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Everything posted by BergelomeuSantos

  1. Welcome! Enjoy your stay here and have a drink!
  2. The ''High-Members'' should fill you in for more details. While you're at it, you should check the first thread:
  3. Wait..Are you going to make something that makes you house bigger? Can I..go too?
  4. I think I'm already friends with @Joshii on my Discord, but it does not seem like I'm on the Group. What is the name of the group?
  5. Hm..Let's see.. Protagonist: Claude/Dimitri. (Sorry, but I have a 45%/45% love relationship, with the other 10% being Edelgard) Cavalier: For some reason, I feel like Ferdinand and Sylvain are going to be, respectively, the Abel and the Cain of this game (even with the similar Armor/Hair). And..well..I always liked the Green one (Ferdinand). Akihiko: Caspar. He also looks like my best choice for a Speedy-and-Hitty Unit. Healer: Mercedes. Bonus: She also looks like the most mature female unit, which is good in my opinion. Tank-Of-All: Gameplay-wise? Dedue. But Raphiel looks like a more charismatic guy.. Main-Mage: I haven't played much attention to Mages...Lysithea? Thief: Ashe. Pretty solid choice and looks like a nice guy overall. That Infantry Unit with a Lance: Ingrid. I just love Soldiers and she seems to be the suited for this. (Edit: Or a Pegasus Knight) Edit: I don't how good Linhardt is going to be, but..The Lyn+Reinhardt joke must continue, so I'm making him a Mounted Mage. Also, yes, I know I ended up with a 5/3 party (male/female).
  6. Edit: Something..strange happened to my post. You can ignore this.
  7. Oh, you remember that? Well, sure I can make it again/make another one. It follows the same idea of a GBA-Sprite (but without ''expressions''), right?
  8. Well, that's a surprise for me! This is the last thing I was expecting today, but it doesn't matter. I'm going to play it now and make my thoughts later. Thanks in advance, everyone involved.
  9. Tomé would be something like ''Tomeh''. So..Tommy is out of question.
  10. Well, actually ... Tome (Tomé) is a fairly common name here, but is usually nicknamed Tom. Axe can become Axell or Ax, so..2/5? Bow (Bol) should not be so difficult to find. You might even find someone called Staff. Sword and Beaststone's seem to be the only ones missing here.
  11. ''Who are you? What are you doing here? And why are you killing a Zombie (?) at my door?!''
  12. I don't know how's the Story of the Concept Chapter going, but... What about a 1-2 Bow instead? It could a bow with some value for Pengaius (with most likely a Butter joke), and that bow would ''break'' after the fight, but, as a playable character, he would eventually either found it again or discover another one, making it his Personal Weapon. Edit: *1-2 Rng*
  13. I feel like I've seen you somewhere... Well, anyway, enjoy your stay!
  14. ''I have 2 followers on my Instagram account. Why do you want temporary money if you can be famous just by letting me follow you and uhh...what's the retweet term for Instagram?'' Otherwise, I have this really cool Hammer called ''Black Knight Killer''! You might need it sometime..
  15. Honestly? I think this game will either follow a more ''consistent'' FE14 evade system or be more similar to Awakening. In other words, it would follow a ''break point'' of some sort (Example: >50% have a way better chance to hit than a <50%, unlike Fates' ''50/50 even with a 99% hit'').
  16. Wow, I feel honored! By the way, there's something I wanted to ask you: Which weapons would a Dragon Rider (and promotions) use in this project?
  17. Oh, shots! I ended up reading that wrong, sorry. Welp, no more ''imortal farming''. Well, at least not in that way.
  18. This made me realize something.. If 2-3 rng weapons are a thing (or a Bow Skill with similar effect), there will be pretty easy stuff to exploit. For example, on a 1-block section of a map, you can place a General/Knight/Defensive Guy on the front and put Dorothea 2 spaces behind him (4-Enemy, 3-Defensive Unit, 2-Nothing, 1-Dorothea) and pretty much make a, boring, invincible/farming team. (Specially if you combo the General with skills that Reduce Dmg/Restore Hp) (The only bad spot might be Dorothea's STR stat, which should't be that good)
  19. Oh, sorry. I didn't play Birthright/Revelations that much. However, I know Subaki avoid isn't that good (35% Speed and 45% Luck). Also, Fates had some real ''Hp Down'' stuff (Poison Stuff, Anything being able to deal damage, Anything being able to hit, etc, etc) (Also, I'm not considering ''Super Max Stats''). So it just feels natural for that Skill to not be good on Subaki, which doesn't mean that everyone is a bad user of it, especially if you combo with other skills. Also, it is really that hard to begin combat with Full Hp? Usually I try estrategies that are supposed to keep risk at minimum level, not to get every enemy killed in 2 turns. Which means that everyone is either getting 0 dmg, getting healed, avoiding attacks or attacking from far away.
  20. He's (based on) a Cavalier. Since (most of time) he's going to attack people with Full Hp before losing some points, he will have a great advantage for the First Hit, as he can use a +Pow/-Hit weapon with more ease and, possibly, get a kill. Avoid is also a great thing if the Hit-Rates in this game are bad/medium, since he can Kill a enemy without losing HP while having a chance of getting into a spree. So..yeah. It's a pretty good skill. But RNG is going to be Major Fact on this Skill. However, we don't have any information on that yet, so it should not be down-leveled because of it.
  21. I do not know if you like me or not, but please give me an Bow Armor Reclass!
  22. Wow, I really got in! Thanks! Well..I guess I should start to plan my character then.. I don't mind any changes made to my character, but..I would like, if possible, to be a good guy. I just can't see me killing my own Nation/Friends or betraying them. On the other hand, I can easily see me getting betrayed. Since I'm a Tier-1 and a (somewhat) normal dude, I don't see me joining that late. Hell, you can even make me one of the first characters! (I can serve as both a Lancer and a Tank for the beginning) As for Stats, I can be somewhat close to Danved (in terms of Growths) (Good HP/LCK, decent ATK/SPD/DEF and bad RES/SKL).
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