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Posts posted by BergelomeuSantos

  1. A man who was supposed to be executed along his family on a Vulcano. However, while falling, he managed to get one of the bad guys' sword and, with a new power that he had awakened after losing his entire family (he was the last one to ''die'' for torture purpose), he made his way to the top again (and killed the bad guys because..revenge?). After that, he made a vote to himself that no one in his city would suffer the same fatality. Now, using a Magma Armor and Katana (only resembles Magma, it's not real-hot Magma), he helps people that get involved at criminal issues (drugs, robbers, others) and works brutally (literally) to end every criminal empire of his city.


    Thunder Darios 

  2. Didn't Smash5 had Rathalos?

    Edit: Also, sorry for not participating. I just got my copy of Smash5 and I didn't have enough time to fight every single boss.

    I did, however, fight Rathalos. His fight is really cool at how loyal it is to Monster Hunter (if you ignore the fact that he's flying at 90% of the time on the original game). Also, just if you want to know, the deku nut is a reference to a item called Flash Bomb, a throwing item that allows the user to ''blind'' the monster for some time if it hits the eyes. Pitfall trap is pretty self-explanatory.

  3. Wow, that's quite a lot of replies! So we're getting Combat Skills (like in SoV) and Class/Personal Skills? That looks like a both good/fun and  broken idea to have at a game, but I'm looking forward to it. 

    (Thanks for the replies, btw)

  4. I'm really lost at how much was shown until now and mostly is because I want to avoid most of non-mechanics trailers. But now I got myself wondering..is there any evidence (or a straight forward reveal) of skills at this game? Also, you don't need to actually give a explanation if you don't want to, a simples YES or NO is enough.

  5. Also, I'm a big fan of Persona/Valkyria Chronicles 2 so I'm pretty excited for this Academy-Like type of gameplay. I don't know how the Teacher-Student relationship is going to work, but I'm pretty scared of it. Not a negative point, ''It just ain't my style to marry my freaking students''. I would love to see a more Paternal/Maternal type of relationship though.

  6. Hm..I don't really know how do I feel about this game.

    On the first hand, I like the ''class-freedom'' that it gives, it's art style, weapons and protagonists (I would like to change MU clothes, though)

    On the other hand, I feel like this going to be unbalanced as fu-. I mean, 0 Tier + Reclass (1 Tier) + Any-Weapon + 2 Tier + Everything else = Broken Units.

    I'm probably going to buy it, play it and like it, but I don't see any hype coming from me right now. However, there is going to be no hate from me, because it looks really good aside from these  minors stupid balance problems that I pointed out.

  7. Hm..Let's see..

    Portraits/Status Screen-Radiant Dawn/FE10. I don't really know how to explain it, it just works to me.

    Map Sprites-Fates. They're cute, understandable (in terms of ''who da qruck is this unit?'') and cool. I do have some trouble with the new classes, though.

    Designs-I'm lost at this one..maybe (New) Mystery of the Emblem?

    Backgrounds-Shadows of Valentia. There's not really much to say here: I don't really care about any background from the older games and hate most of FE13 maps.

    ''Models''-FE5/Thracia 776. 

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