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Wen Yang

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Everything posted by Wen Yang

  1. PCB Reimu A. Sifer, your turn. Pick twice.
  2. And we have six people. I hereby Declare this draft OPEN! Randomizing pick order... 612354... Sifer, you go first! In case someone wasn't clear, the pick order is as follows: Sifer -> Me -> Kay -> Aki -> Most -> Bal
  3. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=48370 Gonna leave this up for another 2-3 days, then I'll start. Would love more people though. currently at 5 people, got room for up to 7 more.
  4. Or join my draft. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=48370
  5. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=48370 Got the minimum number of people for the draft, though I'd ideally like 2-4 more at least. Will keep draft sign-ups for another 2-3 days to see if there's more interest.
  6. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=48370 We need more players. Lunatic 1CCers and easy mode players, both welcome.
  7. Of course! THE best barbarians go out just in body paint.
  8. Much sexier, and much more useful too!
  9. To this, I can't help but paraphrase from HHGTTG... "So Long, and Thanks for all the good stuff." I'll miss Ghibli.
  10. Most eroge characters (barring the ones that are just "Sex, Sex, and MORE Sex! Screw this gameplay/story/character thing!") are actually pretty reasonably dressed (outside the sex scenes). I'd say that regular, mainstream games have overtaken them as far as dressing slutty goes a good while ago.
  11. IMHO... when Eroge characters dress more reasonably than the Awakening Females... that's a big No-No for me. Case in point: It saddens me to see the direction FE took.
  12. Some people also have grander ideas. Can you really fault an author if he planned to make a series that would last twenty-five years and he actually pulled it off? I know if I were said author, I'd be beyond happy. If anything, I'd tip my hat to said author if he manages to keep people reading for so long.
  13. One PIece has only been going on for... 17 years now. I've read mangas that has gone on for 30-40 years, so I don't see why you complain that One Piece is too long. Hajime No Ippo is a Boxing manga... that's gone on for 24 years. The JoJo series has went on for 27 years. I know of one COOKING Manga that's gone on for nearly 30 years and is STILL going, and of course... there's Golgo 13... which is an assassin manga that has been around since 1973, making it 41 years old as of today.
  14. I wear Glasses... all the time, minus the time where I'm sleeping. Then again, I've been wearing glasses for twenty-five years and don't feel comfy without them so...
  15. It isn't when you habitually replace the cappuccino for coffee liquer with a dash of milk~ ^_^
  16. I like mixing my own cocktails, usually 1/3rd strong cappuccino, 1/3rd strong Moccha, and 1/3rd Rum, blended with ice cubes till it turns into a slurpee-like thing~ ... Oh, thought you meant alcohol. I usually go for soft drinks, though I developed a liking for soda-fied apple juice from my time in germany.
  17. Need more people at http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=48487
  18. ROTFLMAO. This is already shaping up to be as chaotic as I think it would. on a side note... Curly, you're going down!
  19. This, above all, is a similar issue to what I have about Edge of Tomorrow that I mentioned in the OP. Other than a few concepts (Groundhog Day loop with dying, zero to killer, some names), It practically has next to nothing to do with the source material. To clarify... I have zero issue with adaptations like the Lord of the Rings Trilogy or Game of Thrones. They stuck true, they portrayed faithfully, they are great. It's when adaptations merely borrow some stuff and names and then goes all over the place that I take serious issues. And Loki, as I specified to Integ, I meant the Stallone-featuring one. The new one is gr8, though could use some more "GAZE UNTO THE FIST OF DREDD!"
  20. As you folks wanted. I stopped Bothering him about the Draft. Now it's Dead. You happy now!? Seriously though, if you make a draft, BE RESPONSIBLE FOR IT! Either set it to a point that you can leave it on its own so you don't need to come anymore except maybe for final result edits, or be there to update it. Don't abandon it halfway and just leave the other 8~ people hanging like this! And before anyone says "Do it yourself if you think you can do better", http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=48370
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