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Everything posted by BergelomeuSantos

  1. I guess I share the same hate for (especially white) rice as you. I don't know how it works out there but here we eat a lot, A REALLY LOT, of rice, especially white. Meat+Rice, Pasta+Rice, Soup+Rice, Beans+Rice, FREAKING CANDY+RICE (we call it sugar rice or whatever), if you can name it, it can be eaten with rice. Every damn ''eat time'' in my family has this little guy on it, normally it tastes like nothing and it's just there because someone wanted salt on the food (even if there's like, 3 more foods at the table that also use salt) or to ''absorb'' the soup.
  2. Yes, I actually forgot to say that on my main post. Mauthe Doog and the Skeletons seems to have a little more ''love'' than the others (Dragons/Manaketes too, if you count them as ''monster type''). Do you have any idea from where this hate for monster come from? If I'm going to bet, I probably would guess that it's because Hackers prefer to edit FE7>FE8, my second guess it's that the Monster Type are simply outclassed by Human Type in those terms.
  3. I was just thinking about some stuff when I noticed something quite odd... You know about FE8 Gorgons? Well, what about custom sprites/animations? You probably know a thing or two about them but..Have you ever stop to think about the simple fact that Gorgon doesn't get any love on Custom Sprites/Animations? Actually, I don't think it gets any love at all by the community. Well, this leaves this just to the case: Have you ever seen ANY love for Gorgon on the Fire Emblem Communities? I'm just really curious about that and the fact that this class/monster is completely ignored by..everyone? Of course this is not a request or anything like that, so feel free to either answer it or don't.
  4. I was just thinking about some stuff when I noticed something quite odd... You know about FE8 Gorgons? Well, what about custom sprites/animations? You probably know a thing or two about them but..Have you ever stop to think about the simple fact that Gorgon doesn't get any love on Custom Sprites/Animations? Actually, I don't think it gets any love at all by the community. Well, this leaves this just to the case: Have you ever seen ANY love for Gorgon on the Fire Emblem Communities? I'm just really curious about that and the fact that this class/monster is completely ignored by..everyone? Of course this is not a request or anything like that, so feel free to either answer it or don't.
  5. @Von Ithipathachai Thanks! Oh, and sorry for not replying to you at first place. I feel kinda bad now.
  6. @Shin19 (Sorry, I don't know how to ''mark'' people yet..) Many thanks! I ended up having some trouble finding this ''Arthur Pendragon'' so I figure it out that maybe I could get some ideas of ''where is this guy'' by looking at your Profile. Turns out that you actually had a site for things like this! (Sorry if I mistake anything, I didn't quite read everything.) I'll make sure to give both the credit and thanks to both you and Arthur Pendragon for helping me and making this little class of mine actually possible! Thanks again!
  7. Like most of the people, I would recommend the Tellius series now (FE9/10). They're a great way to getting used to the skill system, what makes them pretty good for a ''before FE4/5'' type of gameplan. The story, characters, game balance are also pretty good at the Tellius series. Well....I mean, at least on FE9...While I didn't finish FE10, I'm going to say to stay away from it for a little time..FE10 is a little different from most Fire Emblems, with high caps, ''60'' level cap (3rd-tier promotions) and all that. Don't worry tough, FE10 it's a good game. I just don't think it's a ''mid-beginner'' (please, don't take that as a offense) game. I could go about Archanea Saga as well, but...I'm quite sleepy right now, so yeah, sorry.
  8. Well..while he does have all the requirements, I was thinking of the Hero as his some-what promotion (I'm just thinking about it tough), and the Hero class looks too skilled to be this class ''tier-1''. I didn't think it would help that much but I guess I should say that the class I'm making it's some sort of a class when knights still, pretty much, recruits (which means that he still learning and all.). Which, pretty much, makes the Unskilled Soldier the best option.
  9. (First of all, sorry if this is not the right Forum to ask.) I was creating a little custom class of mine but I required a ''Infantry Sword user with Shield'' animations, I didn't think any of the already present sprites in FE meet all requirements so I started looking out for custom animations. I found one that was pretty much what I was looking for (''Squire'', from RusselClark, A Random Player, and Kobazco), but I ended up with some erros with it (and isn't really that good...sorry creators.) Then I noticed that the Soldier class has pretty much everything I want, but he uses a lance. I was hopping for a custom animation of the Soldier but with Swords, but even tough it looks like something easy to find (since all you actually need to change it's his weapon), I couldn't find it anywhere. I didn't want to be ''this guy'' but...I'm going to ask for help to find it. Please, if you found it anywhere or just happens to have one, point it to me. I'm happy to give any credit, as long as I know who's the creator. (Also, I guess I should say that English is not my Main language.)
  10. Okay...So, first things first: English is not my main language, so...be ready for some erros, ok? Now, to the main question: Why's my Merlinus don't getting any type of Battle Animation? I'm trying to make a hack room where he's going to be a cavalier, but I already tried everything: Changed his class to cavalier, tried to make the wager into a cavalier, put freaking cavalier animations on the wager, also tried with others classes, etc. but nothing of those worked! What's his problem anyway? I need to change a specific ''number''? By the way, I'm using FEditor.
  11. Just noticed that I wasn't logged, nice.
  12. Ok, gonna try too. FE1/11: Elice FE2/15: Valbar FE3/12: Phina / ''My Unit'' (I mean, maybe?) FE4: Oifey FE5: Aahh, I don't know! Orsin? FE6: Gonzalez, just do it. FE7: Marcus FE8: Gerik (would love to see Tethys/Orson too..) FE9: Just create a new ''beast class'' and put pretty much anyone. FE10: Jill FE13: Vaike FE14: Mozu Funny, you can even think of some ''histories'' for some of them. Like Marcus and Oifey.
