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Everything posted by Tree

  1. I think they will add grails and flowers to other modes eventually, just in smaller quantities. This will help people that don't like Aether Raids, and also give a few extra to those who do play the mode. Regular arena could replace the 100 arena medals with 10 grails. Flowers (20 or so of each color) would fit nicely into the four colors of Forging Bonds. I think my disappointment was that I thought the Heroic Ordeals would actually be a significant source of flowers. (The map variety was underwhelming too.) But, when I think of those flowers as just a small starting amount (like the initial 200 grails), then it isn't so bad. I think flowers are supposed to only be applied to the most favorite units, rather than be an upgrade across the board. I certainly wouldn't mind getting more resources though.
  2. Yeah, I did the same. You can always spend 100 grails though. You'd get 40 blue flowers and another copy of Hone Fliers (at 4*), so not too bad for 100 grails I guess. The loss of a copy is annoying, but I was never going to use the character anyway. It doesn't really matter for older characters I no longer have, since they only provide two flowers.
  3. I thought the same, but it's probably not the case. Ice Dragon answered my similar question here:
  4. Is it possible that she had a red staff planned, and they changed their mind about colored staffs? How do they refer to staffs in Japanese?
  5. With gold orbs hiding the colors in the free summon, you'll only have a one-fourth chance of world burning.
  6. Yes, but it's on the website. There is a link in the app notifications. You have to use a mobile device (or at least tell the website you are on a mobile device.)
  7. I'm pretty sure they will if people don't protest enough. It would prevent players from using the free choice to get a character that eluded you.
  8. I was hoping that gold orbs would be used for something special, but it looks like they are just there to hide the orb colors. They're only doing this on the free summon portion, but it's still a bad sign. Also, it appears that the search and vote minigame isn't in the app, but rather on the website. That lowers the chance of getting larger, scrollable maps in the game...
  9. I wasn't keeping track of the voting, but thanks to your post, I rushed to get one battle done. I didn't finish before the hour changed, but since I started just before, it still gave me the bonus points. If Leif loses, I'm not sure who to pick for the next round.
  10. It appears that heroes from newer books earn more flowers. That's not necessarily an issue in itself, it's just that there is a disparity. The flowers associated with heroes shown in the channel had the following quantities: Book III hero - 40 flowers Book II hero - 8 flowers Book I hero - 2 flowers It takes around 600 total flowers to add five stat points to a single hero (with the final stat requiring 200 flowers). Current infantry can add ten total points. It will cost more than 600 flowers most likley, but the flowers cost increases are lowered - the exact amount is not known.
  11. I expect that he'll get a refine similar in quality to Cherche's Axe, but it will probably be more based on defense.
  12. @indigocean I had two Alms and merged them because of the update... Well, I know where my next two copies of Alm could be going.
  13. @Anacybele Amelia might have been picked for arena scoring. She already has enough bst, just lacked the weapon. I think Nino and other already good units getting refines means that Frederick still has a good chance.
  14. The way Heroic Ordeals determines the number of flowers is downright nasty. Edit: It's just a game, so added smiley to remove seriousness.
  15. I checked again, and you appear to be right. Thanks for looking that up. That does lower the value for non-infantry.
  16. The 3* and 4* units I would get in 56 orbs would provide better skills than the actual 5* I got. The fact that it's two 5*s helps the value somewhat though. The orbs might not directly result in a 5*, but statistically they would contribute to more copies of my target units. For those that don't like most seasonal units, there isn't that much value here. With the color distribution of these particular seasonal units, even trying to get units with useful skills is hard. The pity percent isn't that big of a deal as far as actually getting units. Honestly, I'd take Mist, Luke, or Leo since I don't have any of those. (I like 5* healers. Luke and Leo would be good for my cavalry brigade, and they both have at least one good skill too.)
  17. Well, last year we got 56 more orbs. These two random 5* seasonal summons are worth less than that to me. If you really like seasonal units and also happen to get one you like, then perhaps that is better than 56 orbs. I doubt that is the case for most players. Free orbs and units are still good though even if it isn't as good of a deal as last year.
  18. Edit: Correction - Gen 3 units will likely be able to use the flowers too. (Gen 3 infantry are limited to 5 flowers rather than the 10 allowed for previous infantry.) Gen 3 units (which are probably coming soon) won't be able to use the flowers (at least not at first), so it's more of a boost to gen 1 and 2 units to make them more competitive against gen 3 units. Not that it's really enough make up the difference, but perhaps it will help a little.
  19. Ok, good to know. Perhaps they'll re-release it and fix the issues someday.
  20. Is Thracia not as good, or does it just need its gameplay updated to modern standards?
  21. I honestly have no idea who Leif is, nor do I have one. But I'm glad he won because I'm on his team. (I really wish they would release more games internationally, and remaster old ones.)
  22. If limited units like Naesala or the Black Knight won, could we get them with IVs after the free summon?
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