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Everything posted by BergelomeuSantos

  1. Got nicked by a animal and didn't waste 2 hours of her life doing ''Save-Load-Return-Load'' for a stupid 7% ''Capture Hit'' with Marty in FE5.
  2. Hm..This is a little tough one for me. While Blue Lions is my favorite ever since the first trailer, I would prefer to play it on a harder difficulty. (My first run is always a Normal-Casual because of exploring and learning the ways, while also paying a lot of attention to how's the challenging going) (I might change my mind if I found Normal-Casual to be..Birthright. Gosh, Birthright Normal Mode was boring) With that in mind, I would choose Golden Deer first. They seem like the most ''out and fun!'' team, which would be perfect for a more casual playthrough. Secondly, I would choose the Blue Lions on a harder difficulty. And lastly, there's the Black Eagles. They're going to be the last ones for a simple reason: There might be 2 routes. If there are 2 routes, my mind wouldn't change until I played the second one, making it the most viable last route.
  3. (Ninja'ed me) Throw a gluten-free biscuit at her to see if she goes away.
  4. Just found a grilled friend! (Wait..''Grilled'' means that the weather is getting hotter? If that's the case, I guess I'm also Grilled..Not that it changes much around here.)
  5. Wonder why there's an anime girl with a dragon in front of me, then point to a random direction while closing my door.
  6. Knows a lot more about Xenoblade than I do.
  7. Is correct. (Also made me laugh really hard, even if I don't know exactly why)
  8. Crap, I'm sorry! I should have gone for that +2 hours of sleep... I'll edit that right away. (Also, yes. I always mistake Ignatz for a girl. Even when I'm not a moving mindless corpse.) (Also..Who da hell was the 6° girl that I saw? It wasn't Byleth, that's for sure. I was really out of my mind..Wait..Did I really just mistake Claude for a girl?)
  9. Hm.. I don't plan on marring any of the students, so I'll only marry teachers or ''extra-characters'' (Which aren't allowed in this Topic...) On the other hand, if we take only ''Who you like most out of your students?'' in consideration (not ''Who would you choose for you boyfriend?-Yosuke''), it would end up like this: (Black Eagles) M-Bernadetta. F-Ferdinand. (Blue Lions) M-Mercedes. F-Dedue. (Golden Deer) M-Marianne. F- Lorenz. (By the way, I didn't choose any (know) Same-Gender/Bissexual character because I plan for things like ''Linhardt and Caspar'', otherwise I would choose Linhardt by far. He's pretty much me on a Fire Emblem game!...but cuter, good looking and (more)bissexual)
  10. Hello! And welcome! And wow, all the way from Fates? That's quite some time. But I'm happy that you decided to join up. It's always good to have someone ''new''.
  11. ''Hey, I know you!'' Ask if he can teach me how to use ''The Force'' or something. (And give him a cup of whatever is made of alcohol, of course)
  12. Might be having a lot of fun. Wait, where are you now?
  13. Well..I'm not the best one to explain it, but here it goes!: Any class can wield any weapon now!...With a few exceptions: Gauntlets (a new weapon type) can only be used by foot-classes (so it doesn't work with cavaliers, peg. knights, etc) Magic is restricted to Classes that can use Magic. Like.....Mages. And lastly, but not less important, there's Class Weapon Mastery. In resume, some classes are better with specific weapons (like...Swordmaster with Swords).
  14. Might be correct. No one knows for sure what this thing is.
  15. Honestly? I don't really care. I'm good with any. (Also, my Translated Rom of FE6 had Dex instead of Skill, so I'm already adapted) This felt like a good way to differ Skill from...well, Skill. Specially in this entry of the franchise, where we would have...4 ''Skills''(?) if the named wasn't changed. This is going to be a great thing for newcomers, especially since this is the first Main-Game on a home console after Awakening (which has, in my opinion, the ''Gate for newcomers''), meaning that there's going to be a lot of new players (even with the Bad Marketing for newcomers, again, in my opinion)
  16. Didn't just refined the wrong weapon in Heroes.
  17. I don't know how the ''Bow Damage Calculation'' discussion is going right now, but.. There's also the Disgaea's form of Damage Calculation, which takes Str/2 and Skl/2 for the Bow damage. However, since Archer's Str isn't...great, I guess we could make something like Str/2 + Skl, this would give them a lot more of damage potential (you heard that, Leonardo?) and (probably) make them into a better class. (I'm going to test this in a actual game and give my verdict later) Also...I don't recommend using FE10 for Str vs Skl. Hit Rates in that game were pretty ridiculous.
  18. Sorry, it seems like most of my ideas have been covered already: -2° Chance for Growths (Lck%) -Lck also helping in Critical Hits (Like more tradicional RPG's) -Skl/Dex giving 1 point to Critical Hits (instead of 0.5) -Lck x 2 = Dodge (This would be specially good in a game where 30 Skl + 30 Crit-Weapon = 60 Critical Chance, making this the only way to null the critical hit) -Skl/Dex and Lck helping in Skill Activation (I feel like Skl + Lck/2 is the best way for something like this, but it can vary from Skill to Skill) -Might add some others in a next post or something like that. ---------------------- Do you have a specific motive for this question? (I mean: it's for one of your projects?) (I'm just curious, no need to actually give me a actual explanation) Also, sorry for not participating so much in Serenes Emblem. Especially for that ''I'll make this portrait in one day!''.
  19. Might be belching a lot right now. (That's what happens to me when I eat a lot of chicken, anyway)
  20. Oh, this can be fun. I'll go with everyone since I'm too confused about which house to choose:
  21. That's some crazy luck you got there. Or not. I don't know how rare it is to have ''Other-Language friends'' out there. If it wasn't for my RPG-Addicted MMO Friend, I might not be here.
  22. Ferdinand just made to my top 3. Cool. However, while I love this idea of ''Hey, kids! Who wants to start a revolution against my home-country?!'', I think this was only his way of making a ''test'' to Byleth. But..If this is the case, he shouldn't be recrutable, so...I''ll keep the idea of him wanting to end the Empire.
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