  13. First, I loved the Sea Master idea. If I was any good with creating animations, I would definitely make it. Second, even tough I don't like to let class stats be a major thing, but this time I guess I should use them too: Brigand: Hp/Str/Skl/Spd/Def/Res/Const/Mov 20 5 1 5 3 0 12 5 Pirate: Hp/Str/Skl/Spd/Def/Res/Const/Mov 19 4 2 6 3 0 10 5 (Still, I won't put the Class Growths on the table because...Well, they don't match the bases very well, you know? COF COF KNIGHT 25% GROWTH ON DEF COF COF) Well...now you can see that they're even more similar. About the Bases>Growths, I actually think more of Bases=Growths. I normally balance a character/class bases by looking at his growths, and balance a character/class growths by looking at his bases. I know this might sound a little stupid, but that's how I see it. A character/class should be loyal to his bases and growths. You should think that a level+1 character would have been into fights and got experience just like your own units, so it won't make a lot of sense someone Level 10 have 3 on Skill base (for example) but a 55% growth on it. About @Slumber idea, I actually kind of liked. Even tough, one thing: Brigands are almost naked on the Battlefield, the most ''defense'' that he was it's his freaking pants. (Or Helmet in FE5, for example.) I don't really see how they would get defense. (You're thinking about Marty, aren't you? :l ) The ''Mounted Brigand'' idea was pretty good too, but I disliked the Lance part. I mean, a class with a high attack, use lances, somewhat good speed and other balanced stats isn't the same thing as a Cavalier? However, if he would use axes, it could make him into a more distinct class. As you may know, the only Mounted Classes that can use Axes in GBA Games are Paladin(only FE6 I think...), Great Knight and...Wait, that's it. Wyverns only started to use axes on the newer games, and Axe-Cavalier wasn't a thing in the GBA. A Axe-Mount would be a pretty good thing to the GBA games and the Franchise in general. (Let's say, FE16 wants to use the basic cavalier, not ''sword-cav, lance-cav...'', and the old Wyverns. The only thing mounted to use axes would be promoted classes. So a new ''Mount-Axe'' with distinct stats and growths than a Cavalier could be a great thing to the game.) Oh, and sorry if I lost my way here a little. And man, now that I think about it: Pirates have been dead ever since FE1/2 remakes. That's pretty sad actually, we didn't get a lot of pirates on the franchise. I would love to see them returning on the newer games.
  14. Right....I've been thinking about this for a long time. First of all, I'm not that good with english, so...sorry. Second, this is NOT a fight to see ''who's better''. This is a discussion that I wanted to create to see what differences they should have, especially with growths, promotions, stats and such. With that said, let's start. -------------------------------------------------------- I was balancing FE6 for myself those days, and I come across the two characters that created this topic. Geese and Gonzales. By the way, I should say that ''sea-crossing''/''mountain-crossing'' is not the main topic. Having 2 similar classes with only one difference is not something that I would like to have. Btw, those are the growths: Geese- Hp 85 Str 50 Skl 30 Spd 40 Lck 40 Def 20 Res 10 Gonzales- Hp 90 Str 60 Skl 15 Spd 50 Lck 35 Def 25 Res 5 (I'm not going to put the enemy growths because...Let's face it, they're pretty stupid...) As you can see, they're pretty similar, even tough Geese Skill is way higher than Gonzales, it still some-what bad. The Hp, Str, Spd, Lck, Def and Res growths are almost equal. Both will end with good Hp, Str, Spd, bad Res and Mid Lck, Def, Skl (for Geese). How do you guys think we should make them into more distinct classes? One of the first toughs that come to my head were a new promotion for the Pirate. I think the Berserker works well with the Brigand, so to balance the Berserker we can make him have a even better mountain mobility, but remove his water mobility, or just make it 1-block. For the Pirate we can make a more ''Pirate-Like'' promotion, like Captain or such. He could have a better water mobility, a new weapon type to use (my first tough was a Gun, but...Fire Emblem, ya know? So maybe a Sword?). Now, to the main question: What about Stats/Growths? Now, that's my trouble...What do you guys thinks about this (And sorry for taking a lot of time for my ideas on this ''What you think'', lol).
  15. Hi. I just wanted to say that the BlueStacks version worked well with me with no major problems. So yeah...Thanks.
  16. Thanks for the ideas! I'm thinking of make Gray a Mercenary, Kliff as a Mage/Monk (I know the class is not on the game but this is not canon, you know?), Tobin as an Archer and Atlas as a Fighter (what? I need to have someone to beat lances as I'm not THAT good to get rid of the weapon triangle). As for Faye...I still low on ideas. We already have a Pegasus, a Cleric and mages. Maybe a Dark Mage? Anyway, thanks for the ideas and sorry for only answering after all that time. As for that: I was going to put on something like that but...I could find it. Or i think i found it but i could not say anything there. So i just realised that i should say something on the ''Welcome Topic'' fist to be able to use the others topic. Anyway, thanks for both for answers and i think i have a better idea of what do now. The only problem right is probably the portraits, but i think i can fix this.
  17. First of all, hi! I'm new here! Please forgive my mistakes in English, English is not my main language and ... google translator fails from time to time. That being said, I'll ask my little question: What class do you think is the ''main'' of all the villagers of FE2 / FE15? I'm doing a little rom hack on FE8 with the little porpus on being a little remake / remaster (I do not really remember the difference from them right now), but I do not promise it will be good or even finished. Note: You can also choose classes that are not present in the Villager promotion, such as an Axe user. I really do not think I'm going to need any more help besides that, since I'm already familiar with hacking tools and such. That's all, thanks for any advice I might receive!
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