare worst case scenario, I've had to check a different site for the IV. Most of them are correct though, and I like their IV calculator layout much better than the IV checkers on other sites.
  16. The current Elincia isn't bad at all, but mine only gets used occasionally. (I don't care for her art that much, but the festival Elincia has great art.) I'm expecting that they will release a legendary flying staff version of her at some point. Would you rather have that or the current version? If you really want her to use a sword, then I'd probably try now (since it's a three unit banner with better odds), otherwise I'd skip. Having used both, Tibarn is a better unit in many cases. If you need a sword unit, Caeda's refine is great. She really improves with merges too since she uses all stats well.
  17. That's very nice of you. I'm at 9360 right now. I use a friendly defense team, so I'll lose the guaranteed 80 lift tomorrow. Should have two tries to get a total of 120. My max score is 140, so it seems possible (although I'm out of ladders).
  18. @Usana Can't argue with you on Abyssal. Those are tough and often require special builds per map. I use guides for those if I like the accessory, otherwise I skip them. The attack asset has worked exceptionally well, and has proven much better for my usage than extra speed (at least for Brave Bows). However, by the time I switched to an attack asset, I had the equivalent of a speed boon from merges (+3 speed). So I haven't really used an attack asset without also having a good bit of speed to back it up. Either way, +speed and +attack are the best assets for Bow Lyn. I don't think you can go wrong with either one.
  19. @SuperNova125 @Usana I personally have been really disappointed with quad attacks. I set up my [+spd] Bow Lyn (+3 at that time) just for this purpose using summoner support, Speed + 3 seal, speed buffs, etc.) The four strikes were most often overkill so the quad was irrelevant. However, there were cases where the first two weren't quite enough; this sometimes resulted in her getting hit by a counter attack. Quad attacks can work well to get a guaranteed Luna (or other special) on tough units, but neutral speed (with buffs) is usually adequate for that. (Note that this doesn't work on units that have Wary Fighter/Guard like Surtr - you'll need to use the raw attack stat there.) For abyssal, you'll probably have to use Brash+Desperation anyway, so speed may not matter. The [+spd] asset is probably the most versatile IV for her. The main reasons to use a [+spd] Bow Lyn is for a Firesweep Bow or her default weapon. She uses a Brave Bow very well with neutral, [+spd], or [+atk]. I switched to [+atk] for the Brave Bow. Performance is similar, but counter attacks (from dragons, etc.) are much more rare. Also, she can take out units with Wary Fighter/Guard (like Surtr) much easier.
  20. Don't merge the Lyns. Keep the neutral one for guides. I merged mine, and now I can't use Bow Lyn for any guide. Also, if you give them different blessings, you can complete Blessed Gardens easier, or even have one for both of the two offense Mythic blessing types. (There are also two defensive Mythic blessing types, but Bow Lyn is better suited for offense.) I used to have the same asset/flaw combination [+spd, -hp]. I was able to get some quad attacks, however I didn't find them as useful as I expected. Weak enemies were defeated before the quad attack, and strong enemies had enough defense to make each attack of a quad pretty small. Still, the brave effect takes out so many enemies before they can counter attack, that it's very much worth the investment. Even with neutral attack, the Brave Bow was so good that I left it permanently equipped. Luna as a special helps in cases were she has to fight a unit with high defense. (I only recommend the Brave Bow if you are getting the Brave Bow+ upgrade because the extra attack is needed even more for a [+spd] asset.) I did recently switch to a [+atk] asset which makes the Brave Bow even better. My Bow Lyn is +6 now. With summoner support, Attack +3 seal, Swift Sparrow, and Hone Cavalry she initiates with 60 attack and 45 speed. That's reasonably scary for a ranged brave weapon.
  21. I think you're overthinking it. Ashnard's special blessed armor and Ragnell were both gifts to Daein from Begnion. Greil did not receive Ragnell as a family heirloom. In Ragnell's long history, I am not aware of it transferring through a family. Ike received the sword from the Black Knight rather than his father (who had long given up the sword and refused to take it back).
  22. Since they do time-restrict voting on logged-in accounts, I imagine they internally split logged-in votes from the anonymous ones. It wouldn't affect the current poll, but it could affect other decisions.
  23. That's what I was thinking as well. It at least gives players a chance to focus on getting a particular one. If they aren't going to be 5*, then I think the 5% focus is more reasonable than 3%, especially if they are more than four units in the old seasonal pool.
  24. I agree actually, but it's too late for that.
  25. At Tier 19, I'm probably going to be fewer than 100 lift short of Tier 20 this season which is fine. I also have an easy defense theme team. With even a mediocre defense team, I'd probably make it. At this point, I just want to get grails, and help others get as many as they can too. The competitive aspect of the mode was ruined once they added blessings. Also, I wonder if anyone really likes being forced to have daily matches (especially against horrible, multi-dancer setups and worse).
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